Part 18

Monday Couple Fan Fiction

They started to leave the filming place for running man together and then they went to a restaurant.

At the restaurant there were no people as they had booked it with no people at all just them, they had to use a lot of money but they shared it out equally between Lee Gwang Soo, Ji Suk Jin, Kim Joong Kook, Yoo Jae Suk and Ha Ha.

It wasn't as much for all of them but Kang Gary and Song Ji Hyo was not going to pay at all as the running man members was treating the dinner for them.

They had arrived at the restaurant door still in the car then the running man members told Monday couple to put on a blindfold each as they had created a surprise for them.

They all started to get out of the car and led the two of them inside letting them sit down, they led Ji Hyo carefully and slowly as she was carrying Gary's baby and they didn't want him to worry.

Gary was thought why are these hyungs doing this I don't really like surprises it might make Ji Hyo shocked and she might scream and faint maybe I shouldn't think about that it might be a bit extreme.

Ji Hyo thought I wonder why these oppas had to this type of thing it might hurt the baby but I can't wait for what will happen once our blindfolds are taken off.

The members started to count down saying,"One two three." At the count of three Kim Joong Kook and Yoo Jae Suk took off the blindfolds at the same time revealing what was inside the restaurant.

Inside there was a banner saying Congratulations Song Ji Hyo and Kang Gary with a big red heart around it.

There were candles to make the room more brighter and there were lots of different types of foods on the table to celebrate.

They all gathered around the table bringing over chairs next to the monday couple in a circle and they started to play truth or dare while eating and drinking.

All the running man members except Kang Gary and Song Ji Hyo were drinking some alcohol as the restaurant was near all of their homes but also because the driver from the car woulld be able to drive them all home.

Song Ji Hyo didn't drink as she was pregnant and Kang Gary didn't drink as he had to take care of Song Ji Hyo so she wouldn't hurt herself as well as the baby.

Kim Joong Kook also didn't drink as he cared for his body and never liked drinking, what he like was eating and drinkig healthily and exercising

Instead Ji Hyo and Kim Joong Kook drank water as it was more healthy and Kang Gary drank lemon tea.

When they were playing truth or dare the running man members always made harsh dares and questions for each other.

But especially for Ji Hyo, Kang Gary as they were now going to be parents and also Lee Gwang Soo because he was the one who was always easily bullied.

They then started to play some card games as they had planned out that if they were bored or if they wanted to play another game they would play different types of card games.

They started to get quite bored of the card games they played so they figured out they would pick a partner and have some dancing to lighten up the other members in running man making the room very loud.

Ji Hyo started to get a headache as the music was very loud so she asked Gary if she could turn the volume down a bit.

Gary said,"Sorry Hyungs but can we just turn the volume down a bit my wife is getting a little bit of a headache if you don't mind."

Yoo Jae Suk replied,"Oh Ji Hyo sorry I didn't mean it we were a bit lively in here." The rest of the members also said," Sorry Ji Hyo."

She replied,"It's ok just keep on dancing if you want just maybe a bit quieter."

Ji Hyo also started to join in dancing while talking quietly with Gary next to her, dancing slowly and carefully making sure she wouldn't fall.

They until very late as they didn't have filming or many schedules the next day, nearly all the running man members except from the monday couple and Kim Joong Kook were drunk.

Ji Hyo still hadn't told her manager that she was pregnant and isn't that compatible with working and acting but she planned out that she was going to tell her tomorrow when she gets to filming at emergency couple.

She had many schedules tomorrow like going on the tour about the new house she and Gary was going to buy and mainly filming emergency couple.

She forgot to tell Gary as she was too busy with playing games and Gary only sometimes checked her time table without even telling her so she didn't know whether he knew or not.

She had just remembered to tell him so she started to say to him,"Gary I need to go filming tomorrow for emergency couple after having a tour around our new house so we know when we can start moving our stuff over. When that is happening I'll stop by to tell my manager that I'm pregnant and I may need to stop acting for a while after finishing all the filming for emergency couple."

Gary said," Ji Hyo you must be very tired tomorrow you need to rest tonight earlier I'll tell the hyungs that we have to go. I'll come with you to filming after I tell my manager that I'll be on a holiday for these months."

Ji Hyo replied," Gary Oppa you don't have to do this for me you know" I can take care of myself you know that. I know you care for me a lot but anyway thank you."

Gary replied," No need to say thank you, I need to make sure to stay by your side everyday when you're pregnant and also when you're not. I need to make sure you're safe and sound like how a good husband should be like I love you forever and ever I'll tell the hyungs now."

Song Ji Hyo said," I love you forever too." Then Gary walked up to the hyungs and said," Hyungs sorry Ji Hyo and me need to go and rest you understand right? Ji Hyo has filming tomorrow and we're going to look around our new house tomorrow thanks."

Kim Joong Kook said," We all understand don't worry about us we'll go home hen we want to thanks for coming to the party and enjoying it."

Gary said,"Hyung why thank us we want to thank everyone who took part in making this party and who came bye hyungs."

All the hyungs said," Hyung bye have a nice week and see you next week with probably Ji Hyo."

They all waved goodbye and started to get into the black car which took them there to take them home.

They arrived at Ji Hyo's appartment and said thank you to the driver who took them home.

They got out if the black car who drove them home and the black car drove back to the restaurant to drive the other members home when they wanted to go home.

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cookiebear123435 #1
Thanks for all the Support I will update when I have finished all the parts on Watt pad with my other fan fictions then update it on Asian fanfics, might take a few months sorry. If you want to read it on Watt pad with my other unfinished fan fictions, my username is the same so you can find it easily.
adkunw #2
Chapter 2: hahahaaa.. kang gary fainted because he knew that ji hyo have a feeling for him.. :D
garydaughter #3
good job author. ツ