Love 8

Surreptitiously love


Jina rushed to get the phone that rings without stops at living room.


“Hello...Umma. Why umma still at home? When umma and appa will come here?” Suho asks his umma as soon as his umma answer the call.

“Suho-ah...We really want go to there...But as you know, appa still have fever. He really can’t drive right now.” Jina explained carefully to Suho.

“Why~~I really hope umma and appa can see me on the stage and get a awards as best student. I really study hard to get it. I want it be best memories to us before I enter college. Umma please...coax appa~~Please umma...” Jina feels guilty as Suho pleaded. She nodded her head as Suho can see her.

“Ok...Umma will try. Umma will go by taxi if appa really can’t drive. Don’t worry, we will be there.”

“I’m really happy if appa can make it. Ok...I will wait. Don’t be too late.”Suho reminds his umma.

“Nehh...” Jina put the phone in its place carefully. She sigh when remember Suho stubbornness even though he is quiet person.

“Jina...Did Suho called just now?” Jina turn and see her husband that lying on sofa.

“Nehh...He really wants we go. His hope is too big. I’m pity to him. How about you, yeobo? Can you drive? If not I can go there b taxi. He must upset nobody came and watch him. Today is his big day.”

10 years old Yixing turn from TV and look at his umma.

“Umma, appa is sick and can’t drive. We can see hyung on the stage when hyung he graduates from college. Aishh, Suho hyung...” Yixing say. He really patter although he just 10 year old.

Jina’s husband gets up from his lying position and carefully sit. He seems like to think something. He then looks at his wife eyes. There is sad emotion in her eyes. He release breathes slowly.

“Let’s go. His school is not too far from here. He never asks anything from us. He accepts everything that we give to him. It’s his first request from us. Go to dress we will go.” Jina nodded her head slowly and walk to her room before that she see Yixing sour face. She knows if Yixing make the face it’s mean that he doesn’t want to follow.

He rather be at home alone. Stubborn! He really close to his appa compare to her. Yixing is really mad if someone makes fun to his appa. She sure after they get at home, Yixing will nag to his hyung for all night. She giggles when remember her sons antics.


Yixing eyes never leave clock on the wall. 5 p.m. He paced in front of the door.    

“Where are they? It’s too long. It’s all is hyung fault. Appa should at home and rest. What if appa fever becomes worst?” Yixing mutter. Before he walk to get a water the door was be knocks by people. Yixing run to the door as he thought that his appa already back. But he frown when he see auntie beside his house in front of the house.


“Yixing-ah...We need to go hospital now...” Yixing just stare at her blankly.

“Hospital?? But why?? Did appa fever worst? Aishh...I already told them that they don’t go to the school. This is all hyung fault.” Yixing mutter as his eyes become teary while he follow auntie to her car after done close the door and gate.

Yixing run to emergency room, while auntie and she husband tailing him at behind.

And the same time Yixing reach the emergency room there is torso that be cover by thin clothe from head to toe. Yixing really know the torso. He stares without blinks. He still can see blood stained the white clothe. With his shaking hand he slowly discards clothe.

“APPA!!!” Yixing shout loudly and hug the cold torso.

“Why appa leave me? Who want look after me? Who want love me? Appa...Wake up...Appa promise watch me. Wake up...Yixing want appa. Talk with me, appa. Don’t care if a short time. Yixing want hear appa’s voice. Don’t leave me, appa!! Yixing love appa!! Appa!! Appa!!” Yixing wails and shake his appa torso.


Yixing ignore Suho. He quickly hugs the body and don’t want let it. Suho that have fracture on his left leg sit on wheelchairs and push by nurse. He rubs Yixing back smooth.

“Xing-ah...Let it go. We need be a strong. Don’t wail like this, Xing-ah. Just let appa go. Don’t make appa suffer again, Xing-ah. Hyung here, hyung can watch you. Before appa close his eyes, he asks me to watch you and umma. Umma still in surgery, piece of glass stab umma eyes. Umma maybe can’t see anymore, Xing-ah. ” Suho can’t hold his tears anymore. He tries to stops his tear but no avail. Loud sobs from Yixing make his tears drops faster.


“Enough...Hyung don’t talk anymore!!” Shout Yixing

He pushes Suho hands harshly. Suho can see hate feeling in Yixing eyes. His chest move rapidly up and down.    

“Because of hyung, appa die!! If hyung don’t force appa go, appa will still alive!! Satisfy now, hyung? Hyung and umma same!! What hyung think I will care if umma blind? No! If not umma coax appa, appa will not go! Appa must at home with me now and rest! Why don’t hyung die? Why must appa? I hate you!! I will never forgive hyung and umma forever!! Go! I don’t want see hyung!!”

Despite Yixing don’t spoke too loud but Suho can fell how break his heart when his own dongsaeng say like that to him and umma.

“I’m sorry, Xing-ah. I’m so sorry...”

END Flashback

“Suho-ah, can we go now?”

Kris deep voice pulls back Suho to present. He doesn’t know when he stop breathe until he release it back.   


 here new update ^O^

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joanna20 #1
Chapter 25: Xing ah....i hope u change yr attitude! I knw its nt yr fault bcz u r a victim but a victim of yr own scheme. I dont knw what to feel....angry? Sad? Excited? Eager? All 4 i m feeling it. I will b waiting for yr update. ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
shane00 #2
Chapter 25: please update this is a very interesting story.
Chapter 25: i want to
update soon pleaseee
Chapter 24: Why Yixing is so y?
myotterprince #5
Chapter 23: I need more !!!! Please update ASAP !!!!
Chapter 22: update soon pleaseeee >\\\<
Bunny-Lu #7
Chapter 22: Wow 2 upadtes in one day awesome... thank you author-nim ;D
myotterprince #8
Chapter 21: This is really interesting
I am kind of hoping kris will take advantage because lay has been rude
And this will fix him up
Chapter 21: Update soooonn babeee !