Chapter 8

Rainy Day Romance

Kai's POV

That next morning I was woken up by the sound of Jinsang getting ready for work.

"Good Morning" I tell him and he jumps a little.

"Oh you scared me Jongin" he says.

"Sorry, do you usually get up this early to go to work?"

"Yeah, I got to go in pretty early" 

"Cool, you must really love your job then"

"Of course, it's an honor being a police officer, I help many, many people" 

"You have a good job Hyung, it's okay if I call you that right?"

"Yeah, I never had a little brother before actually"

"Woonha doesn't like when I call him Hyung"

"He's just a jerk, he's been like that since we were teenagers" 

"How was Woonha when he was a teenager?" I ask him but he looks over at the clock and I realize he was going to be late if he doesn't leave soon. 

"He was a player that's for sure, we'll pick this conversation back up when I get home" he assures, then he goes to say goodbye to Charlotte. 

Charlotte and I wave to him as he walks out the door.

"So what do you want to do today Mr, Troublemaker?"

"Don't you have to go to work?"

"No I'll take the day off, the other secretaries can take over my duties for today" she says with a smirk, I'm guessing she wasn't too fond of the other secretaries. 

"I've always wanted to go to the aquarium, I went once when I was younger and it was amazing" I'm telling her. 

"That sounds fun! I've never been to the aquarium" her eyes light up with excitement. 

"Well it opens in three more hours" I inform her. 

"What should we do in the meantime?"

I look over to see she has an X-box Kinect.

"I'm not that good of a dancer, Jinsang always beats me at this game" she's telling me as Dance Central loads. 

We verse one another and choose the music along with the players. 

The game begins and I laugh quietly as I see Charlotte struggle to keep the rhythm. 

She looks over at me, "Ahh, you're so good, I'm going to lose for sure!" 

"You're...doing good" I lie and start laughing a little.

"I can't help that I'm so awkward, don't laugh at me" she starts laughing. 

We get so into it we play for two hours. 

"That was fun, I haven't played that in a while, Jinsang bought it just to make fun of me I swear" she says as she makes some breakfast. 

"I bet I could beat him"

"I'm sure you could, its funny because he gets this attitude like he's a back up dancer for a music video or something" she laughs and her smile is so radiant, I find myself staring at her. 

"How long has it been since you've two played together?" I ask her when she hands me my plate. 

"I think like five months, his police calls started getting more and more frequent so he's never home to really play" she explains to me, she looks a little sad when she was talking so I change the subject. 

"Hey, how are we going to get to the aquarium, I don't think the bus goes that far out of Seoul?"

"Woonha can take us, he should be showing up soon, this is around the time I leave for work" 

"He's going to tell my mother where I am though"

"Oh yeah, I'll swear him to secrecy, no worries" she says and grins. 

After we finish eating we quickly get ready and pack stuff for our trip. I was wearing Jinsang's clothes which fit me loose, but I couldn't go in a school uniform. 

We wait outside for Woonha, he drives up and greets Charlotte with a corny compliment. I hear her explain that she's not going to work and instead going to the aquarium.

"Woonha, can you keep a secret?" she asks and he says "Anything for you, beautiful" 

"Kai's coming to the aquarium with me" we both get in the car and Woonha looks back at me. 

"Hey! Eunjung was looking for you, she's really upset you ran away" he tells me. 

"I want her to be upset, just don't tell her, I'll be home soon" I assure him. 

Once Woonha arrives at the aquarium, he pretends like he's so interested but I knew he just wanted to go because Charlotte was. 

"Can I come too?" he asks. 

"Yeah if you want" Charlotte agrees, I wish she didn't, I wanted to be with only her. 

The aquarium was peaceful, it made me feel calm like it did when my father brought me. 

I was staring at the colorful fish when I glance over to my right and see Woonha sitting on his cell phone, and on my left is Charlotte gazing at the fish with a happy expression. 

"They look so happy in there, I bet they really love it" she says to me, "they all swim together, no one is left out or alone" 

At that moment I realize that although Charlotte was this bubbly person who seemed to always have a smile, she was sad on the inside at times. 

"When they all swim together like that, they're called a school of fish" I state. 

"I think I heard that in "Finding Nemo" " she smiles

We move on and see all types of sea creatures, I told her all the facts my father told me and she was so fascinated. 

She really loved the turtles!

"They're so adorable, I want to take one home with me. Look Kai, he's waving!" she waves at the turtle, "he heard me and he wants me to take him home! You think they'd let me have him?"

"I don't think it works like that" I smile a little. 

"Look he's coming this way, we're making a connection right now Kai, you're lucky to be witnessing this" she declares, she lowers her voice, "a lot of people don't know this but I have a gift"

"Oh really? What kind of gift?"

"I can talk to animals, yeah like this show I use to watch when I was little in America, "The Wild Thornberrys" that show equals me" she's explaining to me and I can't help but laugh. 

"I think I heard of it, it came on here in South Korea too"

"Yeah, well it was based off of me, but the producers don't let anyone know" she winks.

After an exciting day at the aquarium, we all sit on this bench and eat the lunch Charlotte packed. 

"Oh no, I only have two sandwiches" she holds them up. 

"It's fine, Kai won't mind giving up his sandwich" Woonha takes it out of her hand and takes a bite. 

"You can have this one Kai" she hands me the other one.

"No, it's fine you made them, you should eat it"

She unwraps it and hands me half. 

"I said it was fine" 

"No, take it, I want you to"

I thank her and take the other half and we all eat quietly. 

Charlotte's phone goes off, she gets up to answer and stands somewhat far away. 

"Why did you even come if you were just going to stay on your phone the entire time?" I ask Woonha.

"Because I wanted to spend time with Charlotte too" he gives me an conniving grin. 

"You're only developing these feelings because I might have feelings for her" I wasn't going to admit I liked her to him just yet. 

"I'm doing it to protect you little bro, she's too old for you, she's about to start a life with Jinsang, so give up already"

"We can still be friends, you're friends with woman older than you"

"Yeah, because they're sugar mamas, they buy me stuff"

I couldn't believe him, he was so low down to woman.

"You should give up, even if Charlotte was single why would she like some pathetic like you?"

"C'mon Kai, look at me, I'm irresistible, how could she not want this? I bet I could get her to step out on Jinsang before they get married"

"You're terrible, don't mess with her engagement like that" 

"I'll do what I want, you just worry about yourself" his phone vibrates and he goes back to staring at it. 

Charlotte returns from her phone call and we finish our food. 

We were on our way to Woonha's car when she stops us. 

"Wait, I want to take a picture!" she grabs a camera out of her bag. 

She forces my brother and I to take a picture together, then Woonha insists she come be in the picture and makes me take the picture.

"Alright let's go" he says. 

"Wait, take one of me and Kai yeah?" she hands him the camera. 

At first we're just standing there holding up V's then she sees people pose with the girl on the guys back and says they look super happy so we should mimic them and look twice as happy, like we had to prove we were the happiest people at the aquarium. 

She jumps on my back and I hold her up as she holds me with one arm and holds up the V. 

Once Woonha was done, he had a jealous look on his face as he handed Charlotte back the camera. 

When we get back to Charlotte's house, Jinsang is home. 

"Jinsang?" she yells when we walk in. 

"I'm up here" he yells back. 

Charlotte's POV

I walk into our bedroom to see Jinsang packing a suitcase.

"What are you leaving me?" I joke and he laughs as he holds a shirt and shoves it in the suitcase. 

"Yeah, the barbeque was cold last night! I can't take it anymore!" he goes along with it, then I ask why he really is packing a suitcase. 

"I was chosen to train newcomers at the police academy since I did such a good job mentoring D.O" he informs me. 

"Congrats! How long are you going to be gone?"

He mumbles something but I didn't quite catch it. 

"What was that again?"

"I said three weeks" 

"Three weeks? That means you're going to miss Valentine's day next week, who's going to be my valentine?" I pout. 

"I know, I'm super sorry, but I promise you when I get back I'm going to make it up to you" he puts his arms around me but I just keep my arms crossed. 

"Don't be mad, I'm sorry" he kisses me on the cheek but I stay in my position. 

"I promise this is the last time I leave without notice and when important things are coming up"

"You promise?" I budge. 

"Yes, never again" 

"Okay, this better be the last time"

"It is, I love you!" he kisses me on the cheek for the second time. 

"I'm starting to question my love" I say, but not seriously. I had fallen to hard for him already. 

Kai's POV

Charlotte comes back downstairs and flops onto the couch with a loud sigh. 

"I sense something is wrong" I say.

"Something is wrong! Jinsang's going to miss Valentine's day next week" she tells me. 

"I'm sorry to hear that, I completely forgot it was Valentine's day next week, no wonder girls have been leaving me notes in my locker" 

"Oh my, you must be a lady's man"

"Not really, I don't read them, I just throw them away"

"What?! That's the most heartless thing I've ever heard! Tomorrow if you get notes, keep them! Have any of them seen you throw them away?"

"No, I throw them away at home"

"Kai, you don't do that, teenage girls confess their love to you and you treat it like garbage, I can't believe you"

What's the point of reading them when you have my heart?

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Sorry i haven't updated in a while but i have no internet!! I'll update soon! Merry Christmas Everyone!


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greenmidnightsky #1
Chapter 27: Just too cute. The drama and all. Im happy author-nim.
nini56 #2
Chapter 27: This was a cute story, I knew it would end in this sort of way, but overall it was great :)
Chapter 27: I'm so attached to this story. The tears won't stop flowing. Thank you so much for writing this author nim
Chapter 27: Aaaaahhhh!!! You got me twice today with the mushy updates. So sweet. Good story authornim.
Lotuspassion #5
Chapter 27: They should get married
sevixx #6
Chapter 26: You know we are all rooting for Charlotte and Kai to be together but this chapter kind of grated on my nerves with them. Like they are worse than Inuyasha and Kagomae. I feel bad for that Emilee girl for falling for a guy that can't make up his mind and dumped her in front of everyone.
Lotuspassion #7
Chapter 26: Thank gods finally
Chapter 26: Ffs Kaaai I'm so annoyed omfg
Chapter 26: Uh Oh! Kai didn't get married after all.