Chapter 5

Break Your Heart
Chapter 5
Hyukjae pulled his hands away from Hyun’s face and placed it inside his pocket, looking everywhere else except for Hyun. He was afraid of looking at Hyun because he knew he would feel guilty. ‘So it’s true…’ She whispered, feeling all kinds of emotions hitting on her. Disappointed, hurt, pained, scared. All were mixed up and she was confused of what she should’ve been feeling.
‘I thought you promised me that you wouldn’t be going to clubs and flirting around with girls when you’re in this relationship with me?’ She looked at him with an accusing look; she was so disappointed that he actually lied to her when he knew better than anyone else that she hate liars the most. This was it, Hyukjae thought. Even though he didn’t want to hurt her any further, he had no choice to.
‘Didn’t you know that promises were made just so they could be broken?’ He retorted, putting on a poker face before continuing, ‘What’s more, I don’t think I’ve promised you. I said, ‘I guess I won’t.’’ Hyun furrowed her eyebrows and looked at Hyukjae sadly. He was never like that to her… He has never said anything mean to her before. She knew this was about to end and she didn’t want to.
‘I’m sorry. Let’s just hang out together for today, alright? We haven’t been doing so for such a long time since you’ve been busy.’ Hyun plastered a fake smile on her face and cling onto Hyukjae’s arm, pulling him to walk with her. But he wasn’t moving. He stood grounded without looking at Hyun.
After a minute of silence or so, Hyukjae finally spoke up.
‘Let’s just stop seeing each other for the time being. I need some time-out.’ He suggested and walked away, leaving Hyun stood there dumbfounded with his words, looking at his back longingly.
After that day, Hyukjae seemed to make it to the point that he disappeared in Hyun’s life. He stopped replying her messages, stop answering her phone calls and even when she took the desperate step to actually find him at home, he wasn’t there too. She didn’t know where he went to and to say that she was worried is totally an understatement.
People around her started to notice that she has been skipping meals, coping herself in her room and hangs out lesser with her friends. She didn’t tell them what happened but it wasn’t hard for both their parents, Donghae, Haera and Tae Kyung to guess what has happened to her. She didn’t even realise that she was starting to isolate herself from everyone else until Donghae talked to her.
‘Yah, what happened to you?’ Hyun was about to walk out of the school gate when Donghae held on her wrist and stopped her. She was surprised at Donghae’s tone but just shrugged it off and furrowed her eyebrows. ‘What do you mean?’ She asked, not sure of what Donghae was referring to.
‘I know something has happened to you and Hyukjae-ssi, but look at you! You’re a wreck after that day where Tae Kyung-ssi said things about Hyukjae-ssi. Seriously Hyun, if you have a problem, you can share it with us, or me, I’ll be more than willing to borrow you a shoulder or listening ear if you needed one.’ Donghae frowned and said in frustration.
Hyun looked at Donghae with a blank expression for a moment before she broke down and hugged him tightly. She didn’t want to crumble in front of anyone but she really couldn’t bear it anymore. It not having your best friend by your side when you need them and it even more when you’re having problems with your best friend, or so, your boyfriend.
Donghae was shocked when Hyun started sobbing and hugging him and he was glad that there wasn’t much people in school at this time, otherwise people might be throwing him dirty looks since it looked like he was doing something wrong to Hyun.
He patted on her back, ‘Sshh, it’s okay… Just cry all you want. I’m here for you…’

Ahhh, finally found time to post up my newest update. >< I was so depressed yesterday because I wasn't able to get the tickets for SS4 Seoul. T^T Not that I'm okay now but... shall get over it... ;A; Hope I'll be able to get SS4 tickets for other countries then~ n~n

Anyway as usual, read/subscribe/comment are loved!! <3

@Reenaa: Updated! ^-^

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Chapter 30: Awwwweee :") the final chapter was so sweet. sequel please. hihi with their children xD
The last chap is so sweet..... I'm sorry because late comment... Huhu~ I really want to comment and read it as you post the chap.. But I've my own reason to read it late... Huhu~ Mianhaeyo..<br />
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To Hyukjae and Hyun... Chukae!
I loooove this fic :) Thanks for sharing this! I'm surely gonna love your new fic 'cause its Donghae centered! :"> So excited. :D
<3 welcome <3 love it !
@leeyab0o: thankyou :)
wow! nice!
@shineehyekyo: Omg, kekeke~ I'm really happy to know you like this story~~ But do sleep!! ><;; Yessssss~~ I'm a hardcore Hyuk stan~ He's just.... asdfghjkl!!! >///<<br />
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@Katarainaa: Thankyou!!! <3 Awww, that was fast! Kekeke~
Omo! I started reading this tonight around 1am because I couldn't sleep... Then I couldn't stop reading! D: It was so good, I also sobbed at parts - Hyun seemed so upset ): x It's now 5am and I've just finished... :$ x<br />
Oh my, I'm a huge HyukJae fan - it started with me watching SuJu music videos, now I'm losing sleep for him xD lol :$ x
@mariiah: Kekeke~ Thank you! Happy New Year to you too! And yup, I surely will >_< Next fic gonna be Donghae centered! Hope you'll read it and hope you'll like it ∩_∩ Hwaiting!! <3<br />
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@meowchie09: Kekeke >< thank you! Happy New Year to you too! ^~^<br />
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@SarangHyuk: Awwww~ Thank you so much for your kind words >< I'm glad that you liked it! Keke!<br />
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@xXshelleybloobellyXx: Happy New Year to you too! And yes, I'll continue writing~ I'm glad that you loved it :3 Keke~<br />
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@cassie10: Thank you for reading! Kekeke~ Yup, my next fic is up! Hope you'll subscribe to it ><;; Keke thank youuuuuu <3<br />
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@ihanchul, @Nurus94, @Reenaa: ^w^<br />
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@purplekpop: Kekeke~ Hope you've liked it! ^.^
awww im reading it and gosh<br />
the first chapter<br />
"never fall in love with me"<br />
cries<br />
you stupid child hyuk jae ><