Movie Date

Beautiful Girl

>Movie Date<

Minah looked up at the showings as they stood in line at the theater. “Hmmm…we can see something romantic. No that’s a chick flick and I’m sure your tired of me making you watch girly things. How about action?! But I saw that movie with my brother. Oi! What to see?!”

L.Joe laughed as he walked up to the ticket booth leaving her in deep thought, and also in view for people to stare after all she was now talking to herself. “Two tickets to Love.Com please.”

“Dude…you know that’s a serous chick flick right?” They guy said as he raised an eyebrow.

“Yeah but my girl over there wants to watch it so we’ll see it.”

The guy looked at Minah and smiled. “She’s hot, looks a bit ditzy but hot none the less. You must be getting laid pretty good to let her choose the movie.”

L.Joe smirked and the guy laugh, before anything could happen his hand was inside the booth and the dudes face was pulled against the glass. “I don’t like it when guys talk about my girl…now I can feel better two ways. “Either I kick your in there or out here or you find a way to repay me and say sorry to her for the comment.”

The guy was now freaked, L.Joe looked serious. “I was only kidding! He handed L.Joe the tickets and smiled slightly. “How about you hand me the money for the tickets and the popcorn and drinks are on me?”

L.Joe looked back at Minah and then at the guy. “My girl really likes her soda, does that include free refills?”

“Of course!”

“Hmm, she also really loves candy. Hook her up with that too.”

The boy nodded and L.Joe let him go, after paying for the tickets he put a smile on his face. “Hey Minah! The nice guy behind the counter has offered to pay for out drinks and anything else you want because of your beauty.”

Minah ran over and looked at him. “Really? But that wouldn’t be right.”

The guy looked at her and shook his head. ‘It’s okay Miss…and sorry for the comment I made ealier!” He bowed and led them inside after closing up his booth.

Minah followed him with L.Joe and shot L.Joe a weird look. “I never spoke to him, what comment is he talking about?”

“Who cares.” L.Joe shrugged as he pulled her close and wrapped an arm around her. “Make sure you get whatever you want!”

Minah nodded and ran to the counter where the dude nervously glance at L.Joe who was waiting for Minah. “Umm…I want a cup of Coca-Cola, and maybe small popcorn.” She put her finger to her lip as she looked at all the candy. “Whoa so much to choose from.”

“Your boyfriend there is really something.” The guy said as he set down her drink and popcorn.

“Byunghun? He’s great!” She said with a smile and then got back to looking.

L.Joe was watching Minah and couldn’t help but let his eyes wander. She was leaning over the counter pointing to what she wanted and he tilted his head as he let his eyes trail from top to bottom. He ped his sweater and pulled his collar down a bit as the place was starting to heat up. Deciding to do something bold just to get close to her he leaned over behind her and pointed.

“Why not try that candy out Jagiya?”

She blushed at the sudden closeness and nodded. “Okay…”

The guy handed them the things and smiled. “Enjoy your movie.”

Minah nodded and waved. “Bye, and thanks!” She picked a seat in the back and smiled. “Aish! I forgot to get a drink for you!” As she stood up L.Joe pulled her back down.

“I’m covered.” He took a sip of her drink and smiled. “Free refills as well so were set with one cup.”

She nodded and looked at the candy in her hands. “Hey Byunghun you want any?”


“Aw, why not?”

“Because I don’t want to get fat.”

“Neither do I!”

He laughed as he poked her nose. “Don’t worry, you’ll still be my girl even if you gain weight. You can be my piggy Jagiya.”

She rolled her eyes as the movie started. “Let’s hope the guy in the movie uses better lines then you do.”

L.Joe took note to all the girls in the movie theatre for the movie. If any of them had boyfriends they were either in their sleep or had the sense to stay home. It was fun to watch Minah get deeply into the things she watched. “Minah…” He whispered.

She turned to him only to feel his lips meet hers. She blushed as she closed her eyes, she still wasn’t use to kissing so she had to follow L.Joe’s lead again. L.Joe smiled throught the kiss as he moved her hair back and pulled her head closer. If it wasn’t for the fact that there was an arm rest in the way L.Joe would have pulled her closer. It would be a lie if what C.A.P said wasn’t on his mind at all.

Aside from that the guys have watched pretty of movies to know how some things worked. He wanted to see if he could be cool in any given situation. Now that he thought about it he wanted to test his limits of control.

Minah pulled up after a few minutes and looked at him while trying to catch her breath. “What was with the long kiss?”

“Nothing really…I just wanted to kiss you.” He gave her another quick peck on the lips and then stood up grabbing the cup. “I’m gonna get a refill for you.”

Minah nodded as she watched him leave. *Why does he have to be so weird?*

L.Joe sighed as he walked over to the counter, he ran his hand through his hair and waited for someone to come over. *What the hell L.Joe? Don’t let C.A.P change your mind on anything! Things are supposed to be taken slow…* The guy from before noticed him waiting and ran over. “Refill.” L.Joe ordered blankly.

The guy took he cup and quickly filled it up. “Having fun?” He said as he handed L.Joe the drink.

L.Joe looked at him. “Bite me.” He grabbed the drink and walked off making sure to give the guy the finger as he left. *Jack .*

When the movie was over L.Joe walked Minah home. When they came to her street she looked at him. “Wait a minute Byunghun! I was supposed to treat you to the movie!”

He laughed at her late realization. “You took too long to pick what to see.”

She pouted for a second before she smiled. “Thank you for paying…I’ll make it up to you one day.”

“I’ll keep that in mind.” He said as they stopped in front of her house. “Sleep well?”

“You too!” She gave him a tight hug before running off into the house. “Night.”

L.Joe made his way home and sighed. “I still don’t get a good night kiss…I’ll have to show her everything wont I?” 


Author's Confession: So I'll admitt that I did get so caught up in the story I forgot in the begging L.Joe was living with C.A.P. So let's add in some story infor here.

L.Joe lives with C.A.P but has the right to stay at home whenever he wants (he's 18 so he can do as he pleases). I'll see where I take everything else from here and i'll try not to forget anything else. ^^

I'm very embarssed about the mistake though and I would like to say SORRY if I confused any of you with that small detail.

Thank you for reading and supporting my story! <3

Oh and I also rememebred to ask...I think I might have to put a rating on this (for launguage and topics of choice and possible other things, nothing serious though cuz I feel awkward writing details of things.) So tell me how many of you are underage and wont be able to read if I do that. Cuz if you wre I wont rate the story but just put out warning at the beging of the chapter.

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Chapter 30: So cuute....i am happt that the ending is soo nice. Happy ending yeay. But Ljoe become ert bcs the guys esp Cap hahaa xD
RainaTB #2
Aww thank you timeofmylife03! I'm glad you enjoyed and very glad I can get emotions out of readers!
timeofmylife03 #3
This is a really good story. Omg, you made me cry at some parts xD
RainaTB #4
Thank you! :)
OMG! I love her personality!
RainaTB #6
Lol Thank you for reading and for commenting. :) Chapter 25 I was probably listening to the BOF soundtrack. Plus it's one of my fav drama's so I find myself getting inspiration from the characters or scenes a lot.
@chapter 25;;; sounds like BOF.... haha
okay im at chapter 13 & i was like smiling so much when i saw your chapter title. kiss kiss fall in love! i love tht song. ouran high school was such a good anime.. just saying haha
RainaTB #9
:) Thank you! <3