
Can you keep a secret?

"Yixing, Yixing you okay?" Yifan asked, waving his hand continuously in front of Yixing's eyes to snap him out of his trance. So far, his success rate was very low. 

"Well okay then... if you are still with me stay still, I've got to clean up the broken glass" quickly getting to work with the task whilst Yixing continued to stand there, frozen to the spot, eyes wide. 

Guo Ling? Guo Ling! The guy from the coffee shop... t-the tourist guy from down south the guy who gave Yixing the flowers for helping him ou- 


Oh no...

The yelp that escape Yixing's mouth when stepping on a piece of glass could only make Yifan sigh, stepping over the other pieces on the floor and helping Yixing to the bathroom to clean up his wound. 


"If you listened to me in the first place, you wouldn't be sat on the edge of the bath like this and I wouldn't be here picking glass out of your foot and clearing the wound from it" Yifan commented, smiling when he heard Yixing grumble in reply. 

"And if you were paying attention to me instead of spacing out th-"
"Oh alright I think I got it the first time round" Yixing interrupted, voice raised slightly as Yifan placed a plaster onto the wound and patted his leg. 

Yifan wanted to at this point come up with a snarky comment, wanted Yixing to do something such as rool his eyes or scoff or even insult him. He wanted the place to be like it had been before without the worry that someone was possibly after him and targeting Yixing to get to him... but the way the other looked as though he had seen a ghost... he just couldn't shake the feeling off of him. 

"What's wrong?" he asked 
"U-uh, nothing!" Yixing replied, attempting to get up and walk out the bathroom, only to have Yifan push him back down. 

"You're a terrible liar. Firstly you drop the cup on the floor and now you're acting like you've seen a ghost. You're not leaving until you tell me what's going on" he said, eyes stern as Yixing bit his lip and dropped his gaze to the floor. It wasn't as if he could keep this a secret from Yifan any longer anyway. 

"I-I" he began, already anticipating Yifan's reaction 
"I-I know who Guo Ling is"

For one terrible moment there was nothing but silence and Yixing couldn't, no didn't, look up to see how Yifan was reacting to the news. Just by the heavy breathing that had followed afterwards was enough of an indication for Yixing to know just how serious this whole situation was from that moment onward. He just wanted it all to end already.

"How do you know?"

If Yifan's voice wasn't threatening enough, the way he slowly inched closer and closer was even more terrifying

"Yixing... how do you know Guo Ling?"

Yixing now knew better than everyone that he should answer Yifan

"H-he came into the bakey a-and said he was a tourist and wanted to know the area" Yixing replied as Yifan sighed and ran a hand through his hair
"And that's all you did?" he asked, desperately waiting for Yixing to answer him and growing frustrated when he didn't, grabbing the guy by his shoulders and shaking him.

"Yixing answer me!" he exclaimed, the desperation evident
"Of course that was all I did! How else was I suppose to know he was the one who killed those people and then framed you for it?" Yixing replied, growing desperate himself.

Well this was just brilliant!

Now everything made sense; the people constantly coming around to the place, the threat that was sent to Yifan about finding him no matter where he hid.... even Yixing getting beaten up. Guo Ling knew exactly what he was doing and knew where Yifan had been this whole time. All he had to do was gain the trust of Yixing and everything just fell into place for him.


"Yifan let go you're hurting me"

Yifan hadn't ralised just how hard he was gripping Yixing's shoulders until he heard said guy demand to release him and could see the pained expression on his face

"Wh-what do we do now?" Yixing asked as Yifan looked at him, saw the fear that was written all over his face
"I-I don't know"


For the rest of the evening Yixing had remained there in a total sense of panic and unease. Heck, who wouldn't be? Unintentionally, he had led Guo Ling straight to Yifan and was near enough beaten to a pulp for hiding the guy in his apartment.

What would the neighbours think if they found out about this?


Even though he spoke softly, Yifan still managed to make Yixing jump. Everything about him at this moment terrified Yixing and he wanted nothing more than to just run away, hide and lock himself up from the rest of the world.

Seeing how vulnerable looked though, how lost he looked... Yixing just wanted to comfort him, reassure him that they could try and work something out

"I've been thinking" Yifan began, standing on the other side of the room
"And you and I both know that if Guo Ling knows who you are, knows who I am.... then he'll only stay here and cause havoc until he gets what he wants. I dont think you realise how dangerous he can be and I just... I don't want anyone else being hurt"

At this point Yixing finally noticed his old backpack standing at the front door, full and nearly at bursting point. It didn't take Yixing very long to figure out where Yifan was going with this.

"Where are you going to go?" Yixing asked, slowly walking closer as Yifan smiled a little
"Dont worry about me. I've got places to go and people to see" he replied, picking up the backpack and heading to the door.

For a second or two, Yifan was considering on just going without really saying much of a farewell, it wasn't as if he and Yixing ever got along to begin with anyway. Gripping the door handle though, he just... he couldn't leave without at least saying or doing something. If memory served him correct, he did kind of owe Yixing after holding a gun up to him and forcing him to let Yifan use his place as a hiding spot.

Turning around, he jumped slightly when he saw just how close Yixing was to him. Looking at the expression on his face, Yifan couldn't quite make it out. Was Yixing... sad? It looked as though he didn't want him to go.

"You... you be careful out there" Yixing said, making Yifan laugh and ruffle his hair
"Trust me; if I can escape from one of the most notorious prisons in the country, I'm pretty sure I can safely get to Hong Kong" he replied pausing before he held out his hand.

"I wish I could make all of this up to you somehow... but I think the only acceptable thing to do at this time would be to shake on things.... thanks, for everything, Yixing" as Yixing took his hand and shook it
"Send me a postcard from Hong Kong" was all he could manage to say, giving them two one last laugh to share before Yifan finally opened the door and left.

Since the very beginning, all Yixing wanted was for Yifan to just leave so he could get back to normality. Standing there and staring at the door, standing there alone, Yixing realised that Yifan had been the one who actually put spice into his life. With Yifan around, Yixing actually found himself enjoying life... in quite an audascious way mind.

Realising that he was about to go back to the life he previously hated, he felt so alone... he was actually beginning to miss Yifan already...

I think more people enjoyed the picture from the end of the last chapter than the actual chapter itself! :L I love it though!

Apologies for the lack of updates! This week I went back to school and let me tell you, first week back and already I'm stressing over timetable clashes! T_T Then there's work and a constant nagging pain in my back. I know these excuses are kind of lame but please bare with me when it comes to updates for this fic!

Don't think this is over yet! There is still much to come! For those craving Kray.. keep a watch out, you shall not be disappointed!

Until the next chapter!!

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To the people who want some kray/ fanxing moments, good things come to those who wait...


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SeokjinThumb #1
Chapter 34: Oh My... how much I miss Yifan and Luhan..... ;"(
aarushic_18 #2
aarushic_18 #3
Chapter 34: I read it all in half a day. Noooooo what am I going to do now? ㅠㅠ such a great story
ilangilang #5
Chapter 33: Omg, this should be a very good Hollywood movie.
hoangnhung #6
Chapter 9: I really love it!
I wonder can I translate this story into Vietnamese ?
Please give me permission. Hope that you can reply me soon.
hoangnhung #7
Chapter 3: Woa~~ the love story of escaped prison and normal person a
moretaoris #8
Chapter 34: Omg. this is seriously my favorite kray fanfic ugh ;W;
Chapter 34: Yaaaahoooooo...nice storyyy.. i♥it..