Chapter 4

Break Your Heart
Chapter 4
‘Annyeong! Sorry I’ve came late, did you guys waited long?’ Hyun greeted her classmates as they reached where her friends were sitting in Starbucks. ‘It’s okay, we just came over anyway. And who might this be…?’ Haera asked. ‘Oh, this is my… um…’ Hyun started introducing Hyukjae before he cut her off by continuing, ‘Boyfriend.’
She took a glance at Hyukjae and smiled before announcing proudly to her classmates, feeling really happy that Hyukjae actually wanted her friends to acknowledge him as her boyfriend. ‘This is my boyfriend, Hyukjae. And this is Haera, Tae Kyung and Donghae!’
‘Hey Hyukjae-ssi, you’re a dancer if I’m not wrong right?’ Tae Kyung asked, narrowing his eyes which made Hyun raised her eyebrows in surprise and asked, ‘Tae Kyung oppa, are you a fortune teller? How did you know!?’ Tae Kyung’s expression started to change and Hyukjae could sense that his attitude towards him wasn’t going to be nice too. ‘Well, apparently Hyun, I think you should be careful of your boyfriend… You know.’ He started, and yes Hyukjae know what he’s referring to.
He must’ve seen him flirting around in the clubs or something, but Hyukjae can’t even remember seeing him. ‘What do you mean…?’ Hyun asked cautiously, knowing he was going to say something she didn’t want to hear. ‘I’ve seen him having several girls around his arms all at once.’ Tae Kyung commented. ‘Stop it, Tae Kyung oppa.’ Hyun gave an awkward smile while Hyukjae was just being nonchalant about it since he knew what Tae Kyung wanted to say.
‘Seriously Hyun?! He cheats on you and yet you pretend that there’s nothing happening?’ Tae Kyung exploded because he feels that Hyukjae is unworthy for someone like Hyun. She deserved so much better. Hyun glanced over at Hyukjae who was looking everywhere except her and her friends and then looked back at Tae Kyung again. She sighed, ‘Tae Kyung oppa, stop it. I think I’m not feeling well, you all just enjoy yourself. I’m going off.’
Hyun walked away without even bothering pulling Hyukjae with her because she knows what Tae Kyung was saying are the truth. She knew Hyukjae was avoiding her, she knows everything. She just didn’t want to face the fact. When she was heading out, she heard Haera muttered something like, ‘See?! Do you have to make the situation awkward for Hyun and her boyfriend?!’ But she just ignored it and went out of the café.
Hyukjae immediately chased after her without even bidding goodbye with her friends, while Donghae just looked longingly, tempted to chase after Hyun but decided not to since Hyukjae was there for her. He was worried for Hyun because this is the first time he see her acting like this.
‘Hyunnie! Wait up!’ Hyukjae shouted while jogging up by her side and held her wrist, making her stop on her tracks. He turned her around to see a hurt expression flashed on her face but was immediately replaced by a sad smile. ‘What’s wrong?’ He asked her while caressing her cheeks with his thumb. Hyun just shook her head and denied, but deep down, she was hurting. She felt so hurt when Tae Kyung said that he saw Hyukjae still fooling around even if he was together with her.
‘Speak your mind up.’ Hyukjae gently said, making Hyun look at him hesitantly while he just nodded, encouraging her to speak up. Hyun was really hesitant about asking him because she knew that if a single thing goes wrong, everything including this trial relationship and maybe their long time friendship might just go down the drain.
She knew this trial relationship isn’t real but she did felt happiness throughout the months they were together. Hyukjae made her feel like she’s in cloud nine every time they were together.
Finally, she couldn’t help herself and heaved a deep breath before asking.
‘Are the things that Tae Kyung oppa said just now true…?’

Annyeong people~ ^-^ Ahhh, I'm so sorry for making Hyukjae seemed like such a bad guy here~ He's still nice though but because he has been hurt T^T Blame the ex-girlfriend kekeke~ Anyway hope you all like this new update even though it's.... pretty sad over here. But it'll get better! :D :D
And yayyyyy 13 subscribers! A small amount but it meant a lot to me hehe. :3 and thank chu all for the comments, it's certainly loved!!
@xXshelleybloobellyXx: T_T Ikr... :( Poor Hyun!
@nameisnami: Thank you!!! :D
@Thania97: Yay! I'm really glad that you like it! ^-^ Thank you for subscribing! :3
@glinkkiehyukkie: Ikr.... :'( And hi there new friend kekeke~ :B
@kawaiiikit: Sigh~ If only he knows her feelings D': And here you go! Updated!! ^-^ Aww it's okay :)
@sheskristine: Hi there new subscriber!! <3 Hehe your bias is Hyukkie too? :3 Yeah~ Poor Hyun :( And here you go~ New update! Hehehe!
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Chapter 30: Awwwweee :") the final chapter was so sweet. sequel please. hihi with their children xD
The last chap is so sweet..... I'm sorry because late comment... Huhu~ I really want to comment and read it as you post the chap.. But I've my own reason to read it late... Huhu~ Mianhaeyo..<br />
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To Hyukjae and Hyun... Chukae!
I loooove this fic :) Thanks for sharing this! I'm surely gonna love your new fic 'cause its Donghae centered! :"> So excited. :D
<3 welcome <3 love it !
@leeyab0o: thankyou :)
wow! nice!
@shineehyekyo: Omg, kekeke~ I'm really happy to know you like this story~~ But do sleep!! ><;; Yessssss~~ I'm a hardcore Hyuk stan~ He's just.... asdfghjkl!!! >///<<br />
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@Katarainaa: Thankyou!!! <3 Awww, that was fast! Kekeke~
Omo! I started reading this tonight around 1am because I couldn't sleep... Then I couldn't stop reading! D: It was so good, I also sobbed at parts - Hyun seemed so upset ): x It's now 5am and I've just finished... :$ x<br />
Oh my, I'm a huge HyukJae fan - it started with me watching SuJu music videos, now I'm losing sleep for him xD lol :$ x
@mariiah: Kekeke~ Thank you! Happy New Year to you too! And yup, I surely will >_< Next fic gonna be Donghae centered! Hope you'll read it and hope you'll like it ∩_∩ Hwaiting!! <3<br />
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@meowchie09: Kekeke >< thank you! Happy New Year to you too! ^~^<br />
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@SarangHyuk: Awwww~ Thank you so much for your kind words >< I'm glad that you liked it! Keke!<br />
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@xXshelleybloobellyXx: Happy New Year to you too! And yes, I'll continue writing~ I'm glad that you loved it :3 Keke~<br />
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@cassie10: Thank you for reading! Kekeke~ Yup, my next fic is up! Hope you'll subscribe to it ><;; Keke thank youuuuuu <3<br />
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@ihanchul, @Nurus94, @Reenaa: ^w^<br />
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@purplekpop: Kekeke~ Hope you've liked it! ^.^
awww im reading it and gosh<br />
the first chapter<br />
"never fall in love with me"<br />
cries<br />
you stupid child hyuk jae ><