Vauge Explaination

One...Two...Three...Four...will it end? (Incomplete)

No One POV

Kirikaze was suddenly grabbed by her collar and lifted off the chair she was sitting on. Her arms and legs dangled limply off the ground. The glass she had been holding before crashed into the ground, shattering.

The man asked her a simple question, "What do you mean?"

Kirikaze did not move or speak. The man dropped her onto the ground annoyed. The shatter glass cut her palms but she did not move

"Half Lily. That is what that lily is called and the name of the organization behind it."

A Chinese boy approached Kirikaze, "I'm Huang Zitao or Tao for short. Half Lily?"

"Half Lily. The name represent how those lilies are half black and half white. The names means that they are only half of the lily but you never know which one. they can change as quickly as the weather. The Leader is called Number 7. A highly secretive group."

Tao/Huang Zitao POV

This girl actually knows what the flower means.

Lay hyung approached the girl, "Kirikaze how do you know this?"

Kirikaze..the girls name...

"Because..Number 7 was the last voice I hear before I was found by L and Sungjong."

A huge round of whispers floated around the room.

Tao tapped the girl on her shoulder, "Is there anything we really have to worry about for now?"

"No, Number 7 like his name tends to go in patterns of seven. there has been seven cases so far. Solve these cases for now is the best thing," Kirikaze grimaced, "There will not be any case related to the lily for a while. Though they might have a hand in some of the harder cases you face."

Number 4 then regained order "Teams assigned with their cases should be closing them. We will keep an eye on any new developments with a half black, half white lily. Lay take her to the Humming Bird Department and see to it that Miss Kirikaze is cared for. That is all. Everyone is dismissed."

Slowly everyone left. Lay led the bleeding Kirikaze gently to the Humming Bird Department. Tao being curious about the girl, he followed Lay.

Lay/ Zhang Yixing POV

He sighed as he led Kirikaze down to his office. This is just what  he needed. A new twist of cases.

I really hope that I do not have to attend to another operation on a near dead person anytime soon.

Kirikaze blindly followed him. She made no move to go anywhere except were she was led. It was almost like she was changed into a doll. Lay arrived at his office and lead her to the cushioned chair in the corner of the room. He gently sat her down in the chair. She did not move or lift her head as Lay fetched something to clean her hands. Suddenly, Lay heard a shriek from outside his door. He dropped what he was holding and ran outside his office.

"Lay 哥哥(gege; older brother in Chinese), a cockroach!!"

Lay found a cowering Tao against the wall opposite his office. He followed the line where Tao's shaking hand was pointing to his side of the hallway. There was a rubber cockroach that so one had dropped. Lay sighed and picked up the rubber cockroach causing Tao to squeak with fear.

"Tao, this is a fake one."

Tao cautiously stood up and approached Lay. He poked the cockroach. Tao sighed after he found out that it was fake.

"Lay 哥哥 can I talk to the girl please?"

Lay frowned slightly,"as long as you obey. When I say quiet you close your mouth, leave you leave. Got it? I do not care if you are the leader of Ice Blue, Panda Department. "

Tao nodded and followed Lay back into the office. Lay noticed that Kirikaze looked up when they entered this time.

Tao/Huang Zitao POV

The girl named Kirikaze looked up as Tao entered the room with Lay. Lay returned to his task that he had been doing before Tao's interruption. Tao on the other hand sat down in front of Kirikaze.

"Hello? My name is Tao." He extended his hand to the quiet girl, "your name?"

Kirikaze shock is extended his hand she shook herself out of her shocked stupor, "My name is Kirikaze Li." She blinked cheerfully at him.

"I'm sorry to ask you thing," Tao said nervously "what do you know of Number 7 and Half Lily?"

"It fine. The name Number 7 is a name like Number 4's. It is to conceal his identity. I only know it because I was told it by him personally when this cycle first started. I have never seen Number 7 in person. Half Lily is a organization that does quote 'criminal consultation' meaning they are a group that are hired to create nearly impossible crimes. That is their white side though. Most of the time white is thought to be the good part not for them. The black side of the rose represents when they help the police. Even if they are helping the members of the Half Lily are able to change their side with a snap of the fingers."

White is is good...the opposite and reverse of most people

Lay had finished cleaning Kirikaze hands and was bandaging them.

Tao ventured another question, "How did you come into this cycle as you call it?"

"Cycles come and go," Kirikaze murmured, "People are dragged in. Some are driven insane, others are killed. Many die only a few escape. I have been in this cycle as long as I can remember. dragged into this when I was just a child. Used over and over again as the start of fun and games for Number 7. Never knowing when it will end. One...Two...Three...Four...will it end? Will the number 5 sound?"

Tao watched as Kirikaze's voice faded away. Not a sound was hear in Lay office for a while since Lay had finished with Kirikaze's hands. Tao was startled when Lay spoke to him.

"Tao can you take her to the Midnight Dorm? Try to find the other who arrived with her earlier to take turns watching her. I don't want her to be left alone. I think she can have new faces around her but try to keep familiar faces close to her. I think she is in shock and is weak from lack of food and many other things."

He nodded, "de."

Tao grabbed Kirikaze's hand and started to lead her to the Midnight Dorm

(I'm sooo sorry that I have not updated weekly as I said I would.  It got rather hard think of what to write next. Please comment about how you liked or disliked this chapter. I have started a guide to help people understand better what is going on:



P.s. Can anyone guess the song from  the previous chapter


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Chapter 25: Aww that's too bad to hear, but totally understandable. School is top priority :) I hope you'll be able to see this to the end whenever you decide that will be. If not, it was a really good story so far :) take care and hope all goes well in what you do!! Until next time!!!
Nomnommonster #2
Chapter 16: The story is very interesting.
Chapter 12: I like the symbol! it's neat! ifyou have ideas then write them down, if your not ready to share or not sure if you'll be able to keep up with the story write on a document and put it here when your ready. :)
Chapter 11: Nice! I'm kinda confused about this number 4 person though but I feel I'll understand later on :) please take your time to develop the story as best as you can Fighting!! Do whatever works best and helps you! Oh I know the song cuz it's one of my fave parts but I'll let someone else answer ^^
Chapter 8: Oooh nice!! This is like a twist!! She's so mysterious!! What the heck is going in?!
Chapter 6: This story is so good, I want more! Lol so the first group they are all maknaes, and the third group they all speak English. I can't figure out the 2nd group other than that they speak Chinese? Thanks for making this story!
YellowClover #7
I love this story !
myungbear_00 #8
Chapter 1: kya~~~ nice story!!!!
HiyaMin #9
Chapter 1: It's good. Ooh! I subsribe your fanfic. (^_^)