Chapter 1: Umbrellas

Rainy Day Romance

Charlotte's POV

Once my day ends I wait outside for Jinsang to come and pick me up. He pulls up in a black Jaguar and I hop into the passengers seat. 

"How was work today?" he asks me and I go on and on about how one of my employee's was talking about her wedding I wasn't invited to. 

"Why didn't she invite you?" 

"I don't know. She doesn't like me, she hasn't since the day I started working there" I explain.

He nods.

"Well she's obviously jealous, you're the most beautiful girl in the entire office" he tells me. 

I smile, "Yeah, you're probably right" I respond. 

When we get home he gets a call so he says he'll be inside in a minute. I get out of the car and it starts to drizzle again. I cover my head with my umbrella until I reach the porch. 

I sit the umbrella down and the image of the high school boy appears in my head. 

Kai's POV

I wait for the bus to arrive, I sit in the same seat I came to school in, I watch as the passengers come on to see if I saw the woman from earlier, I suppose I would thank her since I neglected to do so before.

But she didn't get on the bus, I had reached the stop where I met her and she hadn't gotten on. 

I walk the rest of the way home and the usual yelling is coming from the windows. 

"Where were you today?! You're job called for you?! If you weren't at your job then where were you?!" my mother yells at my stepfather. 

He yells back all this nonsense with slurred words as I go in my room and close the door. If only I had a room of my own. I walk into my room to see my older stepbrother Woonha blasting loud music as he's making out with this girl. 

"Yah, can I get some privacy?!" I manage to hear his booming voice over the music. 

"It's my room too" I say, not caring if he heard me or not. I change out of my semi-soaked school clothes and grab Woonha's umbrella. I leave the house and walk over to the small coffee shop not far from our house to do my homework. 

"Hey Kai" the worker's greet me, I wave and sit at my usual table and start on my homework. 

Charlotte's POV

I hear Jinsang still on the phone when he walks in, he hangs up and looks towards me, I was about to light the fireplace. 

"I need to head back, but I'll see you later tonight" he informs me. 

"Okay see you. I love you" I reply. 

He comes over to me and kisses me on the cheek. 

"Love you too" he tells me, then rushes out. 

I go into the kitchen to fix myself some hot chocolate but we lack marshmallows and I just couldn't have hot chocolate without marshmallows. 

I change into warmer clothes, put on my rain boots, grab my umbrella and walk over to the mini-mart not that for from the house. 

While I was going up and down the aisle's I don't spot the marshmallows so I go up and ask the cashier where they were and as I turn into the aisle he directs me to I see the boy from earlier walking in. 

He looks at me and I give him a small smile but he just walks past me, I was beginning to think he was really rude. 

I brush it off and go get the marshmallows, while I'm paying for them he comes behind me with his items. 

"Thank you for earlier" he says in a low, deep voice. 

"You're welcome" this time I don't make eye contact so he would know how it feels. 

As I'm leaving the store these middle school boys on their bikes run into me and make me drop my umbrella, then one runs over it. 

"Hey! You little bastards broke me umbrella!" I yell, they all just look back and keep going. 

I pick up my ran over umbrella and frown, that was my only and favorite umbrella. I try to see if it worked enough to cover me from the rain but sadly it was ruined. 

I was dreading the walk home until I suddenly felt the rain stop hitting me. I looked up to see the boy holding his over me. 

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Sorry i haven't updated in a while but i have no internet!! I'll update soon! Merry Christmas Everyone!


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greenmidnightsky #1
Chapter 27: Just too cute. The drama and all. Im happy author-nim.
nini56 #2
Chapter 27: This was a cute story, I knew it would end in this sort of way, but overall it was great :)
Chapter 27: I'm so attached to this story. The tears won't stop flowing. Thank you so much for writing this author nim
Chapter 27: Aaaaahhhh!!! You got me twice today with the mushy updates. So sweet. Good story authornim.
Lotuspassion #5
Chapter 27: They should get married
sevixx #6
Chapter 26: You know we are all rooting for Charlotte and Kai to be together but this chapter kind of grated on my nerves with them. Like they are worse than Inuyasha and Kagomae. I feel bad for that Emilee girl for falling for a guy that can't make up his mind and dumped her in front of everyone.
Lotuspassion #7
Chapter 26: Thank gods finally
Chapter 26: Ffs Kaaai I'm so annoyed omfg
Chapter 26: Uh Oh! Kai didn't get married after all.