
say you love me

A/N here is another chapter everyone 

happy reading!!!





“Give me a good reason why I have to avoid Jinwoon, oppa” says Hyerim. They are on their way home and Kyuhyun wants her to stay away from Jinwoon

“Can’t you do just what I say?” says Kyuhyun, frustrated.

“Your being unreasonable, what do you have against him?” says Hyerim getting irritated with Kyuhyun “the other oppas and unnies have nothing against him” she added and quicken her steps, she wanted to have some distance from him.

“Yah! Hyerim” says Kyuhyun as he runs after her and when he grabs her arms, Hyerim swirls around and shrugs off his hand.

“I won’t stay away from him just because you told me so, I have my own brain and I can think for myself, if you won’t give me a good reason why your acting this way, I WON’T!” she say and left.

Kyuhyun was left dumbfounded. Why does he hated that Jinwoon being close to Hyerim, the others voiced their worry but they didn’t told Hyerim off, but him… he didn’t want her getting close to him.

Ahh, damn it, why is he not reacting or being pissed when she is close to their other guy friends, oh yeah, because they are friends, just friends but with Jinwoon he can feel, that guy wants more than that, and he didn’t like it, but, but Victoria is being too close to Nichkhun too, but his not reacting the same way.


Kyuhyun smack his own head ahhhh, his lost why he is he like this concerning Hyerim and different from Victoria and now Hyerim is mad at him, arghh, she is difficult when mad, what he’s going to do.

“AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH” Kyuhyun scream out of frustration. People passing by look at him bewildered, but he didn’t care.


“What?” shouted Nichkhun

“Keep your distance from her, the two of you are always together, besides each other” said Yoona stomping her feet.

“We are seatmates, lab partners and friends Yoona, why are you being impossible and are you jealous of her?” he says

“Yes I am!” shouted Yoona

Nichkhun look at her in disbelief “She is my friend Yoona and your my girlfriend, and there is nothing for you to be jealous of” says Nichkhun between his teeth, he is trying his best not to tick off with her jealousy, uncontrollable jealousy.

“The other day you didn’t even look back, you just went straight to her I was completely forgotten” she said angrily.

“Damn it Yoona, you’re impossible, how many times do I have to tell you she is my friend, you hear, my friend” says Nichkhun his patience is on the edge.

“And I am your girlfriend” she answers back

“My point actually, but your jealousy is clouding your mind” says Nichkhun

“Then you should side on me, pick me, look only at me” says Yoona

“Then you don’t need a boyfriend but a lap dog and I am not one” says Nichkhun , he stands up and pick his backpack and walks away from Yoona

“Where the hell are you going?” she screamed.

“Away from you till you cool down, because if I stay here longer we will just fight, a nonsense one” he said to her “then I won’t waste my time, its exam next week so I rather review than fight” he said walking away.

“Don’t you dare walk away from me!! ” Yoona screamed hysterically” are you picking her over me!” she added

“I’m not picking anyone over you, just until you cool down” says Nichkhun trying to control before he completely loose it.

“If you dare Nichkhun we are through” she said daring him, you wouldn’t, she thought.

Nichkhun looks at her disappointed “We only been a couple for three weeks and I thought it would be a bliss, but it’s the exact opposite, instead of us getting to know each other, your nonstop jealousy over Victoria and my other friends hinder you, us to be close, so yeah maybe we better end this relationship” says Nichkhun agreeing.

“You really pick her over me” says Yoona again

“No Yoona, I picked myself, do you know the saying tell me who your friends are and I tell you who you are, if you can’t accept them then you can’t accept who I am too” he said and walks out of the room completely.

Yoona screamed as he went out and slumps down the floor crying.


“Yah, how could you not get it? When we are using the fishbone structure you guys already understood it and why now when using the chair structure you all look so lost…ahhhh” says Victoria frustratingly.

Victoria was getting tired and her friends are going restless

“Aisssh, if only we can seat according to how we want it, it would not be a problem” says Chansung

“But we can’t, so please Victoria bear with us, if we can do the cheating arrangement thing it’s easier” says Taecyeon.

The cheating arrangement they are saying is their seating arrangement in exams, mostly the one who knows the subject seat in the center while the one that’s going to the copying seat around him/her or seats at their back, and the answers are relayed to the rest of their friends. But their Chemistry teacher wouldn’t let them seat according to their liking, they will seat at their assigned seats.

“Lucky Wooyoung seating next to you and Nichkhun” says Heechul

Victoria looks at Wooyoung who is talking to someone on the phone; he still listens to her tutoring he says for emergency he needs to know too.

Victoria sigh heavily “ottoke, you know how to position the CH and COOH in the fishbone but why not in the other structures”  

“Let’s take a break okay” says Heechul “lets buy something to eat, to energize”

Chansung stands up quickly as soon he heard eat, ahhh this guy is really an eating machine, thought Sunye.

“Hey where are the rest? Asked Wooyoung, as it was only the girls and Taecyeon

“They went to buy foods, Victoria is getting tired teaching us” says Sunye looking at Victoria apologetic

“Oh really, don’t worry Victoria noona, Nichkhun hyung is on his way and study with us”

“Really? Thank God I need reinforcement” says Victoria, her eyes strayed to Hyerim who is from the start of their group study had been quiet, her and Kyuhyun, and whats really surprising is that they are sitting away from each other, which actually rare, Kyuhyun always, always sits beside Hyerim.

“Hey Sun, did Hyerim and Kyuhyun fight?” asked Victoria

“Not sure, but they are not talking to each other which actually new” says Sunye

“Let’s observe” says Victoria, Sunye nodded “how about you, does that Donghae guy still bothers you”

“Nonstop” says Sunye “he is so full of himself really, as if he is God’s gift to girls”

Victoria pats her shoulder in sympathizing with her.

“Hi there” says someone.

As they look who is the newcomer, it was NIchkhun. Victoria looks at him he rather looks a little sullen.

“Hi there glad that you graced our group study” says Sunye, teasing.

Nichkhun just smiled, he looks at Victoria who looks at him happily, seeing her smile wash away the sadness of what had happen just a while ago.

“Someone is getting tired her you know” says Taecyeon.

“Ahhh you’re here, my savior” says Victoria, making Nichkhun’s ear turns red.

“Wahh why are you saying that” he said shyly, her effect on him is really amazing, and he can’t name it, only that she brightens up his day. That’s why he cherishes their friendship.

Victoria laughs at his reaction. His sullen look now gone, she felt relieve.

“Hey there Nichkhun” greeted Heechul from the door.

While eating Victoria nudges Nichkhun who is sitting beside her

“Are you okay?” she whispered worriedly at him

“I am now” he says  to her with a smile that reaches his eyes.





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Chapter 6: Where did youfind wgm in subs?
putry0624 #2
this is the thirth time i read this story... love it!!! i hope you make a story like this again... >~<
Chapter 1: Daebak!!!!!!
khunviclurve #4
Chapter 35: Daebak...super duper daebak..jjang!!
AzulEmor #5 sweet Leia! Great job! Can't wait for your next fanfic. I'm glad that b*tch is gone. She deserves what she got! And yay! Everyone got their happy ending. Love love Khuntoria being engaged, hope it happens for real! Miss you!
coolgirlaamy #6
awww this was such a cute ending. I'm glad everything worked out well for everyone.
I love the last chapter !!!! The khuntoria moments were so cute and he proposed!
I really loved reading this story and I can't wait for more from you - I know you started a new fic so I will be reading that hehe.
aarasa #7
I'm so sad that this fic has ended T_T but I know you'll come up with great new one soon hehehe. Thanks Leia for a wonderful ff!! keep up the good work! ^^
shidakyu #8
thank u for such a great story! :')