Coming Home

As The World Turns

One Week Later [Hospital, Seoul]

I've been awake for a week now. The doctor said that I should be cleared to leave in another week, so I decided to have Sung bring over all of my paperwork from SM to my room so that I can at least work while I'm unable to go around. Jessica hates the fact that I'm still working even after a near-death experience, but it's the only way I know to keep my mind from getting bored. Ever since I was younger, it's always been work, work, work. It's the only thing I do better than anyone else, really. However, in my concentration on reading a set of contracts for SM, I didn't notice two figures walk into my room.

Michelle: "Still working?"

You: "Hmm? What're you two doing here?"

Father: "We should be asking you that question, but the doctor already did."

Michelle: "Now, you tell us why in the world you were drunk driving at 156 mph in the middle of the night."

You: "I was upset over something."

Father: "Is that it?"

You: "Yes sir."

Michelle: "Why were you upset?"

You: "You're not in charge of me, you don't need to know."

Father: "That's no way to talk to someone who's always been there for you. Now, tell us why you were upset?"

Michelle: "Was it because of Jessica?"

You: "Yes..."

Father: "Who's Jessica?"

Michelle: "You haven't told your own father about your girlfriend?"

You: "I did..."

Father: "When?"

You: "When I told you I wouldn't come go back to the US because I found something I care about here..."

Michelle: "Anyways, tell us the story."

After that, I went ahead and told them the story between what happened between Jessica and I. I didn't include all the occurances with the Triads and Yakuza, especially the parts where my brother was involved. As much as I'd like to reveal to my father that his favorite son was involved with the Triads and even planned an intricate kidnapping over something as petty as an inheritance. When my story was concluded, Michelle had to leave to attend to something and I was left in an awkward room with my father.

Father: "You need to let go of her."

You: "Who?"

Father: "Jessica."

You: "WHAT!?"

Father: "She's no good for you. Look, she goes off without listening to reason and you almost kill yourself because of your depression. It's not even just lighting wood with a match. You soaked the damn wood with gasoline!"

You: "I'm not going to do it."

Father: "You have to do it. Do you realize that later this year you're going to become one of the most powerful men in Asia? You need to be more responsible, and if this woman is in the way of that, she needs to go."

You: "I can handle it. I don't need to listen to your blind reasoning."

Father: "Why can't you be like your younger brother!? He obeys everything that's asked of him and he even does more than he is asked. He doesn't ask questions, but he just does it! And you? There's always has to be a reason why and you never do anything that is asked of you unless in benefits you! I don't get why he would chose you and not him!"

You: "Chose who? My grandfather? Why he would chose me over my brother!?"

Father: "That's exactly it! All you've ever had is talent and drive, but you're always marching to the beat of your own drum! You're not controllable, you're unpredictable, you're selfish! "

You: "I don't care what you say, I was chosen for this and it is my right. It's also my right to be with anyone I chose. You can't do anything to change that."

Father: "For God's sake! There you go again! If you won't listen, then I'll just have to make you!"

You: "Do your worst. For I will do mine."

With that, my father stormed out of the room and left me here to my work once again. Seeing as I couldn't drink alcohol or talk to Jessica since she was busy, I just returned to my work. 

One Week Later [Seoul]

I've been discharged from the hospital and I'm headed to the Porsche dealership with Sung to get a new car. Afterwards, I'm going to pick Jessica up because I've decided, with all of the things that have happened, that we were both in dire need of a vacation. I haven't told her exactly where we're going, but I'm sure she'll enjoy it. Now, I'm in front of the SM building waiting for Jessica to walk out with the luggages I told her to pack.

Jessica: "New car?"

You: "Mmhmm. Fastest 911 on the line."

Jessica: "I'm not sure you should be driving fast cars anymore..."

You: "Don't worry about me. I can handle it."

Jessica: "What if you get into another high-speed accident? What if you're not so lucky next time? Don't you ever think about the future?"

You: "I always think about the future."

Jessica: "Then why buy another fast car?"

You: "Because Caesar wanted one."

Jessica: "Who's Caesar?"

You: "Our son."

Jessica: "Wow. Aren't you getting a little bit too ahead of yourself there?"

You: "Maybe, but who knows what the future holds."

Later that Day [Incheon International Airport, Seoul]

We're waiting for our flight to get going and Jessica looks a bit nervous as to where we're going. Knowing that she's not the type to enjoy uncertainty, I decided to keep messing with her.

You: "What's wrong?"

Jessica: "Where are we going?"

You: "Some place nice."

Jessica: "How do I know that?"

You: "Because if it weren't nice, would I be bringing my prized Louis Vuitton luggages?"

Jessica: "You know, I'm trying to keep myself from being noticed here at the airport. However, with all of your very visible luxury items, it's becoming very difficult to stay lowkey."

You: "You won't have to worry about being noticed where we're going."

Jessica: "And where is this place?"

You: "Somewhere for me to know and for you to find out."

Jessica: "Oppa!"

Well, I do promise that it'll be a nice place, but I don't think I'm going to spoil the fun just yet.

Two Hours Later [Up In The Air]

We've been sitting in this plane for some two hours now. Any time soon, the pilot should make an announcement as to where we are going.

Pilot: "Good evening ladies and gentlemen, we are going to be landing in Manila in a very short time. So, please make yourselves ready for landing."

Looking surprised by the sudden revelation of our destination, Jessica turned to me with a questioning face.

Jessica: "We're going to Manila?"

You: "Not exactly, we're just going to stop by here for a few hours. We'll leave after we have lunch with someone I want you to meet."

Jessica: "Who?"

You: "That's a secret."

One Hour Later [Manila, Philippines]

After we arrived at the airport, I had arranged for us to be picked up by a driver to be taken to the house where I spent my childhood. When we arrived there, Jessica looked puzzled at the old looking place, but she didn't seem to mind the place too much. As soon as we arrived, a familiar figure came up to us and embraced us both with arms that I had missed so much after all these years.

Grandmother: "You're here! You're finally back home!"

You: "It's good to be back, it's been too long."

Grandmother: "It has! Good thing we still call each other when we can. Now, who's this pretty lady?"

Jessica: "Hi there. I'm Jessica."

Grandmother: "Jessica? You're so pretty dear! Why would you ever lower yourself to be with someone as ugly as my grandson over here?"

You: "Wow, thanks for the loving support."

Grandmother: "I'm just saying the truth. Now, come in! I have food for us to eat before you two set off."

With that, we followed my grandmother into the house while Jessica kept giggling at my grandmother's jokes. I'm not that ugly now, am I?

Grandmother: "So, Jessica, you must be really special, huh?"

Jessica: "Why would you say that?"

Grandmother: "My grandson has never told me about any of his former girlfriends and he's not even been close to introducing me to them. Yet, you're here now!"

Jessica: "My, I guess I'm an exception?"

You: "I'd only take someone I love to meet another person that I love."

Grandmother: "There you are again! You keep on saying you love her like there's no tomorrow! You're just like your grandfather."

You: "Thank you."

Grandmother: "You know, he always liked you the best because you showed ambition and drive above all else. I mean, you definitely have ambition because Jessica here is definitely out of your league!"

You: "And there she goes with the ugly jokes again..."

Jessica: "Oppa, it's okay. You're not that ugly."

You: "You're still suggesting that I'm slightly ugly..."

Jessica: "Well, if I said you weren't, I'd be lying."

The whole room burst with laughter and the entire time we were eating was just like that. Jessica got along well with my grandmother and they socialized very well throughout the entire ordeal. It made me so happy on the inside seeing those two get along so well. The fact that the two women I loved most in the world were also very friendly with each other was a feeling I could not explain with enough detail. As the time for our next flight arrived, Jessica and I made our way to the car parked outside. When Jessica made her way into the car, my grandmother pulled me off to the side and started speaking to me in Tagalog.

Grandmother: "She's special. I really like her, your grandfather would too."

You: "I know that."

Grandmother: "Make sure to never let her go, even if you have to fight through hell and high water, she's definitely the type of woman that would balance out your life. You're hardworking beyond compare, but in the ruthless worker that you are, she's the type of person that can bring that hidden compassion out of you."

You: "I will always hold her dear, to my last breath."

Grandmother: "Good! Now, I want some great-grandchildren soon!"

You: "AHH!"

Flustered, I gave her a hug and ran into the car. I guess my embarassment was very obvious because the moment I closed the door, Jessica turned with a questioning look.

Jessica: "What'd she say?"

You: "That she likes you."

Jessica: "And?"

You: "Nothing..."

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xxkarezxx #1
Chapter 38: Oh my gosh, this got me hooked. Too bad seems like it has been abandoned
Chapter 38: Update soon!
Chapter 38: Update please
Chapter 38: Just binge read this. Please update soon!
SunnyWu #5
Please update soon Author!!
Its such a good story!
ParkJaeyeong #6
Chapter 31: Oh man, so many twists...for some reason I really want to see him end up with Jessica (sorry Tae). After all they've been though I just think they deserve to finally be happy together in the end. But, through how this story line is going I'm only being delusional thinking that. ㅠㅠ Anyways, keep up the good work!
soshiee09 #7
Chapter 38: Omg you finally updated and what an update it was! You really outdid yourself with that twist! Can't wait to see where you'll go from here ^.^
Chapter 38: If he didnt listen at wait for jessica this thing would not happend
otpshipper18 #9
Chapter 37: I thought Taeyeon's pregnant? How can she risks herself like that???
soshiee09 #10
Chapter 37: Is he really staying with taeyeon??!
Update real soon please :)