
Boys Scare Me


Back at the Elders:

“Lee Soo?  What is it?” Elder Oh tilted her head as a man came to sit at the table.  “Why is it you called us this early? It must be tiring for you to move around,” Elder Hwang sat down next to Lee Soo.  Lee Soo folded his hands, “One of Exo has imprinted today.”

Elder Oh and Elder Hwang looked at each other and then at Lee Soo with huge smiles, “Really?! That’s good news… who is it?”

“I will tell you later, but first…” Lee Soo looked to his right and in came an old woman.  “Elder Bo… What are you doing? You should be resting… you cannot mo…” Elder Hwang grabbed onto Elder Bo arm but she swat him, “Do you think I’m one of those fragile old woman who can’t even lift a finger?  I have you know that I still have the capability to kill hundreds with just my pinky,” she scowled and then sat down across Lee Soo, “Now tell me what’s going on?”

The Elders looked at each other and then back at Elder Bo who was smiling, “Oh right! I already know! I also know how bad you are handling the situation… now about the old ones who have yet to get their mate… it’s not a huge problem.  But… the two boys who have the same mate…”

“Do you know what we should do?” Elder Oh interrupted, making Elder Bo scowled at her, “Aigoo! Interrupting the alpha of all packs; how disrespectful… but I’ll let it pass since I know how much you cherish that young pack,” she added as she saw Elder Oh whimper in fear.  She clasped her hands together and sighed, “First things first… bring that child that was imprinted to me.”

“But… we don’t know her whereabouts?”

“Don’t worry… those two can’t control their senses… even with the pill.  Their senses will soon open up and they will have the urges…” she snickered as she stood up and walked away, “Hopefully their not too stupid.”  Elder Hwang and Elder Oh blinked and stared at the fleeing figure with their mouth a gaped; that is until Lee Soo cleared his throat.

“As for you question from earlier… it was Kris,” he said before he retreated as well; leaving the two to process the information.


“How is he?” Luhan asked after Sehun put you on his bed, tucking the blanket gently as if you were a fragile porcelain doll.  “I think he’s ok… just shocked I guess; he’ll forget everything when he wakes up,” Sehun went into the bathroom and came out with a damp towel, about to put on your head until Luhan grabbed it from his hands, “What do you think you’re doing?”

“Putting a towel on his head?” Sehun tilted his head in confusion.  Luhan sighed and went into the bathroom, squeezing the excess liquid before coming out and putting it on your head, “At least wring it first.”

“Well…” Sehun sighed and then sat at the side of the bed, swatting away the stray hairs, “How was I supposed to know?”

“It’s common sense man,” Luhan sat on the other side and grabbed your hand.  They sat in silence not uttering a word until Luhan spoke up, “I wonder how she is now.”


“The girl we…”

“Me too.”


“I also wonder how she’s doing… I feel though… she’s really close, like she’s right beside me.”

“Yea… my urge is so strong that I’m attacking anything… I mean I almost attacked Hyun Shik,” Luhan blurted out before he could stop himself.  Sehun snapped his head towards him, “You what?!”

“I-I almost…. Y-you know… l-like kiss him with f-feelings and I had h-heat… oh you know! Mating season is soon for me and I’m getting frustrated! Enough to imagine Hyun Shik as a girl… as THE girl!”  Sehun widen his eyes and Luhan chuckled sheepishly, “It’s stupid though…” he turned to Sehun whose eyes was still widened, “Sehun… what should we do?”  Sehun downcast his eyes before looking out at the small window, “I already told you… you go and be with her… I’ll survive.”

“But… Sehun… we could…”

“Share?!” Sehun laughed and then glared at him, “You think that’s fair?! What about her feelings? We can’t do that to someone… humans are different from us.”

“Yea, but what happens if she wants the both of us?”

“What kind of low-life human would like two people?” Sehun scoffed completely flabbergasted by Luhan.  Luhan sighed, seeing for the first time that Sehun has emotion in his face, “There’s a possibility… as you said, she’s human, not a goddess; she can have conflicted feelings like you and me.  We can share; she can bare both our children… and if by chance she…”

“What kind of nonsense are you spurting?!”

“I’m thinking about us… our pack… our lives, Sehun! I don’t want to be the reason that you can’t have life and I’m sure as hell know that you don’t want that for me since your basically setting up your death bed!  I want us to live and be strong with our heirs… I don’t want to be like the leaders from Shinhwa and H.O.T!  In fact we are nothing like them since we are from the same pack and one of us might die!  Sehun, even if it’s unfair, sick, and completely wrong; we can’t just give up on our lives!”  Sehun was silent for a good five minutes before speaking up, looking Luhan dead in the eye, “What about her? Does she even get a choice?”

Luhan sighed and laid down beside you before folding his arms under his head, “I don’t know.  I know it was selfish of me to only think about us, but… UGH! I don’t know!” he yelled in frustration and covered his face with his arms that he unfolded.  “I just… don’t know…” Luhan crooked and Sehun could tell that Luhan was on the verge of crying; Sehun took a deep breath and sighed, “Luhan… let’s not think of this…”

“How can we not! Do you not understand?!” Luhan cried sitting up, showing his red face to Sehun, “Mating season is so close… and we have to find her!  She’s OUR mate!”  Sehun sighed and stood up.  “Where are you going?”


“Sehu…” Luhan flinched as the door slammed shut.  Fresh tears started to fall from his eyes, “Sehun, what should we do?”  He turned to you as he heard whimpers escaping from your mouth.  He wrapped his arms around you, flinching slightly by shock as your arms went around him.  He pulled slightly away and stared at your face and hesitantly pressed his lips against yours.


Sehun ran and ran as far as he can, dodging guards and jumping over the gate.  He soon ended up in the forest where he and his pack first met the one who will soon be a curse in their hearts.  Touching the tree which the young girl was tied up on, the man who never cried, had water falling down as he remembered their meeting.

He wiped his tears and ran further in the forest, stopping when he heard water running not too far from where he was; he walked the rest of the way until he saw a beautiful pond with a waterfall crashing down on it.

The waterfall fell hard as he tears fell; he couldn’t stop crying as he remembered his moments, not only his but the rest of the packs moments with the young girl.  How he and Luhan would always fight for affection, how they would sleep near this very waterfall; how they would bath in this very pond; how the young girl would always make them laugh…. Just everything.


“Hunnie! Lulu! Wolfies! Look what I found… Look what I’ve found!” the young girl screamed, running to the named wolves who were busy watching their pack playing.  Heads turned to her and they immediately went to her, trying to rub themselves on her, for she was soaking wet. 

She opened her hands, revealing beautifully colored rocks, “Beautiful aren’t they?” she giggled as the fur was tickling her.  The wolves howled in agreement; “I want you to have them… see twelve in all… one for each of you,” she smiled and then sat down.  Sehun whimpered and went out and then came back with a rock in his mouth.  The little girl smiled brightly grabbing the rock, “Another?” she then hugged Sehun, “Hunnie! Thank you!”  she put the colorful rocks on the ground and pointed at each of them.

She pointed at each of the rocks and told them which one is theirs.  After she was done she went to a tree and started to dig with her small hands; of course the others came and helped her. 

The hole was dug and she placed each rock gently inside before covering them up with dirt, “A few years from now… we have to come back and retrieve the rocks, so I can meet you again.”  She laughed a little thinking it was silly, since they were wolves but she shook that thought aside, “We’re family.”


Sehun blinked at his memory and got up quickly to find the tree.  He found it and tried to claw the dirt, but it the dirt has harden and wouldn’t budge.  He banged his hands on the dirt in frustration and somehow everything turned black.

After a few moments he blinked and looked down at the ground, finding the dirt to be already broken.  “Did I?” he shook his head at the thought and wiped away some stray dirt until a few rocks shown; he grabbed them and dust the rest of the dirt.  He grabbed the rest and went to the pond to rinse them out.

He dried them and put them in his pocket; he then sat down in front of the pond, admiring two rocks he kept in his hand.


Yuuki woke up to the smell of meat and after of few minutes of remembering what happened, got ready and left the room.  She stopped in front of the counter and saw Kyungsoo cooking some bacon.  She was about to say something, but knew the man wouldn’t understand her, so she just sighed and sat down on the couch.

“Yuuki?”  She lifted her head quickly and smiled slightly as Kyungsoo handed her a plate, motioning her to take.  She nodded and took the plate from him and watched as he scurried back into the kitchen.  Yuuki sighed and stared at the plate, “So they don’t eat together… I eat by myself?”

“Was that a question I hear?” somebody asked and Yuuki looked up to see it was Xiumin; she tilted her head to the side and Xiumin bit his lips before saying, “Ka… you,” he pointed at her, “Said…” he pointed at his mouth, “ka…”  Yuuki blinked and did the same gesture he did.  Xiumin sighed in frustration and went to get his laptop typing and then looking at her, “Did you ask a question?”

Yuuki laughed and then nodded in understanding before shaking her head, “I was talking to myself…” she waited until he typed, but Xiumin was confused and Yuuki could understand that he wasn’t like Kyungsoo, so she took the laptop and typed, “I… Talk… to… myself…” she struggled to say and then blushed in embarrassment as Xiumin stifled a laugh.

She pouted and then wrote the question she should ask before ing the laptop for him to read.  Xiumin laughed and took it before muttering, “Giving up, such a temper.”  He then read and laughed at the way google mixed up words, before writing and saying, “Usually.”

Yuuki nodded in understanding and then grabbed her chopsticks while saying, “Itadakimasu!” before she started to eat.  Xiumin smiled and went to the counter where Kyungsoo was putting the last batch of food on a plate, and giving a plate to Xiumin, “Thanks.”

“Having fun talking to her?”

“Fun?” Xiumin scoffed, “It’s so hard to communicate with her… anyways…” he titled his head, “Where’s Yifan?”

“Oh him?” Kyungsoo put his plate on the counter and grabbed his chopsticks, “He said he had some unfinished business to deal with.”  Xiumin nodded before and smiled, “I bet it has something to do with that girl.”

“Me too.”  Xiumin and Kyungsoo both laughed before eating.


“Oh well isn’t it Kris,” someone smirked as the door been barged down.  Kris frowned through his mask and walked toward the smirking man before grabbing his collar, “What do you want?” the man said, now very displeased, but held his hand up, motioning his goons to stay back.

“Some people from your crew messed with someone that wasn’t theirs…” Kris growled, tightening his grip on the man.  The man smirked, “So that’s why you beat up my men… because of that foreign girl?” he laughed, “Didn’t know the great Kris had someone special…”

“My whole group…”

“Don’t play coy Kris…” the man scoffed, “A woman… didn’t know someone would actually be able to catch your heart.”  Kris blinked and looked at the man before growling lowly, “If any of you touch her… I swear I’ll rip every limb of your body and feed them to the dogs.”

“Oh we won’t hurt her…” Kris huffed and threw him to the ground before walking off, “But others might.”  Kris stopped and looked at the smiling man, “And if they do… I know who to kill first, Namjoon,” he hissed and then walked back to Namjoon, grabbing him by the collar again, “This is just a warning,” he said before side jacking the man’s mouth, making him double over to the floor, hissing in pain.

Kris looked at Namjoons main men that rushed to aid their leader before walking out of the building.

Namjoon coughed and then laughed, making his men look at him like he’s crazy, “J-Hope.”  A man that was standing beside him tilted his head, “Ne?”

“You, Suga, and Jungkook find out whom Kris’s girl is…” he then smiled, “Jimin, get Jin and V… they may still be teaching the others a lesson…” he stood up, “I need to talk to all of you.”

“Do you want the rookies as well?” Jimin asked and Namjoon shook his head, “No… this meeting is only for my members… not my brother’s members.”


You woke up and held your head that was still pounding, “This really is not how I want to start my day…” you whined and then looked around the room to see that you were alone.  You sighed and then blinked… looking at the time, “I already missed a few classes and…” you took a double take at where you were, “Wait! Why am I on that kids bed?” as you said that memories from a few hours ago rushed in.

“The photo!” You stood up and started to looked for the photo, but couldn’t as it was nowhere to be seen, “Where is that gosh dang photo?!”  You bit your lip and sighed, ruffling your hair before running to the bathroom because you really needed to go.

“Wait… what is this?” you asked you self as you spotted a bruise on your neck, “Where did this come from?”


A few hours back:

Luhan ended up hovering over you and his lips found it’s way to your neck, and bit a part of your skin, making it bruise.  You squirmed, but evidently didn’t wake up.

Luhan moved away from your neck, his eyes closed, and took a sniff.  He smiled at the scent that was emitting off of your sleeping body; his hormones were racing and he slowly opened his eyes.  He looked at the person under him and jumped backwards.  “Oh God… Oh God… Oh God!” he muttered and crawled his way backwards until his back touched the wall, “I-I  I can’t believe…” he took a deep breath and stood up, “I really need a breather.”  He was about to walk out, but he saw something on the desk and remembered Sehun just tossed it from her hands.

He grabbed it and looked at the photo; his eyes widened as it was a picture of his pack and then looked at your sleeping figure, “Why does Hyun Shik have this?”  He shook his head and quickly ran out of the room, with the photo in hand.


“Zelo! Zelo!” Jong Up said softly as he woke up the younger; Zelo opened his eyes and lifted his head from the desk, “Oh… Hyung… You alright?”

“Ne… but the others are still pretty bad,” he smiled sadly and then looked over at Zelo’s desk with a whole bunch of books, “Um…” he grabbed a book, “What is with this Zelo?”  Zelo widened his and grabbed the book from Jong Up’s hands, “Oh nothing… just researching that’s all,” he quickly opened a drawer and shoved the book inside before looking at his hyung.  Jong Up furrowed his eyebrows, “About Mythical creatures?” he laughed, “Zelo there’s no such thing as those creatures.”

Zelo bit his bottom lip and forced a laugh, “Yea I know, but…” he paused for a sec, “My teacher assigned it, so I have to.”

“That , but at least it’s fun… my teacher assigned me to research some dead guy,” Jong Up pursed his lips and then patted Zelo’s back, “Anyways breakfast is ready.”  Zelo nodded and when Jong Up left, let out a breath.

He took out the book again and went to the bookmarked page, “He could be this… but… ok… maybe I’m insane.”  Zelo sighed and then left the room.


Authors Note:

So hopefully this makes sense… and yea… my mind is always having writers block and this may be going everywhere, but all this info… is important *At least I hope* hahaha Anyways I hope you like this chapter^^ Stay Tuned(^^)











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callmedongsaeng #1
Chapter 25: OMG!!!! Update this story please!!!!
Taelin #2
Chapter 25: haaaha author-nim youre torturing my poor heart and mind i was shoked when i saw a new update , and now we wont see one for a long long time , but i really hope u can make it soon and ihope ull like your new place and itll give u more inspiration , hwaitiing see ya
Chapter 25: please update

i miss this story...
FarahStewart #4
Chapter 25: omg!!!please update soonnn! authornim jeball ..!!
ude #5
Chapter 10: nice story.. like it
angel41195 #6
Chapter 24: I wonder if she'll end up with both of them hahaha
Ajummaaa_18 #7
Chapter 24: Kyaaaaaaaaaa~~ omg the fight has begun... HUN vs. HAN who will win? Muwahahahaha! Hehe, Author-nim hwaiting ~
rehunnie #8
woohoo...they finally figured it out...cant wait for the next chapter :)
Taelin #9
Chapter 24: aaaaaah , i really can't believe it , u're so smart Luhan ! i'm so so exciting for the next update , you did great author-nim hwaitiing
Chapter 11: the picture