OH NO !?

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Sorry for the late UPDATEs :( I have lots of school activities today .. there you have chapter testS , reviewS , celebrating teacher's day , and many more T.T

-GOSH ! HAGARD .....  (○_○) I HATE IT ! hey~ by the way, did you see the new BOYFRIEND and they BACK? ahaha :D

~they are so ADORABLE (specially MINWOO XD)  ♥_♥ .. yah ~ I'M YOUR LADY ! and YOU'RE MY MAN :D





--Hyunseong and Nathalie change their clothes to 'DRY CLOTHES' bcoz they just finish to play on the pool (LIKE CHIRLDREN :D)

After that they join Donghyun and EunJae at the living room who are watching TV while eating ...

--The movie was a bit scary, so the 4 of them compressed .. when the story became really scary they all want to close their eyes .. but Hyunseong and Donghyun are mens so they try to comfort the two girls , and while doing that they are blushing =^-^= ..

--The movie that they're watching already finish but they are still scary .. Donghyun turn off the TV .. all of them was about to stand from their position when suddenly ...

"BANG !" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "AHHH !" the 4 shocked and jumped .. a little bit scary marked on their face ..

..They all look at the door .. (yah ~ it's the door .. that BANG-ed) They saw the 3MIE .. standing at the door look so scary too ..

O.O <--- their face is like this !

Hyemin: O.O Wae ? any problem here ?

the 4 relieved .. when they saw the 3MIE ...

Hyunseong: hehe ^^ NOTHING ! oh ~ wait why -- *cut by Donghyun*

Donghyun: where's Minwoo, Kwangmin and Youngmin ?

Hyunseong: YAH ! hyung ~ that's what i'm going to ask .. pfft >.<

EunJae : NE ~ why aren't you with the 3MIN ?

Meeyeon: pfft >.< whatever ~ *walk to her room , Hyunseong,EunJAe,Nathalie and Donghyun just shocked on what she said*

*HUH ?! what ? is there any problem that comes with this guys ?* thought of the four.

Nathalie ask her sister .. what's the problem .. but Yumi only answered..

Yumi: SORRY ~ i'm so tired this time I want to take a nap first .. mianhe unnie*said weakly*

After the two girls walk-out .. the 4 turn their heads to HyeMin who is also look-sad this time ..

Hyemin: erhh ? don't look at me like that ! and don't ask me about anything , KK ? SORRY ~ bro and sis .. I have to do my assignments first .. I will go now to my room ~ *walk-out too*

--the 4 stay there , dumbfounded ~ and then a second of staring at each other the 3MIN walk insinde ...

They turn their to the door again and found the three .. The 3MIN look so weak .. the four just stare at the three waiting to notice them..

Minwoo: Wae ? why are you all looking at us like that ? what's the problem ?*finally notice the 4*

Donghyun: YAH ~ the three of you must explain something to us .. !

3MIN: BWOH ?! What are you talking about ? *said in unison*

HyunSeong: why is Hyemin, Meeyeon and Yumi, look so sad today ? I know, the 3 of you know what was going on to that 3girls .. ?

Youngmin: REALLY ? they are SAD ? *the 4 nodded*

Nathalie: YAH ~ what did you do to my sister ? *frowned*

Kwangmin: ehh ? hmm... yah ~ are they ----- ?? *look at minwoo and youngmin*

Minwoo: *knowing what is Kwangmin's point* we should talk to them ~ you know what to do now, okay !

--the 4 still clueless on what's happening ... after the 3MIN went upstairs to talk abou

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I will read this story! It seems very interesting ;)
dreamy_cloud #2
Chapter 5: Wish I really went to this school
Angelz6 #3
Chapter 37: Omg this is a great fanfic!
Chapter 1: I love it... JUST LOVE IT!!
FAncOUples #5
hyunskie4ever #6
i reallly love you Storyyyyyyyyyy ... I LOVE YOU <3

ahh.. What a nice story!!! >.<
i love this fic!!♥.♥
And i love your background it is soo cute!!:D
wew.. I thought you updated again after the final...
I thought it will have a sequel ><
but yeah ... I already subscribe your other fanfics .. don't worry ! :DDD