Chapter 25

Break Your Heart
Chapter 25

After living a few years over at New York and finally graduating from New York Fashion Academy, Hyun finally returned back to Seoul without informing anyone because she wanted to give them a pleasant surprise. She stepped out of the airport, putting her luggage aside as she closed her eyes and breathed in a deep breath, smiling to herself. She really felt very glad to be back home after being in another country for so many years.

'Hey, little miss; can't you slow down to wait for your gorgeous boyfriend?' Hyukjae said as he caught up with her, standing beside her as he wrapped his arm around her shoulder, pulling her closer, smirking. Hyun rolled her eyes and punched his playfully in his chest, 'By any chance, do you know where that gorgeous boyfriend of mine is?' She asked teasingly, to which, Hyukjae groaned and pouted, 'You should really cherish this handsome boyfriend of yours more, you know? You should know there are tons of girls waiting to replace your girlfriend position right?' 

She giggled at his silliness and wrapped her arms around his waist, feeling really blissful and still can't believe that Hyukjae is finally hers. 

The cab came over afterwards and they quickly settled all their luggage into the boot of the cab before heading into it. On the way back home, Hyukjae laid his head on top of Hyun's that was on his shoulder, enjoying the comfortable silent moment they're having while Hyun just closed and rest her eyes for a bit and thought back of how both of them spent their time together for those few years when they're back at New York. 

Even though Hyun is busy with her studies at school, wanting to graduate in the fastest time while Hyukjae rented a small studio to give dance lessons to people who are interested in dancing, but Hyun considered the time spent in New York was one of her most favourite moment in her entire life. Not only she has officially become Hyukjae’s girlfriend, they also lived in a small apartment together while they were over at New York.
Even though both of them are busy, but both of them would eventually set a time out free to for each other and go on dates and such. Of course, life isn’t a bed of roses, there were times where they quarrelled with each other, badly too. But in the end, either of them would just give in and apologize because it’s too hard for them to give each other cold shoulders.
‘Hey baby, we reached.’ Hyukjae softly nudged Hyun, waking her up before he pays the driver the cab fare. Hyun mumbled a soft ‘Okay’ before heading down the cab, still half awake with Hyukjae. They took their luggage and stood in front of the entrance of Hyun’s house.
‘We’re home.’ Hyun announced softly, smiling as she looked up to meet Hyukjae’s gazing eyes on her. They both smiled before giving each other a soft peak on the lips. They then opened up the gate and walked towards the main door of the house. After pressing the doorbell, they heard some ruffling sounds behind the door before it flung open.
Hyun’s mother was the one who opened the door and when she looked at the two people in front of her, she widened her eyes in shock and covered with both her hands, eyes seemingly accumulating the tears of joy.
‘Who’s there?’ Hyukjae’s mother asked from behind before she saw the two of them laughing at Hyun’s mother’s reaction. Hyukjae’s mother shrieked in excitement, ‘Yah! Hyukjae and Hyun are back! They’re back!’ Everyone in the house quickly scrambled down towards the living room as they crowded around them, hugging them so much to express how much they’ve missed them while they’re gone for all these years.
‘We missed you so much…’ Hyun’s mother said as she cried out of happiness, she then cupped Hyun’s face, and looked at her before continuing, ‘You’ve lost weight… Is life over there tough?’ To which, Hyun just shook her head and pulled her mother into an embrace. ‘Life over here for you is tougher than life over in New York for me. Sorry for making you worry all day long.’ Hyun said, sighing in contentment as she was now in her mother’s arms.

New chapter up! Hope you guys like it! ^-^ Kekeke, and I think you all enjoyed the previous chapter a lot right? Since there are so many happy comments!! Kekeke~
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Chapter 30: Awwwweee :") the final chapter was so sweet. sequel please. hihi with their children xD
The last chap is so sweet..... I'm sorry because late comment... Huhu~ I really want to comment and read it as you post the chap.. But I've my own reason to read it late... Huhu~ Mianhaeyo..<br />
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To Hyukjae and Hyun... Chukae!
I loooove this fic :) Thanks for sharing this! I'm surely gonna love your new fic 'cause its Donghae centered! :"> So excited. :D
<3 welcome <3 love it !
@leeyab0o: thankyou :)
wow! nice!
@shineehyekyo: Omg, kekeke~ I'm really happy to know you like this story~~ But do sleep!! ><;; Yessssss~~ I'm a hardcore Hyuk stan~ He's just.... asdfghjkl!!! >///<<br />
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@Katarainaa: Thankyou!!! <3 Awww, that was fast! Kekeke~
Omo! I started reading this tonight around 1am because I couldn't sleep... Then I couldn't stop reading! D: It was so good, I also sobbed at parts - Hyun seemed so upset ): x It's now 5am and I've just finished... :$ x<br />
Oh my, I'm a huge HyukJae fan - it started with me watching SuJu music videos, now I'm losing sleep for him xD lol :$ x
@mariiah: Kekeke~ Thank you! Happy New Year to you too! And yup, I surely will >_< Next fic gonna be Donghae centered! Hope you'll read it and hope you'll like it ∩_∩ Hwaiting!! <3<br />
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@meowchie09: Kekeke >< thank you! Happy New Year to you too! ^~^<br />
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@SarangHyuk: Awwww~ Thank you so much for your kind words >< I'm glad that you liked it! Keke!<br />
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@xXshelleybloobellyXx: Happy New Year to you too! And yes, I'll continue writing~ I'm glad that you loved it :3 Keke~<br />
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@cassie10: Thank you for reading! Kekeke~ Yup, my next fic is up! Hope you'll subscribe to it ><;; Keke thank youuuuuu <3<br />
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@ihanchul, @Nurus94, @Reenaa: ^w^<br />
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@purplekpop: Kekeke~ Hope you've liked it! ^.^
awww im reading it and gosh<br />
the first chapter<br />
"never fall in love with me"<br />
cries<br />
you stupid child hyuk jae ><