Part 26

Monday Couple Fan Fiction

Suddenly, four men came out trying to kill them, as Kim Joong Kook had really good reflexs and eyes he told everyone,"Get down, watch out people behind you!"

Everyone got down shocked from Kim Joong Kook's voice and they quickly got back up in a circle protecting Park Bo Young and Song Joong Ki then started to fight.

Park Bo Young then said," Oppas be careful, I don't want everyone to get hurt because of me." Kim Joong Kook, Yoo Jae Suk, Lee Gwang Soo and Ha Ha said quickly," We will," then they started to fight again.

Kim Joong Kook was good at fighting as he had already punched the man who was trying to kill him with a knife and told Park Bo Young to quickly call the police before any of them get away hurry while we are fighting them."

Par Bo Young quickly got her phone out and called the police she said what was happening and after she called the police she told Joong Ki whispering,"Stay in here don't leave us."

Kim Joong Kook had made the one who was fighting him faint so he helped the other running man members to defeat the robbers but not kill them.

By the time they had defeated all the robbers the police came, Yoo Jae Suk said," Here the people who have fainted were the robbers please call an ambulance here there's someone who has fainted and unconscious."

Park Bo Young said,"He wasn't a robber, he was trying to help me but he got hit by the robbers I saw it."

The police said,"We will, can you all come to the police station though so yoou can all tell us what happened and we can put together what we found and what you all said to see if it was true or not, it may take some of your time though sorry."

Yoo Jae Suk replied,"It's ok we understand, we still have three more people in the car they can also tell you why we came here."

The police officer said,"Ok, if you can all come to the police station to say everything we really appreciate it, thanks for the co-operation you can go together by the car you came from."

Yoo Jae Suk replied,"Thank you we'll just get into the car to tell the others."

The police officers said,"Thank you for wasting your time to come and help us out we know that you are very busy with your works and all that like running man."

Yoo Jae Suk said,"Even you police officers know running man." Everyone laughs and starts to go back into their cars. Ji Hyo asks,"Opps what happened? why is there an ambulance? did anything happen?

Kim Joong Kook said,"Ji Hyo, Song Joong Ki is unconscious but don't worry he'll definitely wake up, but right now were going to the police station just to tell the police officers what happened."

Song Ji Hyo said,"Hope Song Joong Ki wakes up soon, we have to go to the polie station right?"

Ha Ha said,"Yea but don't worry you three just need to say why we came here and how we got here that's all the rest of the story me Jae Suk, Joong Kook and Lee Gwang Soo wil say it."

Kang Gary said,"That's a relief that you all came back safely."

Lee Gwang Soo said,"Not all of us, I got a little cut from the knife and it is bleeding."

Ji Suk Jin said,"Yah, everyone got back safely and only you got cut just put a tissue over it which is a little wet."

Lee Gwang Soo said,"Why doesn't anyone care about me."

Kim Joong Kook said,"Lets just go to the police station right now lets start the car, we'll look at him later." Kim Joong Kook started the car and followed the police car to the police station.

They arrived at the police station and told them what they knew, after they all gave the police officers their number just in case they wanted more information. They were then allowed to leave so they went to Song Joong Ki's hospital room to see how he was and whether he was ok.

They all went over while Ji Hyo and Kang Gary took their time as they didn't want to walk quickly and trip over. The others arrived first and asked the doctor,"Doctor how is our good friend Song Joong Ki?"

The doctor replied,"He was lucky enough as he lost quite a lot of blood on the way and he was uncoscious too, he had gone through the hard bit but give him some space too we still need to wait for him to wake up though and have a check up on him."

They said,"Thank you for your hard work doctor." Park Bo Young was next to him sitting on the brown chair holding Joong Ki's hand.Once Song Ji Hyo and Kang Gary arrived they asked together,"How is Song Joong Ki?"

Ji Suk Jin said,"He'll be ok, we just need to wait for him to wake up."

Park Bo Young said,"Oppas and noona long time no see, I've only seen you all since my last time on running man how did you all know that I had trouble?"

Yoo Jae Suk said,"Well as you should know Joong Ki was a little strange after the talk on the phone so we kind of followed him."

Park Bo Yung said,"Oh, but anyway thank you for saving me I was really scared and didn't know what to do and who to call."

Park Bo Young thought, why was I so worried about Joong Ki Oppa I even cried, I know he tried to save me and he got hurt but is it me or I find that we aren't just friends, what am I feeling like this, this isn't right. Should I tell someone who can express my feelings? who can I trust between everyone in this room? I can't take it anymore I have to tell someone but who?

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cookiebear123435 #1
Thanks for all the Support I will update when I have finished all the parts on Watt pad with my other fan fictions then update it on Asian fanfics, might take a few months sorry. If you want to read it on Watt pad with my other unfinished fan fictions, my username is the same so you can find it easily.
adkunw #2
Chapter 2: hahahaaa.. kang gary fainted because he knew that ji hyo have a feeling for him.. :D
garydaughter #3
good job author. ツ