Two sides

say you love me


A/N hello everybody Happy New Year to all of you and here is my gift to all an update from me. I was having a great time reading your comments and sorry I haven’t replied immediately I am doing this next chap for you guys and I am planning to do another update (well just need to clean up and prepare for New Year’s Eve, *crossing fingers hope I‘ll finish it earlier and can do the update before the clock strikes 12) so to ease a little of your apprehension to my cliffhanger here is it the next chap…

Happy reading


Happy New Year!!!







Menacingly Nichkhun leans at the table and scowled to the girl in front of him irritation is evident in his face for the girls open flirtation which really disgusts him.

“What made you think that I would I be with you and ditch my girl who is way better than you” says Nichkhun scathingly. The girl didn’t even flinch at his words; she is such a thick face, thought Nichkhun.

“I am prettier, taller, slimmer and more exciting” says Nana seductively. She won’t be Im Nana if not confident and proud, she thought silently.

“Really” asked Nichkhun brows arched upward with disbelief of her claim.

Nichkhun moves his face so close to her face she can almost feel his breath fanning her face, looking at her he smirked and roam his eyes on her face with such dissatisfaction. Nana was slowly getting infuriated for what his words and action is doing, she smiled mentally when she saw a familiar figure by the door, just my luck she thought and moves her face closing the gap between him and her.

But Nichkhun was alert as if he is expecting for her to do that he quickly moves away straightening up and gives her a look “you can’t kiss me as if I would let you”.

“A lot of men ogles over me” says Nana, and subtly glances back at the door, the figure is gone, success she thought. She may have not kissed him (yet), but still she did it. But Nichkhun’s word extinguished her minute success.

“To them but not to me you’re nothing but a cheap chick who can’t take  no for an answer and stoops down to a low cheap trick to get men and you maybe a looker but that you’re always be and nothing more" he paused "I pity you for you have a pea size for a brain. Get away from me and stay away I won’t even the slightest leave Victoria for the likes of you. She is a beauty inside out and you can’t and I mean cannot be compared to her” says Nichkhun breathing hard, he had never been harsh but this girl is asking for it “I won’t be tutoring you anymore coz you’re hopeless and you just want to flirt” says Nichkhun seething in anger.

Nana’s eyes mirrored fear and pain at what Nichkhun had said just now to her.

“I suggest you get away, quickly he had never been harsh and I haven’t seen him this mad yet and I can’t promise you that I can stop him or if I ever will” says someone from the other side of the room.

Choi Siwon.

Nana quickly grabs her things and moved away from Nichkhun and as she pass by Siwon.

“You never learned don’t you, you keep on pushing. Stay away from any of us, you don’t even come close to Victoria or even Sunye and Hyerim” says Siwon. Nana quickens her steps more, feeling more humiliated than ever.

“Nichkhun” called Siwon.

“You took your time at the f&^%$#@ toilet” says Nichkhun still seething with anger.

Siwon just shrugs “hey I just want to know how you’re going to react to her flirtations” he says nonchalantly.

Nichkhun took a deep breath three times to control his anger.

“That damn flirt is so insistent” says Nichkhun.

“Well, she should have get the picture now” says Siwon smirking.

Nichkhun’s ears turned red “I have never had been harsh to a girl, my mom always told me to respect them for they bore in them life and in doing so they are in verge of death every time” says Nichkhun, more to his self.

Siwon taps on his shoulder to console the younger man.

“Victoria” whispered Nichkhun “she should have been here” he said and as in cue his phone sound receiving a message.

Hey there I went to do some errand for our club with some hoobaes I‘ll come home after.

His brows furrows at her message to him, it lacks her signature smiley faces, he shrugs off the thought and replied

Take care then and be careful, just call me when you reach home <3

“Victoria had errands for their club” says Nichkhun.

“Good” says Siwon ” then we can go earlier there and you won’t need to think of an excuse where you’re going” says Siwon.

“Yeah I guess” said Nichkhun. He will call her later at home.


As Victoria look to the person, her eyes squint trying to know the figure in front of her which is a guy, a very tall guy.

“Oh my, it is you!” says the guy and the next thing she knows she is engulfs in the guy’s embrace. For a second there Victoria as rendered immobile.

“Yah” she says pushing the guy as she got her wits back “why are you hugging me and who are you?” she said angrily and pushing the guy away from her with force.

“Oh come on Victoria it’s me Shim Changmin” says the guy smiling at her, Victoria eyed him not saying anything “aisshh I am Choi Kyuhyun’s cousin” he continued.

Victoria didn’t say anything just looked at the guy. Changmin… Kyuhyun’s cousin…slowly Victoria’s widen recognition in her eyes.

“Changmin-sshi!” says Victoria

“Finally” says the guy as his eyes rolled upward.

“W-what are you doing here? How are you? Does Kyuhyun know you’re here?” asked Victoria

“Hey, hey one question at a time” he said chuckling “well I am here coz the school I am attending sends me here to attend the week long seminars. I am fine and Kyuhyun doesn’t know yet I am here coz from Busan I went straight here to familiarize myself at the venue and” says Changmin “see you” he added looking intently at her sending a message which made Victoria a little awkward.

Changmin was Kyuhyun’s cousin and they had met him once when he went to visit and at that time he had been vocal for liking her, but she had evaded his moves every time.

“Ohh” it’s only what Vic had said.

“Can I invite you for coffee” asked Changmin. He grabs the chance that Victoria is alone it’s an opportunity he would not let pass, commonly she is either with all of her friends or the girls never alone.

“No-“Victoria stopped and remembers the scene she just witnessed a while ago, two can play this game, she thought “sure why not, let’s go” says Victoria a little rebellious at the moment.


Next day

At their classroom

“Choi Kyuhyun, go there and get your cousin out between Nichkhun oppa and Victoria unnie” says Hyerim gritting her teeth

“Lim” whined Kyuhyun.

“Look at them he is all over her and he knows that they are going out” says Lim

“Relax Lim, Nichkhun won’t get jealous” says Kyuhyun as he looked at the three in the back. His cousin sits between Nichkhun and Victoria. Nichkhun looks calm and he was eyeing his ears, he remembers what Wooyoung had said once.

“Nichkhun hyung when ears is the indicator of what he is keeping inside or feels it turns red, when he is shy, feeling hot or mad, it turns red but I am telling you now you wouldn’t want to see him mad” says Wooyoung.

“Whatever Kyuhyun, just move him between Nichkhun oppa and Victoria unnie” insist Lim “the two of them seems distance, unnie had been quite while oppa  looks distracted”  she added.

Kyuhyun went to the trio at the back and tried to do what his girlfriend asked him to do. The ordeal had been hard since Changmin is being such a jerk.

“Changmin, can you at least transfer at the other side, our professor is a little strict about sitting arrangement” says Kyuhyun.

“Geez, cousin what’s with you” says Changmin Kyuhyun just looks at him coldly making Changmin cringe at the cold stare “fine I am moving” says Changmin. 

At the other side of the room.

“Sun “called Donghae to his girlfriend.

“Hmmn” is all Sun said to him not taking her eyes away from the back. Donghae looked where she is looking and understood.

“Don’t worry Nichkhun won’t be jealous” says Donghae.

“How can you tell? They seem to be their not usual couple self” says Sun “no skinship at all” she added.

“Look closely” says Donghae “Vic tends to lean on her left side or sometimes her elbow is leaning on the left, right” Sun nodded “but when Changmin was on her left she didn’t even lean on her left, her left elbow is on her side and once they change sit and Nichkhun was on his left she leans at his side almost like hiding from Nichkhun’s back, and her head tilts to Nichkhun’s side” explained Donghae.

“Hmmn your right” says Sun but her head furrows “why do you know that” she asked suspiciously.

“Don’t get anything unnecessary on your cute head, when you are giving me a cold shoulder at that time I was kind of gazing at them and somehow their body movements are easily read or obvious” says Donghae.

“Oookay” says Sun cutely. She was startled as Donghae quickly pecks her at the cheek.

Her eyes widen and looked at her boyfriend, reprimanding. Donghae just smiled coyly at her.

“Hey didn’t you get jealous to that Changmin guy” whispered Wooyoung

“No, I trust Victoria okay” says Nichkhun.

After a few more minutes Changmin stands up and said.

“I’ll leave and go to my seminar here” he added and as he was about to get out of the room he looks back at Victoria and said “hey can we grab coffee again just like yesterday before you go home, I can bring you home later on too”

Nichkhun’s ears perk up.

“N-no, I am going home with the girls” says Victoria.

“Okay” he said and bid goodbye.

Siwon who is also just by the door to visit his friend had his forehead furrows. He looks at the guy that is leaving and Victoria & Nichkhun.

“Isn’t she with her club hoobaes?” whispered Siwon.


At a mall, Victoria is with Changmin again as the guy had been pestering again to have coffee again with her. And while they are having their coffee, he would subtly tell her how he feels for her, Victoria ignored it but make a mental note to make clear to him that she is with Nichkhun.

“Changmin look I don’t want to lead you on but I am with Nichkhun and we are officially dating” she said it straight, Kyuhyun told him already but ignored so he had to hear it from her straight.

“But you might still change your min-“ Changmin was saying but was cut off.

“No” says Victoria sternly “sorry but please stop pursuing me, I can only see you as my friend’s cousin and nothing more” says Victoria “I am sorry for being blunt but as I have said I don’t want to lead you on when I can’t reciprocate your feelings for me, before and now I can’t”

Changmin looked at her and as she didn’t evade his prying eyes and meet his to relay what she really feels. Defeated Changmin had his head down.

“Can I at least be your friend and hang out with you while I am here” says Changmin trying to spend time at least while his in the city.

 “Yes why not” she says and Changmin started to brighten up but her next words made his world darken “you can hang out with us since your Kyuhyun’s cousin” says Victoria, feeling awkward by the minute she finishes her coffee and say “I am going home thanks for the coffee again” said Victoria and left.

Changmin was crestfallen at the girl’s rejection, she looks at the door she just got out to, shrugging he gulped up the remaining coffee in his cup and left the café too.

Victoria felt a little guilty but she only does what is right. She is with Nichkhun even though she had witnessed that scene, she still choose Nichkhun, to let her mind relax she decided to stroll at the mall for a while before going home.

While Victoria was walking at the mall she passes by the jewelry store and was tempted to look at the display at the window. But as she nears the establishment she saw Nichkhun with Nana. Nana took the ring in his hand and put in her ring, she checks out the ring in her finger and smiled at him.

“Nichkhun” she said hurt and leaves the place immediately.

She didn’t saw what happen next, as Taec and Kyu appears from the other side of the store. Taecyeon getting the ring from her as Kyuhyun brushed Nana away from Nichkhun’s side.


Inside the store.

“Oppa~” says Nana

Nichkhun on another hand was trying his best not to pay attention to her and concentrate at searching at the displayed jewelries. Mentally he is calling for an SOS.

Nana was caught in surprise as the two guys took the ring from her and brushes her off at Nichkhun’s side.

“Where the heck have the two of you have gone too” says Nichkhun irritatingly.

“Yah, what did you do that for” says Nana, she coincidentally saw Nichkhun there and tried again to flirt with him but she was ignored and brushed off.

“Haven’t you been told to stay away from us” says Nichkhun without looking at her “or your brain can’t process what I have said the last time” he said trying to control his anger.

“What will you do if I don’t want to stay away” says Nana defiantly.

“Don’t humiliate yourself miss and leave him…us alone” says Taec calmly as he looks around as the employees and some customers are looking at them already.

“Why yo-“starts Nana but Kyuhyun glares at her making her cringe but meet his stare which only made Kyu pissed.

Kyuhyun was pissed at the girl’s attitude.

“Really can’t you get the idea already how many times does he have to tell you that you are not his type, you almost serve yourself in a platter but continuously rejected and ignored…and oh yes humiliated too” says Kyuhyun, Siwon had told him about the locker and study hall incident and he is getting pissed with the girls attitude.

Nana was turning bright red at Kyuhyun’s words.

“So low”

“So cheap” mumbles in the store. Nana’s eyes widen, she is having a déjà vu.

“This is the time that you should run away crying” taunts Kyuhyun beside Nana.

Nana looked at him and to Taec who is scowling and to Nichkhun’s back and back to Kyuhyun, smirking.

“What are you waiting for? Don’t test are patient girl. Leave now and better stay the heck away from us, missy” says Kyu seriously, gone the smirk in his lips.

Nana flee from the store teary eyed.

“Don’t you think you’ve been too harsh” says Taec.

“Subtle don’t work on her” says Kyuhyun, Taecyeon shakes head at his friend’s remarks.

“Hey Nichkhun have you pick something already” asked Taec

“Yes I did but I don’t want any more since that flirt liked it” said Nichkhun.

“Nichkhun about my cousin, Chang-“says Kyuhyun awkwardly.

“Don’t sweat about it Kyu, I trust my Victoria, his presence may be a little unnerving but I am not jealous or something” says Nichkhun and clapped Kyuhyun’s shoulder. Kyu smiled and pats his shoulder.

Taec put his arms around the two and said “okay were good, let’s pick up what we are here for boys and hope we find the gift, Mr. Horvejkul is been looking for” says Taec smiling.

“Ah are young boys are these good looking I want to go back to school again” says one of the customer.

“They are heavenly, how I wish I am the girl his in love with” says the employee assisting the certain customer who nodded in agreement.










So how was it? Did I ease your apprehension or only made you guys more worried?

And what is the boys looking for at the store and for whom?

And what is Nichkhun so busy about?

And would Nana stop already, is the boy’s harshness towards her enough or will she retaliate?

And again guys do you have a guess who could be Seunghyun and Yubin’s daughter and Leeteuk and Suzy’s son? (Come on guys I already given some hints…try reading back *not telling what chap)

p.s. I kind of read a fanfic with those two pairings and I simply begin to like the pairing, so sorry if you peeps like them paired up with others but I like this pairing better hehehe

Hope to read your comments and guesses what will happen next.

I am starting with the next chap already but I stop to post this one and to do my chores first then I’ll get back to updating, not wanting to leave you guys hanging too long.

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Thank you!
my new fanfic...hope you try and read it


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Chapter 6: Where did youfind wgm in subs?
putry0624 #2
this is the thirth time i read this story... love it!!! i hope you make a story like this again... >~<
Chapter 1: Daebak!!!!!!
khunviclurve #4
Chapter 35: Daebak...super duper daebak..jjang!!
AzulEmor #5 sweet Leia! Great job! Can't wait for your next fanfic. I'm glad that b*tch is gone. She deserves what she got! And yay! Everyone got their happy ending. Love love Khuntoria being engaged, hope it happens for real! Miss you!
coolgirlaamy #6
awww this was such a cute ending. I'm glad everything worked out well for everyone.
I love the last chapter !!!! The khuntoria moments were so cute and he proposed!
I really loved reading this story and I can't wait for more from you - I know you started a new fic so I will be reading that hehe.
aarasa #7
I'm so sad that this fic has ended T_T but I know you'll come up with great new one soon hehehe. Thanks Leia for a wonderful ff!! keep up the good work! ^^
shidakyu #8
thank u for such a great story! :')