Chapter 20

Break Your Heart
Chapter 20 – Hyukjae’s POV
I went back to my dance studio. I needed some time alone. The kiss and the words Hyun said to me, kept replaying in my mind. I was really happy that Hyun did respond to the unexpected kiss, I didn’t know why I did that but I knew that, at that moment; I just have to do it.
I feel like there were fireworks put out everywhere when we were kissing, and this feeling is something that I’ve never felt before. It was the first time.
But then, Hyun’s voice came into my mind again.
‘Stop deceiving yourself and let your heart make the decision for once. Lee Hyukjae, you know that you’ve fell for me. You said it before; you wouldn’t kiss me, not unless you really fell for me… If you don’t have the heart or intention on really making me stay, please do not find me anymore and just allow me to leave peacefully. I would really appreciate it if you do that. Thank you, Eunhyuk-ssi.’
Those words just kept replaying again and again in my mind even if I wanted it to stop, it just wouldn’t. Hearing Hyun calling me Eunhyuk just cuts me deep down, knowing that the only important person in her heart was Lee Hyukjae and not Lee Eunhyuk. Lee Eunhyuk was just a mere stranger to her, and now, I’m that stranger.
Seeing her sobbing breathlessly, makes my heart break into more than a million of pieces. At that moment when I decided to kiss her, my heart certainly has known that I’ve fallen for her. Yes, I fell for her. I fell for her smile, her pout that she always shows whenever I , her laughter, her concentrated face that does so many expressions whenever she’s watching a movie, her touch, her bad temper, how she gets jealous over the minor things, and… everything about her.
There are too many things to list and it would take a lifetime for me to list it out if it’s needed to. And now, her kiss has also been added into the list.
But because of me, not saying the three words and not being persistence enough on wanting her to stay, she’s leaving in a few hours’ time for New York. And who knows when will she ever come back? Who knows what if she found herself a boyfriend over there and forgets about me? Who knows what might even happen to her out there, not being by my side so that at least I could protect her?
Come to think of it now, she has never been away from me this far before.
Here I am, lying on the ground inside the dance studio, thinking what if I didn’t hold myself back at that point of time and tell her the three words that she has always wanted to hear? What if I insisted her to stay and not leave my side because I needed her?
She would obviously not leave you and stay by your side for forever.A voice in my head answered my question.
Suddenly, I sprang up. I thought about some things and calculated the consequences. ‘ it.’ I muttered. I got to do it. I have to do it.
I hit in a few numbers onto the phone and placed it onto my ear. After a few rings, the person finally picked up.
‘Yoboseyo? Hyung, can you help me check if it’s possible for me to…’ I asked Teuk hyung.
‘Goodness, Hyuk! It’s already 3am in the morning, I need my sleep. And yes, everything is done, come over to my apartment to get it later.’ Leeteuk groaned and just hung up after saying whatever he needs to say.
‘Thanks hyung…’ Hyukjae muttered to himself even though Leeteuk has already hung up. Looking at nowhere in specific, he has a look of determination and breathed out, ‘This time, I’ll not screw up.’

Hi readers! So, I'm really free right now which explains this update! ^-^ Kekeke~ And also, I've closed the poll earlier than I've set because since there weren't anymore people who are voting for it, and now I've got the final result for the poll!

So, the result of the poll is:

Donghae: 16 votes while Kyuhyun: 9 votes.

Thus, Donghae will be the main male character for my next fic!! I haven't started on it yet and this story is about to end soon. So you guys might have to wait a little longer before I post it up~ ><;; But at the end of this story, I'll have the prologue of the story posted up so you guys can subscribe over there! ^-^ Hope you all will support kekeke~ And thank you for the 25 people who voted! Big hearts for you all!!!

Keep the comments coming in, readers~ No silent readers please. T_T And hehehe, although I don't reply your comments now, but I do read it alright! And I'm really thankful for some readers who always comments, e.g. Reenaa, RosyFanfiction, yumi_96, chohanuel~ Thankkyuuuu, I appreciate your comments alot kekeke.

Alright alright, gtg now! Till then~ xx.

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Chapter 30: Awwwweee :") the final chapter was so sweet. sequel please. hihi with their children xD
The last chap is so sweet..... I'm sorry because late comment... Huhu~ I really want to comment and read it as you post the chap.. But I've my own reason to read it late... Huhu~ Mianhaeyo..<br />
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To Hyukjae and Hyun... Chukae!
I loooove this fic :) Thanks for sharing this! I'm surely gonna love your new fic 'cause its Donghae centered! :"> So excited. :D
<3 welcome <3 love it !
@leeyab0o: thankyou :)
wow! nice!
@shineehyekyo: Omg, kekeke~ I'm really happy to know you like this story~~ But do sleep!! ><;; Yessssss~~ I'm a hardcore Hyuk stan~ He's just.... asdfghjkl!!! >///<<br />
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@Katarainaa: Thankyou!!! <3 Awww, that was fast! Kekeke~
Omo! I started reading this tonight around 1am because I couldn't sleep... Then I couldn't stop reading! D: It was so good, I also sobbed at parts - Hyun seemed so upset ): x It's now 5am and I've just finished... :$ x<br />
Oh my, I'm a huge HyukJae fan - it started with me watching SuJu music videos, now I'm losing sleep for him xD lol :$ x
@mariiah: Kekeke~ Thank you! Happy New Year to you too! And yup, I surely will >_< Next fic gonna be Donghae centered! Hope you'll read it and hope you'll like it ∩_∩ Hwaiting!! <3<br />
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@meowchie09: Kekeke >< thank you! Happy New Year to you too! ^~^<br />
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@SarangHyuk: Awwww~ Thank you so much for your kind words >< I'm glad that you liked it! Keke!<br />
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@xXshelleybloobellyXx: Happy New Year to you too! And yes, I'll continue writing~ I'm glad that you loved it :3 Keke~<br />
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@cassie10: Thank you for reading! Kekeke~ Yup, my next fic is up! Hope you'll subscribe to it ><;; Keke thank youuuuuu <3<br />
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@ihanchul, @Nurus94, @Reenaa: ^w^<br />
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@purplekpop: Kekeke~ Hope you've liked it! ^.^
awww im reading it and gosh<br />
the first chapter<br />
"never fall in love with me"<br />
cries<br />
you stupid child hyuk jae ><