Her Reasons & Truth

Too Much!

Key Notes:





Mingkki was ignoring him all together, but only because he wouldn’t stop when she asked, even though he was having fun, Mingkki was irritated, she didn’t like to be tickled for so long, and it would have been okay, if it was only for a while, but he went wouldnt stop. Mingkki could feel him gently hovering over her from behind tryng to get a peak at her, using this chance she quickly lifted her elbow up, hitting him on his side not hard though, as he was pushed, making him fall to the side, as she then tried crawling away, then to try and stand up and run. But Lulu was seriously in the zone, watching her every move, that he grabbed a hold of one of her ankles, when she tried to stand up, making her fall face first back on to the ground, she gasped as she quickly put her hands out to stop herself from hitting the ground. Mingkki her back, glaring at him, wriggling out of his grip, but it was too tight. ‘Let go!’ she growled, trying to pull away, Lulu stared up at her intensely, then with his hand that was holding on to her ankle, he pulled her straight down to him, making her gasp at the force, her arms were flung above her head, her hair spread out above her as she was dragged towards him. Lulu pulled her under him, as he hovered over her again, but this time in a more serious manner, they were staring at each other, Mingkki wanted to push him off again, but when he saw her move just a little, he growled loudly at her, ‘Don’t fight me’ he hissed, making her stop and stare at him then sigh, because he was in his demanding mode, she clicked her tongue at him unable to try anything now, so she just went with it.

Lulu was on top of her, hands and legs surrounding her, as she was laying between him, unable to get out, ‘Mingkki’ he softly called her, but with frustration behind his tone, he sighed not wanting to talk about anything anymore. Lulu just wanted to feel that he was important to her, his eyes softened as they stared at each other, then Lulu lowered his head, wanting to feel her beautiful lips brush against his, just hoping she wouldn’t move, so he quickly went in for a kiss, but Mingkki had quickly avoided it, making his lips meet her cheek instead. ‘Lulu’ she roughly called him this time, looking at him from the side, ‘The hell? What do you think you're doing?’ she questioned his behaviour, ‘I tried’ he mumbled, ‘Yah’ she hissed at him, Lulu smiled innocently down at her, ‘I got her once though’ he thought, with a smug look on his face.

‘You upset me, so I wanted something in return’ Lulu demandingly said, ‘The ’ she told him, ‘You are so childish’ she said to him, ‘Only with you’ Lulu stated, because it was obviously true, ‘Arghh’ she growled, while face palming herself, so annoyed with him and his ‘Only with you’ talk. Lulu smiled down at her, ‘You are so cute and beautiful, when you’re mad’ he honestly told her, she glared and clicked her tongue at him, he laughed at her, sitting up straight, but now sitting on top of her. ‘Can we watch something together?’ Lulu asked her, wanting to spend some time with her, because all day he couldn’t even talk to her properly without people intervening, Mingkki just blankly looked at him, not planning on giving him an answer at all, ‘Please?’ he begged, still no response from her, ‘One Piece?’ Lulu told her, remembering he saw her figurines in her apartment and especially in her room. Mingkki squinted her eyes at him, as he looked at her expectantly, she then gave a little nod, ‘Yeah okay’ she agreed, of course she would watch One Piece, it was her all-time favourite, Lulu excitedly clasped his hands together, standing up then pulled her up with him.

Moving her to his comfortable lounge sofa, sitting her down, and putting some One Piece on, as he fiddled with everything in front of his big screen, Mingkki sat there waiting, there were blankets and pillows everywhere on the couch, she then arched a brow, wondering why he had all this stuff. And it was as if Lulu had eyes at the back of his head like he saw the expression on her face, ‘I don’t bring girls over at all Mingkki’ Lulu strictly told her, 'Especially not here' Lulu said, ‘I didn’t say anything’ she said, ‘You were about to think it’ Lulu said, she scoffed, because she actually was, she had no idea that all the extra extra blankets and pillows were especially prepared for her by Lulu, even inhis apartment. Mingkki grabbed the blanket to cover her, and the pillows to make her comfortable, waiting for him to start it, she started to lay back, looking at the TV, as it had started up, Lulu ran back to her, lifting the blanket up and getting inside. Mingkki looked at him, but just let it go, not wanting to bother with any talks, just wanted to relax and watch some One Piece, Lulu purposely got closer to her, but couldn’t get any closer because Mingkki had placed pillows around her. Lulu frowned at the obstacle, while Mingkki smirked, Lulu childishly lifted the blanket, grabbing the pillow and throwing it on the ground, now able to get close to her, so much their bodies were touching, Lulu wrapped himself around her again, Mingkki glared at him again too, ‘Lulu, you are too touchy’ she told him, ‘Only with you’ he told her again, ‘Okay! I get it, stop saying that’ Mingkki clicked her tongue at him. ‘Then stop saying, that I’m this and that’ Lulu told her, ‘Because I’m only selfish and demanding when it comes to you’ he continued, ‘Only with you, do I become a different person’ he told her, ‘And you would have to go with it, because I just won’t stop’ he told her, ‘And I don’t like it when you unconsciously avoid and ignore me, not pay attention to me when I’m right there, and especially push me away’ Lulu decided to voice out his thoughts as well, she listened carefully to him, ‘Yet in public you can’t do ’ Mingkki laughed.

Lulu frowned deeply at her statement, because it was so true, ‘Because… I just can’t okay and…’ he defended himself, ‘I don’t want people knowing of such things about me’ Lulu stated, ‘Because you got a reputation to keep. I get it’ she said nodding at his statement. Lulu looked at her intensely, her comment offending him a little, but also because she kept swearing and talking down to him, ‘Mingkki, you better watch that mouth of yours’ he scolded her, she gulped, ‘Swear or talk to me like that again, or at all and I will punish you’ Lulu demandingly ordered, she looked at him, ‘I’m serious’ he strictly told her, ‘I can see that’ Mingkki calmly answered, ‘So be careful’ Lulu seriously her, and Mingkki was going to keep clear of that, not knowing just how he would punish her.

They both just sat there, watching One Piece in peace and quiet, Lulu felt content and happy with everything right now, Mingkki was getting so comfortable, that she had unconsciously wrapped her arm around Lulus waist, thinking it was one of her pillows again, because she was just too focused on the TV. Lulu of course was happy about it, as he scooted over towards her more, pulling her against him, since his arm was around her shoulder and in front of her waist too. Lulu placed his chin on her head, tenderly caressing her, as Mingkki was slowly falling asleep, because once she got comfortable, especially with someone caressing her so gently, it is really easy for her to fall asleep. Lulu felt her head fall onto his chest, and her entire body completely relax, he knew she was out for the entire night, because she had her dinner, and telling by the smell of her breathe, she had already brushed her teeth, all she was waiting for was to fall asleep.

Lulu didn’t move though, he stayed there, as he continued to watch TV but would also stop and stare at Mingkki, he sneakily placed a kiss on her forehead, ‘I did say, I wouldn’t be able to get one from you so easily, and that is why I have to resort to this Mingkki’ he thought, while grinning to himself in victory. But what Lulu may not have known, was that Mingkki was not one to just let anyone touch her, or even get so close to her like this, she had specific boundaries with the boys, hugs only that’s all, but she wouldn’t be able to sleep on any of them. Yet with Lulu, even she was different with him, she was somewhat really comfortable around him, that she would even let him sleep in her bed, or even sleep anywhere around him, even beside him, which became natural for her, that she would even let him hold her so intimately. Mingkki was only distant about such touchiness, because it was just so weird for her.


Next morning… around 6.10am

Lulu was the first to wake up, his expression and body was extremely happy with the sight of Mingkki right in from of him, their bodies were glued to each other, their limbs entangled and both hugging, as Mingkkis head was buried in his chest, they were actually still fully clothed, since they weren’t able to change. Mingkki was wearing a hoddie, her hood covered her entire face, Lulu not able to get a look at her, he pushed it away from her face, finally seeing her, ‘Beautiful’ he mumbled, Mingkki let out a throaty chuckle, Lulu gasped, a little embarrassed that she may have heard him, ‘Thank you’ she mumbled, with her voice low and husky, she had woken up from the small yet gentle movements and touches of Lulu, he pushed her face in to his chest, because she actually did hear him. And because he couldn’t help the blush that appeared on his face, when he heard her morning voice, especially when he met those beautiful sleepy eyes of hers, Mingkki laughed, slowly pushing her face off of his chest. Looking up at him, ‘Morning' she greeted, he smiled, ‘Morning Mingkki’ he cooed, they stared at each other’s features for a while, ‘You’re not pushing me away this time?’ Lulu asked her, she sleepily smiled, taking a deep breathe, ‘I think I'm getting too use to you now’ Mingkki told him, ‘Hmm?’ Lulu hummed, not really getting what she was saying.

‘I mean, I’m getting too comfortable with you entirely’ she said, ‘Meaning… no matter what I do, you don’t mind it anymore’ Lulu said, she nodded, ‘But piss me off, and youll get it’ she smirked, as her eyes were slowly falling again, not able to see the massive smile he had displayed on his face. Feeling so happy at the thought that she saw him differently to others, ‘You should be honoured’ Mingkki mumbled, her eyes were closed, Lulu laughed at her, ‘Is that right?’ he smirked, she smiled as she was slowly falling back to sleep, ‘I don’t ever let anyone in so close Lulu’ she truthfully told him, ‘How dare you…’ Mingkki sleepily mumbled, as she then fell back to sleep again. Lulu sulked at her, completely confused at her last sentence, and also because she fell asleep on him again, ‘Yah! Again’ he whined, ‘And what is that supposed to mean?’ he asked the sleeping Mingkki, he growled, then hugged her tightly in retaliation to her not being able to answer his questions.


Lulu didn’t fall back to sleep, he actually went to shower and change, with a lot of will to be able to leave a sleeping Mingkki by herself, but eventually he had to, coming back to see her still sleeping, just waiting for her to wake up, so he decided to grab some breakfast while he waited, leaving her by herself again, he left the room. Mingkki was slowly waking up, stretching her limbs, which led her to falling off the couch, landing on her stomach, with the blanket following her down, yet somehow wrapped all around her, her leg and feet poking out at the bottom, and her hoodie covering her entire head. But instead of getting back up, she stayed there, feeling quite comfortable and lazy, ‘Finally up?’ Lulu said walking in to see if she was awake, to see her laying on the ground. Mingkki moved which signalled that she was indeed awake, ‘Not going to get up?’ Lulu asked, just watching her from the end of her legs, she groaned, and kicked her legs like a child, really not wanting to do anything at all.

‘Come on now, get up’ Lulu told her, she rolled on her back, looking at him standing by her feet, ‘What time do your classes start?’ he asked her, ‘Argh’ she mumbled while turning back on to her stomach, so she could properly stand up. ’I don’t have class’ she yawned getting up, yet to only stop on her knees and elbows as she felt like laying down again, ‘Mingkki’ he called her, she growled, getting up again, ‘What time is it?’ she asked, ‘…7.00’ he hesitantly answered her, as she finally stood up. Mingkki glared at him, with the blanket in her hand, ‘I didn’t know, you didn’t tell me’ Lulu defended himself, ’But why?’ Lulu curiously asked her, ‘They said, because I need to officially meet the coach in charge first, so I start next week’ she told him, ‘Ok’ he nodded. Then Lulu walked up to her, grabbing the blanket, folding it and placing it back on the couch, Mingkki had walked past him and towards his bed, Lulu looked back at her, ‘Where are you going?’ he said, following after her.

Lulu sighed with a soft expression watching her crawl into his bed, ‘I don’t need to get up at all’ she told him, he pouted at her, as they stared at each other, ‘At least have breakfast with me’ he asked her, making Mingkki arch a brow at him and his neediness, ‘Please, before I go’ he gave her the puppy look. Mingkki laughed, ‘You should know, stuff like that don’t work on me’ she chuckled at him, sitting up straight, her legs crossed, ‘Of course I know that’ he clicked his tongue, because it didn’t work on her, ‘normally, it works on everyone’ he told her, ‘Except you’ he sulked staring at her. Mingkki smiled at him, then got up to join him, as he was seated on the table, with breakfast set out, he returned her smile, watching her every movement as she walked over to him.

As they started eating, Lulu needed to know what she meant before she fell asleep, ‘Mingkki’ he called her softly, ‘Hmm?’ she hummed, looking at him, ‘What did you mean?’ he asked, ‘What are you talking about?’ she asked him, confused. ‘You said, ‘How dare you…’ to me, before you feel asleep this morning’ he told her, she tilted her head, trying to remember it, ‘I don’t remember…’ she told him, he frowned at her, because she forgot such a moment he had with him, ‘Do you remember waking up?’ he asked her. ‘Uhh…’ she said, ‘…not really’ she told him, ‘I don’t really remember much, when I wake up half way through my sleep’ she continued, ‘especially in the morning’ she said, ‘Nothing?’ Lulu questioned her, now upset she didn’t remember anything. Mingkki shook her head, he frowned at her, ‘What did I say?’ she asked him, now wondering what she had said to him, he aggressively ate his food, ‘Nothing important’ he childishly told her. Mingkki smiled at his childishness, knowing that prying further into this subject, would anger him a little, so she kept quiet while watching him, she really didn’t remember what she had told him, she doesn’t remember much when half asleep.

Breakfast was done, Lulu stood up, still upset about it, thoughts were still running through his mind, of why she didn’t remember, was it not that important for her to remember such words, or did she not care that much for him, Lulus mind was going crazy, which made him mad and upset. Mingkki was watching him, walking towards his door, like he had forgotten Mingkki was even in the room, but before he walked out, she grabbed his wrist, making him look back at her hand with a cold stare, not wanting to look her in the eyes, because that would make him soften on her. ‘Lulu I’m sorry that I didn’t remember’ she told him, because she had saw that he was really upset about it, ‘And I’ll see you later’ she softly said, ‘so be careful on your way out’ she added, letting go of his wrist, then walking back to the bed, since Lulu wouldn't even look at her. Lulu looked at her retreating back, now feeling guilty for treating her so coldly, he ran up behind her, hugging her tightly, ‘I’ll be careful Mingkki’ he whispered, ‘And yes, I’ll definitely see you later’ he told her, gripping onto her, more out of possession.

Walking out, and lastly looking back at Mingkki, who looked back at him, waving at each other, he left, Mingkki now by herself, going to lay on the bed, to get a couple more hours of sleep in…


‘Lulu looked really happy when he came out’ Lu old man teased Mingkki as she walked out, ‘wasn’t that a while ago?’ she questioned him, she had changed, Lu old man kept her clothes in her room, knowing she was one to stay over anytime she wanted. ‘It was, but still you should’ve seen the look on his face’ Gong old man said, ‘It’s a first we’ve seen him blush before’ Gong old man chuckled, they stared at her weirdly with a sneaky grin. Mingkki rolled her eyes at them, ‘You know…’ Lu old man said to her, ‘No I don’t sorry’ she straight out stopped him from saying anymore, ‘Yah!’ they scolded her, she smirked, ‘It’s quite obvious that Luhan likes-‘ Lu haraboji told her, but was stopped as they saw her deadly glare, staring coldly at them, to stop them from saying anymore than they should, they coughed, knowing they were crossing the line, because they knew she was not going any further than that.

‘Why are you restricting yourself Mingkki?’ they bravely asked her, she looked at them, ‘I may be restricting myself…’ she told them, ‘But you guys put me into such a position’ she continued, they acknowledged that they really did. ‘Okay, we admit to that’ they said, ‘But what’s stopping you from going further?’ they asked, ‘yes it’s an arranged marriage, but during the process you will develop feelings, and Luhan already has’ they told her, ‘You know it, you’re just turning a blind eye to it’ they said. ‘You know, I don’t take things that are forced on me seriously’ Mingkki stated, she didn’t take things seriously when it came to stuff that were planned, arranged and especially forced on her, ‘So, if we had just let you guys meet normally, would you try?’ they asked her, ‘I wouldn’t know, because it never happened’ Mingkki stated, the harabojis became regretful about their quick decision that they had made. ‘Because it’s an arranged marriage, I will never look at him like that’ she honestly told them, ‘Then why do you go along with him’ they asked her, ‘How can I not!?’ she questioned them, ‘you haven’t seen the way he gets mad and sad, just because I don’t pay attention to him’ she said, they gulped as they were listening to her, ‘you haven’t seen the way he gets furious, because he thinks I don’t care about him’ she told them, ‘You have not seen him get upset just because I don’t call him Lulu’ she smirked, ‘So how can I not go along with him, without him getting somewhat emotional over me and my every movement’ she coldly stated, narrowing her brows at them.

The harabojis looked at her softly, seeing that she was also emotionally exhausted yet considerate of Luhan in so many ways, that she was taking everything on without a word of complaint. ‘But don’t worry, I find it cute when he gets emotional’ she smirked, they stared at her, they knew she liked to laugh at people when they get mad, but to find it cute, was different, yet they knew she was slowly falling for him too. The harabojis looked at each other, having the same thoughts, ‘Okay then, how about this?’ they asked her, ‘How about no’ Mingkki retaliated, not in the mood to talk to them about the subject anymore. ‘Just listen Mingkki’ they demanded, she clicked her tongue, as she was ready to leave, ‘We will cancel everything, so you two can start fresh, without anything blocking the two of you’ they stated, ‘How does that sound?’ they then asked, she thought about it, but then smirked. ‘Do whatever you want, but remember…’ she stated, staring at them, ‘I'm here for a reason, meaning I could leave, if I no longer have that reason’ she told them, as this arranged marriage was her reason, and if it was cancelled then she could leave, even if she didnt want to, she had to because they had forcfully dragged her here and away from her other commitments back overseas, they frowned at her, she was right but they didn’t like her attitude right now, she was basically being a , an honest .

‘Yah!’ they yelled at her, making her step back, and lowering her head, just waiting for their lectures on her behaviour and attitude. ‘You, why are you being like this!?’ Gong old man told her, ‘You are making this hard for everyone’ Lu old man said, ‘You guys made it hard from the beginning, don’t try and put the blame on me, just because I won’t play along’ Mingkki stated. They were getting angry at her, because what she was saying was right, they sighed in frustration, ‘You forced me into this, but don’t think I would just seriously go with it’ she told them, they frowned at her, ‘What if Luhan was here, and heard what you’ve been saying huh!?’ they scolded her. ‘He’s not here’ she simply said, ‘No ’ Gong old man said, ‘But what if he was’ Lu old man questioned, she went quiet, ‘I don’t even want to think about it’ she told them, they stared at each other for a while, in silence. ‘Okay that’s enough’ they told her, ‘Go to your room’ they said, not caring whos room at the moment, not wanting to hear any more of the truth, they needed to go over things a bit more, and think about it properly, before changing anything, so she wouldn’t have an advantage over them.

Mingkki hesitantly walked towards the kitchen wanting to see what was to eat, before going back to the room, stopping to look back at them, ‘Everything is fine Mingkki’ they smiled at her, ‘We just need to talk’ they told her, she nodded, ‘I’m sorry if I’m so stubborn about not wanting to go with it, but you know how I am about such things’ she honestly told them. They smiled at her, ‘We know Mingkki’ Lu old man said to her, ‘Now go on, get lost’ Gong haraboji told her, ‘Go find something to eat’ Lu old man told her, knowing she was free the entire week, ‘Mmm’ she hummed, walking to find something to eat.

Mingkki went back to Lulus room, now equipped with everything, her ear piece, her phone, food and water, and junk food as well, placed on the table, to get through the day. ‘You are very stubborn master’ Zy told her, ‘I know that, but…’ she sighed, ‘Let’s not talk about it’ she said, ‘It’s been a while since I watched some One Piece alone’ she excitedly looked forward to the lazy week.


Lulu was in class, sitting with Sehun this time, Victoria seated somewhere else, Lulu kept day dreaming, as a smile would appear on his face from time to time, Sehun would roll his eyes at him, knowing why he was acting like that.

‘I wonder what she’s doing.’ Lulu thought to himself, then he would remember the night that they slept together, not together together, but you know. Lulu would also think of the times, when he touched her, when he slept beside her, when he held her, and when he sneakily kissed her, exhaling deeply at such happy moments that he had with her. Yet wondered, why she would let him act like this with her, yes she would push him away, and get mad at his every touch, but in the end he would always win, and get his way. ‘Why does she let me do whatever I want with her?’ he mumbled, looking at Sehun, to see if he could answer his question, Sehun smirked, ‘What are you talking about?’ Sehun asked the obvious, ‘Just because... don’t question it hyung’ Sehun told him, not wanting to tell him that he gets emotional if it doesn’t go his way, when it comes to Mingkki. Lulu didn’t see it the way they did, he just made sure he got what he wanted, Lulu frowned, completely confused, ‘No, I want to know why’ Lulu wondered, ‘Then you’re gonna have to ask Mingkki herself’ Sehun pushed it on to Mingkki herself, Lulu nodded, definitely going to ask her, when he sees her later.

Then he felt his phone buzz in his pocket, he had put it on vibrate because he was in class, he wondered who that might be, as he took a look at the number, it was an unknown number that he didn’t know of, seeing a text message.

‘Lulu? Got your number off the harabojis :) Hows school? Hahah’ It was from Mingkki, he smiled widely, completely surprised that she would text him first, because normally, the guy was supposed to. Lulu chuckled at the message, knowing Mingkki was laughing at the fact he was at school while she was at home being lazy. Lulu was more than happy right now, he was messaged by Mingkki first, and he now had her number.

‘Yah! Lol, Its great here! We’re having so much fun~ You miss me that much, you had to ask the harabojis for my number? Heh’ Lulu messaged her back, as the smile on his face wouldn’t disappear, Sehun looked at him weirdly, curious as to who it was, he asked, ‘Mingkki’ Lulu happily told him, ‘She’s got your number?’ Sehun asked, knowing they hadn’t exchanged numbers at all. ‘She got it from the harabojis’ he told Sehun, ‘Wow, how bold of her’ Sehun said, Lulu smiled, actually agreeing with him.

‘That’s good! [Insert smirk] It’s great here too, watching your big TV, the bliss~~ And Yes, kind of got bored without you around nagging like you do, haha’ Mingkki messaged back, teasing him a little, yet also being honest with him.

Lulu scoffed at her message, yet smiling at the same time, she obviously saw through his message that he actually wasn't having fun, Lulus heart was thumping madly in his chest, that she was at least thinking of him, and that she kind of agreed that she missed him, as he said.

‘So you do think about me huh? And you’re still at home? In my room? Don’t make a mess, you know how I am. Did you at least make the bed? And I do not nag… okay I do, only with you [Insert grin], Lulu messaged back, being his clean freak self, while teasing her as well.

‘Hmm… Yes Im here, in your room. Sheesh even through here, you’re still naggy lol. And yes, I made the bed, and yeah…’ she messaged back, avoiding some of his questions. Lulu felt a little disappointed that she didn’t give him an answer, to whether she does think of him, Lulu wanted to talk to her properly about everything concerning the two of them, because Lulu was slowly realising his feelings about her and the situation they are in.

‘Will you still be there when I get back? I want to see you so badly right now. I’ll call you after class’ he messaged her, with desperation, wanting to see her and hold her entirely, like he did last night, and the other nights that they had slept together.

‘I’m not quite sure Lulu’ Mingkki simply answered him, she wanted to tell him if he knew what he was saying right now, but just couldn’t bring it up, knowing it may cause some kind of unexpected situation between them.

And that is why Mingkki would always turn a blind eye to him and his behaviour towards her, because if she were to bring it up, he may realise his feelings a lot sooner than she wanted him too. Because if Lulu were to realise his feelings, then the situation that she is in right now, might really go forward, and actually happen, and she didn’t want that, since that would mean that the harabojis would think they have control even over her relationship life as well. Mingkki obviously knew that they were trying to look out for her, and that she could only go along with them, but she would not actually let them control that part of her life, because telling them straight up, she would be refused and declined on the spot with no explanation at all, so the only way she could go about it was to silently rebel against them, by stubbornly ignoring and turning a blind eye to the most important things within the situation, which were Lulus feelings and… her own as well.

It didn’t matter to her, whether she would get hurt in the end, what mattered was that the harabojis got the picture that they can’t control certain parts of her life. And if  she cancelled it herself with her company backing her up, she just knew they would get hurt and feel disappointed in her, for turning them down like that, even though they may seem playful, they were very serious when it came to Mingkki, and that is why they put her in an arranged marriage with Luhan, is because they knew Luhan would be able to take care of her, even when they didn’t know what he may feel towards her they still did it, since they also knew that Mingkki would not be able to decline it, even if they were to have asked her first. Because even though she had told them that she wouldn’t have agreed to it, she would have in the end, because she just cannot ignore and let her harabojis down like that.



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Chapter 23: Hoping for a new update on this story
I hope you will still update this story plsssss
itlz1727 #3
Chapter 23: Please update this story...
Chapter 23: Love this story i hope you can updte soon
Linnot #5
I miss this story
Pls updatee
When will you update???
i miss this story
Chapter 23: Re reading this from the beginning. This story is too good. I can't wait for your return.
Chapter 21: Hello..when are you going to update..we been waiting for you so long..we missed this story..please update soon..we love you stories..thank you