Chapter 30

Just a Friend.

Jinyoung was getting irritated this past week because you wouldn't go to class with him, you would go talk to Baro and he was getting worried. When he was walking you to class he was quiet. "what's wrong?" you asked.

"are you gonna come to my class?" he asked and you looked around not saying anything. "you know what fine. Go with him AGAIN." he said. "why are you getting mad?" you asked.
"because I can understand the first few days of sulking but it already has been a week and he's still so emo about it and he's keeping you from me, I miss my girlfriend." he said and you smiled. " I miss you too."


"so you'll stay with me today?" he asked. "oppa... He still needs t-" you were telling him and he cut you off. "never mind have fun with that." he said and walked away not even giving you a kiss. You stared at him trying not to cry and then you went in class. *I'm sorry.* you thought.

*I hate this I mean I know she won't do anything with him but still.. She's my girlfriend not his.*
After class you went to go look for Jinyoung so you could reassure him because you know he's worried that something will happen. *I'm really not even thinking about going back to Baro. I wish he would just listen to me.* you thought.


You saw him walk in class and you were gonna follow him but then you heard Baro call. "____!!" you turned around. "you ready to go?" he asked and you nodded.

During those times you spent with Baro you learned more about him and Sanghee. Things you never knew about him even when you guys were dating. It bugged you. It made you think *things like why? What was so wrong with me when we were together that you couldn't tell me all these things now?* but you listen to what he had to say.

"maybe she's scared of commitment." you said. "I don't know... Everytime things start going good she leaves.. I mean the first time she left was right before high school and she claims it was her parents. But I think it was her idea and now everything was fine and she decides to leave again." he said and you shrugged.

"I gave her everything and she just ripped it all apart." he said again. *this is really getting irritating... And now because of him my jinnie is mad at me.* you thought looking at your wallpaper of yo and Jinyoung. "sounds a little familiar huh?" you said and he got confused.

"nevermind..I really need to go now." you said.

"can I see you tomorrow?" he asked and you nodded. *no matter how irritated I am, I can't seem to just leave him alone.. He seems really vulnerable it's not healthy he needs someone here.* you thought as you walked home from the park.




Sooo when i worte this on my ipod it seemed longer..i guess its not lolol the next 2 updates might be short like this and after those next 2 its gonna be the end :( aww sad. but i got an i dea for my next one so the s can go check it out and im still co author of the i want you noona story so you guys can go check that out too. :)

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Trungyhan #1
Chapter 33: Cool ...:) ^^
"Can we not fight... ever? i hate it." you said and he nodded. Then you guys had . Hot sweaty and round 2 in the shower then round three back in bed. (sorry.. i got a little carried away bahahahaha) Then round 4 on the floor bahahaha okay thats the last time.

That completely ruined the moment but it made me laugh. so. hard. xDD
xbabieveex #3
" LOL at one point I was gonna choke Baro to death cuz hes such an " <-----LOL, I was gonna too <br />
Anyways, I really love this story ^^ <3
LOL at one point i was gonna choke baro to death cause he's such an .<br />
anyways love this story ^^<br />
stayed up to 5am reading it :D
Interesting story. In the beginning the flashbacks didn't bother me, just the POV changes were a bit confusing. But then the story became very great. :) I can't describe how I loved Jinyoung in this story. He was very caring, intelligent and y... the perfect boyfriend.<br />
I loved the whole B1A4 and Haneul too. Oh, and I love the ending too.<br />
Thanks for this. :)
Gah I love it, I just read the whole thing in two hours. I loved when she said'well the only way for me to forgive you is if jinyoung is on top of me, on my bed, .' lol
I rlly loved this fic~ xD (mostly cuz im jinyoung bias~) finished this in 3 hours~ (5:03 AM now~) Hope you will write more of B1A4~~ :{D