Mr. I'll Sue You

Recuperating From The Past

*Narrator’s POV*

Karam is still annoyed with the sudden appearance of his rival, Kim Myungsoo last night. He never thought that L would even dare to be a nosy person. L is worse than Karam thought he would be. Karam just couldn’t stay still and paced around the living room like a mad person causing the two older guys to be annoyed. Jaejoong threw a cushion towards Karam’s direction but he managed to dodge it.

“Onion, can’t you stay still?” Jaejoong frowned.

“I’m trying to figure out solutions on how to get away from Kim Myungsoo, the bratty guy.” Karam took a seat on the couch between Jaejoong and Yunho.

“Why are you thinking so hard? He is not being serious.” Jaejoong shifted his eyes to television screen while munching down his chips. Yunho broke the silence after Jaejoong, “Last night, was it a confession that he is gay? Are you gay?” Jaejoong widened his eyes at Yunho’s question.

“OH RIGHT HE EVEN WINKED AT ME. That gives me goosebumps.” Jaejoong shivered at the thought of the ugly wink.

“HELL NO! I AM STRAIGHT. POSITIVE! I am not gay. WHAT ARE YOU GUYS THINKING?” Crossing his arm, he stood up and faced his two hyungs. “Help me! Stop him from coming to me he is so ann-” Kara was interrupted by L.

“I don’t give up easily.” L walked in with two boxes of pizzas and a few bottles of carbonated drinks.


L flashed one of his famous smirks that could melt thousands of girls, “But I am celebrating it now. Since this is my first time joining all of you.” He placed the food and drinks on the table.

“Still I won’t let you stay here! God!”

“I told you, I don’t care. Wherever Park Hyunchul goes, I go with him.”

“Kim Myungsoo has seriously lost his mind!” Karam roared as his faced turned a dark shade of red.

“Oh yeah, I think the same thing for you!”

“Then Onion, you go away from my house! I don’t want your gay partner staying with me!” Jaejoong couldn’t stand the drama any longer as his head started to pound.

“What? This is not my fault!” Karam crosses his arms, “L, JUST MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS! Don’t bother me! Go back to your own house and don’t come here again!”

“I don’t want to, I don’t want to, I don’t want to!” L whined while gritting his teeth.

“You are not just arrogant, but also stupid, stubborn, and a stalker!” Jaejoong punched the arm rest of the couch.

Yunho walked up to L and pushed him out of the house, “Just go back, I can’t tolerate you creating scenes here anymore. You are making too much noise and annoying me.”

“Eek! Watch where you touch!” L squealed as he glared at Suhoon, “I thought you were mute.”

Yunho blankly stared at the boy, ‘What the hell— this guy…’

Jaejoong approached the door and went to shut it but L held the door, making the older man angry, “I told you to go away!”

“Ya, are you chasing me out! You don’t have that right to do that to me!”

“Yes, I have the right because I am the owner and you are not the king, just go find your own life. Oh, even you are a king, I don’t think I will serve you, YOUR HIGNESS.” An angry Jaejoong snarled at L.

“My life is with Park Hyunchul!” L yelled at his face.

“Listen, Park Hyunchul is breaking up with you. Go find another partner!”

“Are you sure you are not gay, onion? He sounds obsessed with you.” Yunho turned to glace at Karam.

“What?!” The cute man glared at his hyung, “I’m NOT gay!”

“Let go of my door!” Jaejoong slapped L’s hand.

“Ouch, how dare you slap Kim Myungsoo’s hand?”

“I don’t care whose hand it is. It is dirty.”

“From now on this is my hideout, I don’t care.”

“This is my house, and I bought it, not you!”

“I don’t care or else I’ll sue you!”

“Sue me?” Jaejoong began to crack up, “Are you kidding me? I think I’m the one who should sue you!”

‘What the hell is he talking about?’ Yunho glanced at L with a twisted expression on his face.

L pushed the door open once again, “I will sue you, onion, and you man with moles, and you mute!” He looked at Karam, Jaejoong, and Yunho in that respective order.

“Stop talking crap! Are you kidding me?! You want to sue us for what reason?” Karam barked at L.

“First that this man with moles slapped my hand, second this mute man pushed me, and third that you punched me last night!”

“What’s the point? It’s just a cliché problem.” Jaejoong shook his head.

“I don’t care. I will ask my parents to bring all of you to court! I’m THE ALMIGHTY KIM MYUNGSOO.” L smirked triumphantly.

‘Darn it! I forgot that his parents are the most powerful lawyers in Seoul!’ Karam thoughts as he nudged Jaejoong’s arm and began whispering, “Just say yes, I will explain everything later.”

“Have you lost your mind?! I won’t let this spoiled brat live in my house!” Jaejoong moved a little away from Karam.

“You have to or else you will die.” He whispered before disappearing into the house.

“Park Hyunchul approves of me, so the so called owner of this house must keep this door open for me or else I will sue you guys for real. See you tomorrow peeps. Don’t forget to eat the pizzas and you are welcome.” L saluted while walking away from Yunho and Jaejoong who were left standing in their place, dumbfounded.


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(credit goes to kawaiihannah)


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Chapter 46: Wow cant blv it rlly is back welcome back authornim!!!!
Chapter 45: L x karam *-*
Chapter 41: omg, such a sweet pranking girl that Changmi~
Chapter 40: Karam is Trying to get Changmi's attention now? :D
Chapter 38: poor L, but he should have prepare something too ^^;
Chapter 36: HuHu, so Yunho and L have girlfriends, they only ones without them are Karam, Jae and BaekHyun. Unless Chinnie counts so she is for Karam XDD
Chapter 34: reached to chapter 34 :) I will comment as soon as i am done reading ^^;
Chapter 31: wow, changmi and yunho are back together *-*
Chapter 30: haha I thought Sera and changmi are sisters, not cousins, ahahh I musy've misread.
Chapter 29: I had gained again few missed chapters so backed to 29 to read and it was about L finidng out that Sera's working at Hyuncheol's cafe. :D
Sorry for missing chapters, I've been busy lately XD