As The World Turns


It's simple really, this is a story from the viewpoint of a man who has everything that the normal person lusts for, but is it really everything?

Perhaps, in all the excess in his life, there may truly be something missing amongst all of the material items that are within his possession? 


I've been called a lot of things throughout my years...





I could hardly care what people say or think about me, although, one description seems to hurt me everytime...


It's 4:00 a.m. now on New Years Day, and here I am again looking down at all the bussling people and cars from my condominium in San Francisco while drinking a glass of cognac. Another new year, another old story, the same old me, and the same feeling I get every new year since I've been stable in my career.

However, as I look on to the lights below me, I keep thinking about the conversation I had with my friend a mere two hours ago. 

When did such a simple conversation ever bother me?


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xxkarezxx #1
Chapter 38: Oh my gosh, this got me hooked. Too bad seems like it has been abandoned
Chapter 38: Update soon!
Chapter 38: Update please
Chapter 38: Just binge read this. Please update soon!
SunnyWu #5
Please update soon Author!!
Its such a good story!
ParkJaeyeong #6
Chapter 31: Oh man, so many twists...for some reason I really want to see him end up with Jessica (sorry Tae). After all they've been though I just think they deserve to finally be happy together in the end. But, through how this story line is going I'm only being delusional thinking that. ㅠㅠ Anyways, keep up the good work!
soshiee09 #7
Chapter 38: Omg you finally updated and what an update it was! You really outdid yourself with that twist! Can't wait to see where you'll go from here ^.^
Chapter 38: If he didnt listen at wait for jessica this thing would not happend
otpshipper18 #9
Chapter 37: I thought Taeyeon's pregnant? How can she risks herself like that???
soshiee09 #10
Chapter 37: Is he really staying with taeyeon??!
Update real soon please :)