Mission One: Smile

Recuperating From The Past

*Changmi’s POV*

As promised I went to meet Yunho oppa every day after my classes were over and my work shifts finished. Meeting oppa was my initial reason to visit the house, but now I had two reasons to go there: seeing Yunho oppa and taking care of Chinnie. Even though I had known her for a short time, I had grown to love her and yearned to meet her each day.

“Good afternoon, Jaejoong oppa!” I gave him a slight, playful bow, “You are up earlier than usual.” I laughed, knowing that he hated getting up before two o’clock in the afternoon.

“Changmi, don’t joke with me this early. I am still not in the mood.” He mumbled, yawning loudly, “Besides I am the only one wake right now. Come inside, you are going to catch a cold if you stand there for too long.”

“Aww Jae oppa cares about me, how sweet!” I giggled, making my way inside and taking off my high heels, so that no one would be disturbed by the click-clack noise made by the stilettos.

“I don’t care about anyone.” He bluntly replied with a hint of annoyance in his voice.

“You don’t care about me? So that means if I get hurt, you won’t help me? That’s so mean! Mr. Meanie.” I pouted and turned my back to him, “Fine, then I won’t talk to you then.”

“Ya Changmi, that’s not what I meant.” He rubbed the back of his head and lightly touched my shoulder, “Changmi ya, I was joking!”

“Sure you were, Mr. Meanie, I am not going to talk to you!” I burrowed my eyebrows and stuck my tongue out at him before marching to Yunho oppa’s room. I heard Jaejoong oppa calling my name as I walked away, but I continued on my way, ignoring him.

Kim Jaejoong, I don’t even know how to start describing him. A hoodlum, who hates it when people goes against him and can beat them without thinking even once, yet behind all the aggressiveness, there is a kind-hearted person, that only appears when he is around Yunho oppa and his dongsaengs. At first we wouldn’t speak much to each other, but gradually I started to get curious about him.


“Yunho oppa, why doesn’t Jaejoong sshi talk to me? Does he not like me coming here or something?”

“Ignore him…he doesn’t like being around girls nor does he know how to talk to them. He is nervous around you."

“Nervous around me? But I am not a mean person!” I rested my head on his shoulder, “Am I?”

“No, you are not, but you are a girl.” He chuckled my hand, which he was holding firmly in his own.

“So oppa is nervous around girls? That so cute!” That statement by Yunho oppa made me curious, so I decided to get closer to Jaejoong sshi. My first plan was to get close to Jaejoong by trying to talk to him, but he was so good at avoiding me that it bothered me more to get ignored by him. Then my next plan was to get him back for avoiding me so much!

A few days later when I visited the house, Yunho oppa was out, so that just left Chinnie, Jaejoong, and me. Chinnie and I were playing with her new toys, which Yunho oppa had gotten for her, while Jaejoong oppa was asleep. 

“Chinnie, what do you think about messing with Jaejoong sshi? You want to play a prank on him?” I whispered in her ear as she giggled and clapped her hands. “Then let’s go.” I walked closer to him and started to draw on his face with bright markers. In no time his face was covered with teddy bears, hearts, stars, and flowers. That was just the beginning of the plan as I ran to Yunho oppa’s room, grabbed a bottle of shaving cream and covered his face with it. Now he not only had cute drawings on his face, he had a huge moustache, a beard, and a white unibrow. My final step was to get a bunch of ice cubes and stuff then down his shirt. I was grateful that he was a heavily sleeper, hence I was able to successfully carry out my mission.

As soon as the ice cubes contacted his skin, Jaejoong jumped up from the couch, lost his balance, and feel onto the ground. Chinnie didn’t leave her chance and started to giggle loudly as I joined in with soft laughs.

“YA YOU THINK THIS IS FUNNY?!” He clutched his fist, “What if I had gotten hurt?!”

“Jaejoong sshi, why are you getting mad at her? I was the one did all this…and this is the exact reason that I played with you!” I crossed my arms and puffed my cheeks, “But it is really funny! See for yourself!” I took his hand and brought him to the closest mirror, “Don’t you think this is funny?”

“WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY FACE?” He grabbed the nearest cloth and started to wipe the shaving cream off just to find the drawings on his visage. “I AM NOT GOING TO FORGIVE YOU FOR THIS!”

“Come on, Jaejoong sshi! I was just playing around! Why are you so feisty? Don’t use that angry look with me…I have gotten used to anger, stubbornness, and the rest of those attitudes while I lived with Yunho oppa.”

“You are the most annoying person that I have ever met. How can Yun stand you?!” He growled as he washed the markings off from his face in the kitchen sink.

“I don’t mind being annoying if it’s to make someone like you loosen up!” Leaning back against the wall I gave him a sweet smile, “Simple, he can stand me because he loves me.”

He glanced at me with the corner of his eye, “You are something…”

“One in a billion!” I bit my lower lip and let out a small laugh, “See I kicked your anger away in no time. Now all I need to see is a big smile from you!”

“A smile?” He smirked, “Keep trying, little girl, it is not going to happen.”

“We will see about that! Just like I made Yunho oppa smile for me, I am going to make you smile for me one day. Oh one more thing…” I took the towel from his hand, got on my tippy toes, and wiped away a small heart on his left cheek. “You missed one here.” I shifted my eyes to him, and we stared at each other for a little while. “You know something, you are quite handsome.” My cheeks heated up a little as I smiled softly and walked out of the kitchen.

After the compliment that I had given him, Jaejoong sshi started to act shy around me. He would never be able to look at me and stutter when he spoke to me. I found that quite cute for a guy to be shy, but then again, Yunho oppa would also get nervous when we first started to live with each other. Jaejoong’s shyness continued until that incident at the mall…

Having a little free time today from both classes and work I decided to go shopping for Chinnie, Sera, and Yunho oppa. Everything was alright until I left the mall and made my way down the streets. I faintly heard something that sounded like whistling but decided to ignore it.  

“Come on darling, why are you ignoring us? We just want to talk to you!” A few guys started to follow me as they kept on babbling flirty words. Despite the fact that I felt like smacking them with my heels, I decided to keep on shunning them until they leave me alone. But unfortunately they didn’t stop, so I started to speed walk and ended up running into someone muscular.

“You love to get into trouble, don’t you?” Hearing a familiar voice, I felt a strong arm wrap around my waist. “Didn’t I warn you guys about bothering girls?” He glared at the four men standing paralyzed behind me.

‘He knows them?’ I turned my head slightly around to catch a glimpse of the men, who looked like they were going to get a heart attack.

“We—are sor-ry, boss.” The tallest of them started to speak, his visage turning paler by the second.

‘Boss? They are members of his gang…no wonder they are so scared of him.’

The slimmest of them continued to clarify, “It’s j-just that this gi-girl is pret-ty. We couldn’t re-sist. We wanted to-”

Before he could finish his sentence, I cut him off, “Will you stop saying these things?! I don’t want to be called pretty by guys like you! It sounds so cheap! I should have started to beat you with my heels. At least that way you wouldn’t have dared to bother another girl.” I spun to face them with Jaejoong’s arm still tied around my waist.

“Someone like you would beat people like us?” The quietest one of the four spoke with an amused yet sarcastic voice.

“Are you trying to challenge me? You will regret it.”

“So what if we are?” He spoke boldly giving a hint that he was the only one that was not afraid of Jaejoong.

“If you are, then here!” I took off one of my wedges, ran towards the guy and started to whack him with it as rapidly as I could force my arms to move. In a matter of seconds the four men ran for their dear lives with wide eyes. “WE WERE WRONG ABOUT HER” were the last few words I heard before they disappeared around the corner.

“Serves them right…” I mumbled angrily, putting my heel back on, “Stupid men always think that they can say whatever they want and get away with it.” 

To my surprise, I heard a hearty laugh coming from behind me. Turning around I found Jaejoong laughing crazily while holding onto his stomach.

“I can’t believe you just did that! You really are something else! I was so wrong about you.” He spoke between laughs as I stood still, staring at him with a soft smile.

“What is that smile for?” He came back to normal and cleared his throat.  

“You…smiled for me.” My words left him stunned and all he could do was gaze at me, dumbfounded.

*End Flashback*

Since that day Jaejoong not only let me call him oppa, but he also would freely talk to me. Though I still hadn’t stop playing around with him, I knew he liked it when I joked with him.



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Chapter 46: Wow cant blv it rlly is back welcome back authornim!!!!
Chapter 45: L x karam *-*
Chapter 41: omg, such a sweet pranking girl that Changmi~
Chapter 40: Karam is Trying to get Changmi's attention now? :D
Chapter 38: poor L, but he should have prepare something too ^^;
Chapter 36: HuHu, so Yunho and L have girlfriends, they only ones without them are Karam, Jae and BaekHyun. Unless Chinnie counts so she is for Karam XDD
Chapter 34: reached to chapter 34 :) I will comment as soon as i am done reading ^^;
Chapter 31: wow, changmi and yunho are back together *-*
Chapter 30: haha I thought Sera and changmi are sisters, not cousins, ahahh I musy've misread.
Chapter 29: I had gained again few missed chapters so backed to 29 to read and it was about L finidng out that Sera's working at Hyuncheol's cafe. :D
Sorry for missing chapters, I've been busy lately XD