Chapter Eleven

A Change Of Heart

                The morning came and Yongguk was the first one to wake up. It’s because he didn’t really sleep. He was dozing intermittently throughout the night. He just couldn’t sleep when the lights were on, whereas Daehyun was sleeping soundly beside him and now the younger was hiding his face in Yongguk’s armpit.

                “That’s…inappropriate…” Yongguk murmured as he looked down to the other who also had his arms and legs wrapped around him. He could feel       Daehyun’s warm breath and face at his pit. Or maybe his lips. So that meant Daehyun was kissing his…yeah… Yongguk was not sure if Daehyun would be embarrassed or mad if he knew about this.

                Afraid of taking the risk, Yongguk squirmed to get out of Daehyun’s hold. But like always, Daehyun would tightened his grip when something he was cuddling was pulled away while he was sleeping. Yongguk had to use more force to struggle out and he was nearing the edge of the bed as he did that. Finally, he was released, when he was on the ground, after falling off the bed.

                “Urgh…” He groaned as he sat up while rubbing his painful back. He turned to check on Daehyun if the younger was still asleep after what he had done to him.

                After the loss of his cuddly person, Daehyun whimpered before feeling around with closed eyes in search for another useful thing. He found his stuffed bunny which he thrown behind last night and squished it so hard that the bunny would be choked to death if it’s alive. When he got a comfortable place to hide his face, he stopped moving as he fell asleep again.

                Yongguk narrowed his eyes with pursed lips. “Nnnope. Not cute. Not cute at all,” He muttered, still on the floor as he rested his chin on the side of the bed. “Why would he hide his face when he’s sleeping?!” He grumbled but truthfully, he just wanted to see the beautiful sleeping face.

                The older man climbed onto the bed again in order to satisfy his secret wish. He pulled the long bunny’s ears vigorously but slowly in case Daehyun would wake up. Unfortunately, a face that popped suddenly from behind the bunny had reduced Yongguk’s life by ten years. He screamed silently as his name was called.

                “Yongguk…?” Daehyun squinted his eyes before letting out a yawn. Only then he blinked his eyes, opening them wider.

                Yongguk froze at his spot. His heart was still beating like crazy from the shock.

                “You’re still here…” Daehyun uttered with a dazzling smile and this time Yongguk’s heartbeat had gone extraordinarily wild.

                “I… Uh…” Yongguk scratched his head in awkwardness. “Are you…feeling better now…?”

                Daehyun hummed in response. “Much better,” He began to stretch his numb limbs and that caused his shirt to ride up revealing the flawless tanned smooth and silky skin of his slender waist.

                “Holy mother of nature…” Yongguk said under his breath as he gulped down his excess saliva. Now he knew why Daehyun hated it when he removed his shirt in front of him. “That is totally illegal…”

                “What?” Daehyun asked when he didn’t catch what the latter said.

                Yongguk diverted his eyes in a flash and he began to be a little bit nervous if Daehyun had caught him staring at his body. “What?” He asked back with a straight face.

                Daehyun frowned. “…What?”

                Yongguk shook his head in irritation. How could Daehyun be so innocent after all he had done to him? “Let’s just have some breakfast.”

                Daehyun was pouting when Yongguk left the bed. He wanted to spend a little more time together with small talks. If only he knew it was because of his own fault, he definitely wouldn’t be so reluctant to let Yongguk go.




                A week had passed and even if Daehyun wanted to call Inguk for an explanation, he couldn’t because Inguk had told him not to. He would call Daehyun by himself when he had the time. However, not a single phone call was received since he appeared in the TV show except for short text messages that read – I really wanted to talk to you but I can’t right now; Sorry I can’t call you today; I miss you; I’ll call you tomorrow.

                Daehyun was getting tired with all the nonsense until yesterday, in which Inguk said he had a free time today and asked Daehyun to meet at the coffee shop from their last encounter. Daehyun spent the whole day and night contemplating whether he should go or not. Maybe he was still mad at Inguk but if he didn’t meet him today, when would they meet again? So he decided to go, hoping that Inguk had prepared a good explanation on what he said on TV.

                Making his way downstairs, he saw Yongguk was sitting on the couch while watching some sports news. The older man sure had heard his footsteps as he turned around to look at him.

                “Going out?” Yongguk asked.

                Daehyun went a little bit closer to answer him. “Yeah…”

                “With Minsoo?”

                “No… With my other…friend…” Daehyun tried to sound convincing.

                Yongguk was suspicious. He didn’t know Daehyun had friends other than Minsoo. “But I thought you’re not feeling well,” He said because he had seen the other sneezing and coughing for the past few days. And he rejected to eat any medicine.

                “Nah, it’s just a slight cold,” Daehyun shrugged it off.

                “Put on more clothes. It’s freezing outside,” Yongguk uttered based the thin layers on Daehyun’s body. “And bring an umbrella too. Looks like it’s going to rain,” He added with concern.

                “I’m okay with this,” Daehyun fixed his sweater. “I’m just going for a while. I’ll be back in a short time.”

                “Well, if you said so…” Yongguk gave in to the stubborn Daehyun. He felt a bit worried to let the younger go alone in the not so good weather but on the second thought, Daehyun was already an adult. He’s not a kid and Yongguk was nobody to forbid him to do anything. Although he was Daehyun’s husband, it was just on the paper. He sighed, thinking about that. “Just give me a call when you need something and I’ll be there.”

                “Alright, I’ll go now,” Daehyun smiled and proceeded to go out of the house.

                Yongguk watched until Daehyun disappeared behind the door before returning to the sports news with the phone in his hold.




                The coffee shop was empty on the Sunday morning. There were just a few people coming in and out of it unlike the other days. Maybe that’s why Inguk chose to meet here, Daehyun thought. He was sitting by the wall, looking out through the window. His hot chocolate was served earlier, along with Inguk’s favorite, café latte.

                Daehyun sighed for the umpteenth time after looking at his watch. He shook his head as he had sat there and waited for an hour already and Inguk was nowhere to be seen. The elder man was rarely late to any meeting.

                Daehyun checked his phone but there’s nothing. He tried to call Inguk but the other didn’t pick up. His mind was playing so many assumptions like maybe Inguk had to settle something first, or he’s not feeling well, or he’s stuck on the way here, or maybe because it was raining. Yes, it was raining outside and he regretted not listening to Yongguk. Guess that he should stay a little bit longer until the rain stopped, even if he felt like leaving at the very moment with a frustrated heart.


                Daehyun looked up at the familiar voice. Why instead of the many people in the large state of Seoul that he had to see this person?

                “What’re you doing here all alone?” Jihyun remarked as she took the seat across Daehyun. “Are you waiting for someone?” She asked because of an unattended cup of coffee on the table.

                Daehyun rolled his eyes, already feeling annoyed just by looking at her face. “Not anymore,” He stood up to leave the place but before he could walk pass the woman, Jihyun blocked his way.

                “Is it Yongguk? He’s not coming? Poor you…” She tsked while shaking her head.

                “None of your business,” Daehyun glared and tried to get away again, only to be held back once more. “What do you want?” He asked properly despite the anger seeping into him.

                “You know what I want,” Jihyun returned with a serious face. “You’re not just ugly, but stupid too. So let me tell you one more time. Bang Yongguk is mine,” She placed a hand at her chest to clarify it. “If you still don’t understand, I want you to make yourself disappear from Yongguk’s life. Or I’ll make you do it,” She stated intimidatingly.

                Daehyun’s hands turned into fists. “Bang Yongguk was no one’s,” He spoke through gritted teeth. “I think you’re the one who’s stupid and you look more stupid calling me stupid,” He said and Jihyun bit her lips as her face began to redden. “Don’t you get it? Yongguk doesn’t love you anymore. There’s no way he would love a like y-”

                Daehyun stopped his speech after his face was turned to the side with a strong force. It took seconds for him to register that Jihyun had slapped him and it shocked him that she had the guts to do it. He turned back to look at the woman who was glowering at him. His cheek stung because of the harsh skin contact.

                “Remember what I said or it will get worse,” Jihyun smirked before making her way out of the coffee shop. She’s lucky nobody saw that incident.

                When his legs suddenly became wobbly, Daehyun d the edge of the table. His lips were trembling as the tears were threatening to fall in any time. He pulled a deep breath before straightening his body again. Mixed of emotions surged in his heart but he kept denying it.

                Stepping out of the coffee shop, Daehyun was immediately hit by the falling rain. It was really heavy but he couldn’t care less. His mind was heavier thinking about the things that happened to him just now. A woman that didn’t have any relation to him had slapped him in the face because of a man he didn’t love. While the man he loved had ignored him again without any news. Why?

                Daehyun slowly walked home in the downpour. He brought his hands up to hug himself in the cold weather. It didn’t really help since his clothes were totally soaked. He should’ve listened to Yongguk. Maybe he was indeed stupid.

                Tears began to stream down his face when they couldn’t be held anymore. It was nothing less than the falling rain that covered up his tears from other people who was scattering to find a shelter. He was just trying to be a nice guy who wanted to help another guy to get rid of his past lover. Was it too selfish for him if he wanted to go to his lover at the same time? And why wouldn’t his lover understand him? Why wouldn’t Yongguk’s past lover just leave him alone? Did he really deserve this? He just made his life a mess and nobody seemed to be affected by it except him.

                Daehyun cried harder and harder. He had made the worst decision in his life. His mind was all fuzzy, he couldn’t think straight right now. He didn’t even realize that he had arrived home, just unconsciously pushing the door to get in order to avoid the rainfall.

                “Daehyun?!” Yongguk shouted from the living room when he heard the door clicked. He was previously pacing around in effort to call the younger but Daehyun never pick up. He was worried as hell, moreover because it’s raining heavily.

                Yongguk ran to the door and saw a drenched Daehyun hugging himself. His quivering lips were turning blue while his eyes were drooping close. When Yongguk saw the small body slowly sagging to the side, he quickly caught it, making Daehyun leaned fully against him. The younger looked like he had been crying but Yongguk was not sure because the wet cheeks could also be caused by the water falling from Daehyun’s hair. If he’s really crying, Yongguk knew it must be caused by the idol guy and he swore he would beat the out of Inguk when he got the chance to see him.

                “Daehyun?” Yongguk called but the latter didn’t respond. He could feel Daehyun’s body warmth through the layers of clothes. The younger had passed out from a fever.

                “Damn it,” He was quite mad seeing Daehyun in that state. If only Daehyun had listened to him, if only he had forced Daehyun to listen to him, all of this wouldn’t have happened. Yongguk sighed as he brought another arm under Daehyun’s legs to lift him up before going to his room.




                Daehyun whimpered in pain after waking up on his bed. His whole body ached and his head was throbbing. He had no idea how he got into his room.

                “You awake?”

                Daehyun heard the well-known voice before feeling the bed dipped beside him. Yongguk’s anxious face was the first thing he saw when he opened his eyes. “What happened…?” He asked with his sore throat.

                “You out, obviously. You’re wet from head to toe when you came home,” Yongguk began to feel angry at Daehyun. He’s mad because Daehyun had made him worried as hell. “I told you. I told you to bring an umbrella. I told you to call me if there’s anything. You should’ve called me to pick you up. And where the was the idol guy? Shouldn’t he take the responsible to send you home? What’re you thinking walking in the rain like that? Are you stupid?” He blurted in rage. His breathing was uneven and his face contorted in anger. It was not until he realized the other staring at him with wide eyes. Shock was evident in his face.

                As Yongguk saw a tear rolled down the younger’s cheek, he suddenly felt guilty for scolding him like that. Daehyun turned to lie on his side with his back facing Yongguk. And he started to cry silently. He had no idea how did the other know he was going to meet Inguk back then.

                Yongguk sighed. Was he a little too harsh? “Daehyun-ah…” He called softly but a sniff was all he got in response. He could see the small body shaking slightly. Daehyun was crying and this time he was the one who caused it. He felt like punching himself for that. Hesitantly, he brought his hand up to Daehyun’s head only to be retreated back to his lap.

                “I’m sorry, okay. Just…please don’t cry…” Yongguk pleaded.

                Hearing Yongguk’s words didn’t calm Daehyun down. He just wailed louder. His voice was so loud that Yongguk afraid if the neighbours would hear it.

                “Daehyun, please…” Yongguk sighed again, thinking on how to coax the younger. “Look, I made some porridge for you,” He took a bowl of it from the bedside table and Daehyun seemed to slow down a bit. “This is the first time I cook in three years. I made this special just for you.”

                Daehyun slightly turned around to see if Yongguk was telling the truth. Once he saw the bowl in Yongguk’s hold, he immediately stopped crying. His husband purposely took off the lid to let the delicious smell out. Daehyun was tempted as he realized that he’s extremely hungry right now. He didn’t eat anything since the morning.

                Yongguk grinned and Daehyun pouted at him. The younger wanted to sit on the bed but he was struggling with his weak body. Yongguk put the bowl back onto the table to give Daeyun some help. He made Daehyun leaned against the head board and took the bowl of porridge.

                “I’ll feed you,” Yongguk said.

                “But I can eat it myself,” Daehyun protested.

                “Nu-uh. You’re sick,” Yongguk dug a spoonful and brought it to Daehyun’s mouth.

                Daehyun parted his lips to take the food and he almost moaned at the pleasant taste. Now he was wondering whether Yongguk really made it on his own or it’s just an instant food.

                “You have to take the meds after this,” Yongguk commanded.

                “But I hate it…” Daehyun whined. He never liked the bitter taste of the medicine. That’s why it was easy for him to fall sick and hard to recover.

                “Daehyun,” Yongguk glared, making the said person cowered in fear. “You have to take the meds. It’s for your own good. I can’t bear to watch you being all sick, enduring all the pain alone. You need to get well fast.”

                Daehyun stared at the elder in disbelief and unexpectedly, he cried again. Even if he didn’t want to, the spilling tears couldn’t be controlled anymore. Yongguk was treating him in a really nice way lately and it made him feel loved. But on a second thought, what’s the reason of the nice act? He never wondered until now.

                Yongguk exhaled heavily. “There’s no need to cry. I was not even mad at you.”

                Daehyun shook his head. “It’s not that…It’s just…” He looked down to think of something before lifting his head again. “…why do you care so much for me…?”

                Yongguk was absolutely dumbfounded by that question. He took a while to come out with an answer. “…’cause…you’re my wife…?” He said dubiously.

                “What if I’m not your wife? Would you still care for me…?” Daehyun asked between sniffs and hiccups.

                Yongguk’s eyes were cast to the bowl he was holding. “…I think so…yes…”

                Daehyun didn’t expect that. The older man was doing things to his heart with all his answers and he was not sure what exactly was he feeling right now. “Why…?” He asked again in almost a whisper.

                Yongguk took a deep breath before slowly looking up, staring right into Daehyun’s eyes. “Because I fell for you…”




Sometimes what you want isn't always what you get, but in the end what you get is so much better than what you wanted.



an update is here!

I'm getting confused with the names why didn't I realize that they're almost the same when I chose the characters -_-

well, that's what we call a coincidence. I hope you guys are ok with it. Sorry I just realize it now XD

Thanks a lot to upvoters, subscribers, commentors and readers!  Saranghanda ♥♥♥




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Chapter 26: my first time reading a BangDae fanfic... it's so beautiful, wow and the epilogue 3 kids ...
Chapter 26: I'm so happy you finished it. It's truly beautiful ^^ the best BangDae fic I've read so far. Your fic is really etched to my mind that I immediately read it after I saw the complete status even after a really long time I first read it. Your writing is so good that it makes me able to truly imagine everything like watching a movie. All the right feels too. Hope to see more great stories from you, author-nim =D
Chapter 26: This is so beautiful I want to be their daughter too ㅠㅠ thanks for writing(•ө•)♡
Chapter 26: that the best story of bangdae arregandmarrige it was the best fanfic ever, I read it twice but every time U feel like I read it the first time
thank you to makr me happy bt just reading it
Chapter 26: Hello!
I really like this story so... Can I translate it into Russian? I'll credit, of course :)
bygjdh #6
Chapter 9: I enjoyed it, thank you for making this beautiful story ^^
Chapter 26: Thank you for giving us yet another beautiful story. Bangdae FOREVER!
trymyluck #8
Chapter 26: happy ending! happy reader! happy couple! happy life!! muaah muahhh ... I LOVE YOU AUTHORNIM !!!
Bbangchanie #9
Chapter 26: do I really need to tell you that this is the best BangDae fanfic I've read.. and this is the 8th time I re-read this story *I'm telling the truth* and ofcourse never get bored, my secret otp ㅋㅋㅋ
Hopefully you will write another amazing BangDae story author-nim.. 사랗해, 화이팅......♥♡♥♡♥
daehyundarklight #10
Chapter 26: i missed this story.. and i read it again.. he..