Chapter 28

Just a Friend.

So it's been a couple of months and everyone was getting along okay. You and Jinyoung were just walking around at the mall window shopping. *You weren't shopping for real because you didn't want to drag Jinyoung around.

"baby..i know you want to go buy clothes." he said. "yess i do..but you're here." you said. "and so? i came with you before... the only reason why boyfriend go with they're girlfriends to the mall..besides the fact that they love them. is it hold their bags." he said and you started laughing.

"Fine..i'll just buy a you don't have to carry a lot." you told him. "oh how sweet." he said and you kissed him.

After Jinyoung ended up having to carry 5 bags. "I'm sorry..i got carried away." you told him. "Its okay." he said and you guys went to eat. When you guys were eating your phone started ringing.

"It's Haneul." you said but you didn't pick up. "You're not gonna answer?" he asked. "Noo i love her and all but she's probably just gonna ask if we all wanted to go out and no offense i love hanging out with them but i would like to have some alone time with you." you said.

"well i'm not gonna argue there." he said and you smiled. "Ope she left me a voicemail." you said and you put it on speaker so Jinyoung could hear.

*WHAT THE HELL WHY ARE YOU NOT ANSWERING MY CALLS!... anyways.. i was just wondering if you guys wanted to come hang out tonight idk what we're gonna do but all of us should get together okay love you bye!* you and Jinyoung started laughing.

"Do you want too?" he asked. "No i want to watch movies tonight... at my house." you said. "hahaha okay..what you wanna watch?? scary movies?" he asked. You were a little uneasy. " gives me an excuse to cuddle." you said and he smiled.


You guys were sitting on your couch with blankets and popcorn.. You were very cozy in his arms. "Baby baby baby." you said. "what what what?" he asked. "go lock the door before the movie starts." you told him. "Okay." he said and he ran back pulling you in his arms.

"k you ready?" he asked and you nodded. When (insert scary movie here) started you shuffled around a bit so you were cozier.

Jinyoung wasn't really scared of scary movies. So he was watching it calmly with you and everytime you wuold jump he would hug you just a little bit tighter. Then there was a really scary part. "OMO!" you sceamed and hid the blanket over your face.

"Babe look its not scary.." he said and you peeked. "LIAR!!" you yelled and hid your face again. He just laughed. When the movie was over you 2 were just cuddling on the couch.

"your moms not gonna come home?" he asked. "probably not.." you said as you were playing with his hand and he was playing with your hair. A little while later it was quiet and Jinyoung saw you that you fell asleep. He slowly got out from under you and picked you up bridal style.

What he didn't know is that you were pretending to sleep and so you smiled as he walked up to your room. He put you down gently on your bed and kissed your forehead. "I'll see you tomorrow." he said. "No." you said and he jumped. "babe. you scared me..what you mean no?" he asked.

"stayyy." you said beggingly(is that even a word?) pulling him into bed. "You sure?" he asked. "Mmm." you said and rolled on top of him. "Make love to me." you whispered in his ear.


The next morning.. you woke up. next to Jinyoung. both of you were laying on your tummies and the sheet was only covering the bottom half of your bodies. You wrapped your arms around him, kissing his neck. He slwoly started waking up.

"Mmmm you wanna go again?" he asked. "no silly wake up." you said. "No. he said and turned over so now you were caught in his arms. You smiled and closed your eyes. Then you heard the door bell ring.

"go get it." you told him. "you go..its your house." he told you with his eyes closed. "come with me." you told him. he sat up ruffling his hair ( and he just hugged you from behind wrapping the sheet around you and him.

"hello we have to put on clothes." you said. "nooo just go." he said.
You guys answered the door wrapped in the sheet. half asleep. "Omo." you said and dragged Jinyoung behind the door. *THE !* Baro thought from outside the door.


"O-oppa. what are you doing here? where's Sanghee?" you peeked out and asked him, Jinyoung was laughing behind you.

"She left." Baro said.




Oh !!! dat !! well thats all for now... I love you guys :)

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Trungyhan #1
Chapter 33: Cool ...:) ^^
"Can we not fight... ever? i hate it." you said and he nodded. Then you guys had . Hot sweaty and round 2 in the shower then round three back in bed. (sorry.. i got a little carried away bahahahaha) Then round 4 on the floor bahahaha okay thats the last time.

That completely ruined the moment but it made me laugh. so. hard. xDD
xbabieveex #3
" LOL at one point I was gonna choke Baro to death cuz hes such an " <-----LOL, I was gonna too <br />
Anyways, I really love this story ^^ <3
LOL at one point i was gonna choke baro to death cause he's such an .<br />
anyways love this story ^^<br />
stayed up to 5am reading it :D
Interesting story. In the beginning the flashbacks didn't bother me, just the POV changes were a bit confusing. But then the story became very great. :) I can't describe how I loved Jinyoung in this story. He was very caring, intelligent and y... the perfect boyfriend.<br />
I loved the whole B1A4 and Haneul too. Oh, and I love the ending too.<br />
Thanks for this. :)
Gah I love it, I just read the whole thing in two hours. I loved when she said'well the only way for me to forgive you is if jinyoung is on top of me, on my bed, .' lol
I rlly loved this fic~ xD (mostly cuz im jinyoung bias~) finished this in 3 hours~ (5:03 AM now~) Hope you will write more of B1A4~~ :{D