Chapter 24: Our what?!

Rainy Day Romance

Charlottes's POV

Sitting in front of Kai, I thought I would be filled with joy, but the fact that he kept that he was back a secret put that joy on hold 

"How long have you been back?" I ask

"A few weeks" 

"Why haven't you come to see me?"

He stays quiet. 

I wait for an answer 

"He found someone else, there just spit out" Woonha responds

"You found someone else?"

Kai nods 

"Alright, well I hope she's great. See you around" I get up to leave and he grabs my hand

"Wait, let me explain" 

"No need" I yank my hand away and leave out the door

As I'm driving back, I manage to hold in my tears until I get to my apartment 

I rush into my room and cry into my pillow

Damnit, Jinsang was right! 

He had forgot about me, I shouldv'e just moved on too. 

I was such an idiot, she's probably younger and way prettier than me.

Everything was over, my marriage, my relationship with Kai, I felt like even my life was over 

Should I have just tried to make my marraige work? 

But I could never be happy knowing Jinsang cheated on me more than once

What am I suppose to do? 

My heart was broken

"Charlotte?" I hear Jinsang say as he knocks on my door, "Are you okay?'' 

"No" I answer in a low voice

He opens my door, and I thought he was just going to rub it in, but instead he lays next to me and squeezes me tight 

"Now before you say anything, I'm not trying to be your husband, but I still want to be there for you when you're hurt" 

We silently layed there as he my hair 

Eventually I fell asleep, once I got all the tears out 

That next morning, I smelled breakfast, but before I got up, I listened to the rain that was pouring outside

Once I was done sulking, I went to sit at the dining room table, my eyes felt super puffy

Jinsang sits a plate in front of me and smiles. 

"Thank you for last night"

"You're welcome"

"Should we just get re-married?" I say 

He smiles again, "As much as I'd love that, I know you'd still be unhappy, so I don't think that's a good idea" 

"When did you come to that realization?"

"Well you were gone for a long time, I had a lot of time to think" 

"You were right, I shouldn't have waited for him"

"Let's not talk about that right now, just enjoy breakfast"

"Why aren't you eating?"

"Because I have to go soon"


"I go a job in Taiwan"

"Can you speak Taiwanese?" 

"I know a litte, I think enough to get by until I learn more"

"You don't have to leave, I like having you here"

"You're saying all the things I've been wanting to hear so bad, but you're vulnerable right now and I don't want you making any bad decisions with a broken heart"

I smiled at him, this was the Jinsang I had fallen in love with 

He was right though

"I'll miss you though" he adds

"I'll miss you too"

"You will?"

"Of course, although it turned bad in the end, being married to you was great"

"It was great being married to you too, I should be heading out, my flight is going to leave soon" 

I walk him to the door. 

"I guess this is goodbye" I say

"I guess so" 

He turns to leave and I hug him from behind

"Always keep a spot in your heart for me okay?"

"I already do" he answers 

He turns and we share one last hug before he walks down the hall and out of my life

~~~~ One Month Later~~~

With the help of Champ, binge eating ice cream and chocolate, and then constant trips to the gym, I finally got all the sadness out of my heart 

I was walking Champ through town when this woman sees him and goes crazy

"Oh my gosh, this has to be the cutest dog I've ever seen" she leans down to pet Champ and he loves it

"His name is Champ"

"Cute name for a cute doggie" she starts rubbing him with both hands 

I just awkwardly stand there as she rubs my dog and makes baby noises at him

"Where are my manners? Hi my name is Emilee, with two ee's" 

"At the beginning or the end?"

"The end" she laughs, she looked like one of the girls in these K-Pop groups 

"Nice to meet you, my name is Charlotte"

"Charlotte, you wouldn't happen to know Jongin would you?"


"Yeah! Wow, I can't believe I get to finally meet you, I've heard so much about you"

"I would say the same, but I honestly don't think I know you from anywhere"

"Oh has Kai not told you?" 

"Kai hasn't spoken to me for a month"

"What no way? He told me he invited you to our wedding"

Our wedding


"Kai's getting married?!"

"Mhm, next week. He told me he sent you an invite" 

"Well he lied, sorry I can't make it. I think I'm going out of town. But anyway I have to go" before I had a panic attack 

I pick Champ up and walk away


A whole months work of bettering myself, all for it to come crashing down in a matter of seconds. 

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Sorry i haven't updated in a while but i have no internet!! I'll update soon! Merry Christmas Everyone!


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greenmidnightsky #1
Chapter 27: Just too cute. The drama and all. Im happy author-nim.
nini56 #2
Chapter 27: This was a cute story, I knew it would end in this sort of way, but overall it was great :)
Chapter 27: I'm so attached to this story. The tears won't stop flowing. Thank you so much for writing this author nim
Chapter 27: Aaaaahhhh!!! You got me twice today with the mushy updates. So sweet. Good story authornim.
Lotuspassion #5
Chapter 27: They should get married
sevixx #6
Chapter 26: You know we are all rooting for Charlotte and Kai to be together but this chapter kind of grated on my nerves with them. Like they are worse than Inuyasha and Kagomae. I feel bad for that Emilee girl for falling for a guy that can't make up his mind and dumped her in front of everyone.
Lotuspassion #7
Chapter 26: Thank gods finally
Chapter 26: Ffs Kaaai I'm so annoyed omfg
Chapter 26: Uh Oh! Kai didn't get married after all.