Chapter 14

Just a Friend.

"So explain to us why you're boyfriend isn't the one taking care of you." Jaejoong said. "yeah last time we saw you, you never had a boyfriend and apparently we get an update from you that you have been dating this dude for 4 years and some other dude is here when we come visit?" Hyunjoong asked.

"He already had plans." you said. "so what? your his girlfriend, he can put the boys on hold for you." Hyunjoong said. "It wasn't with a was with a girl." you said. they gave you a confused  look. "and you're okay with that?" Jaejoong asked and you nodded. "No no you can't trust anything dealing with another girl." Jaejoong said.

"I believe him when he says they're just friends." you said. "Yeah he may not be doing anything now..but it will only be a matter of time where he won't be able to resist temptation." Hyunjoong said and you shook your head. "Look, we're boys we know exactly how things don't question us." Hyunjoong said and Jaejoong nodded.

"anyways..we didn't come here to argue..we missed you and we bought you a gift." They said and went to go get this box from their car. "Ooooh what is this?" you asked. "open it you weirdo." Hyunjoong said.

You unwrapped the box. "OMO!!! thank you!! and its in my favorite color!" you said and hugged them.. "we knew you would like it and its the perfect gift since you're a unversity student now." they said.

"and we could never forget your favorite always have something purple on you." they said and you smiled. "This must have been did you guy-"

"don't even worry about it." Jaejoong said.


"What do you mean her brothers are here?" Baro asked. "they're here and they wanted to meet you." Jinyoung said. "I have plans.." Baro said. "you're an you're really gonna make me show up there with out you? who do you have plans with Sanghee? why do you keep doing this to her?" Jinyoung asked.

"Hyung..stop. there's nothing bewtween Sanghee and me." he said. "well then blow her off because girlfriend is more important." Jinyoung said. "Fine." Baro said and walked ahead of Jinyoung. Jinyoung made like he was gonna punch him. *er.* he thought.

When Jinyoung and Baro got to your house. Your oppa's answered, Baro was intimidated with how tall and goodlooking they were. *no wonder my girlfriend is so y..must run in the family.*
"Is this the guy?" they asked Jinuoung and he nodded. "Come in Jinyoung." they said and let him in. *heyyy what the hell* Baro thought.


"You! why did you make Jinyoung take care of our sister while you went out with another girl?" they asked. "we-well i-i-i." Baro stuttered he didn't know what to say. "w-w-what?" they teased. "Opppa! stop it." you said and pulled Baro inside.

"why am i here?" Baro asked irritated since the brothers were interrogating him. "Are you getting attitude with her? relax bro we just wanted to meet you before we leave." they said and Baro sat next to you.

"when is that exactly?" Baro asked cocky. "wow... you know____ i really like Jinyoung better than this punk." Jaejoong said. "Be nice." you said to Baro. "Pretty soon...we just wanted to make sure our sister is in good hands but i don't think she is." Hyunjoong said.

Baro was quiet. "If you do anything or hurt my'll be sorry..and i'm not talking about us beating the out of you." Jaejoong said. "why aren't you guys interrogating Jinyoung?" Baro asked.

"because he's not the are." they said. "do you guys have ?" they asked. "Oppa!" you yelled and slapped them. *I really don't want to hear the answer to that question.* Jinyoung thought. "Oh who am i kidding i can already tell you guys do." Hyunjoong said.

After a bunch of questions it was time for your oppa's to leave. "Bye.. i'll miss you and comeback soon." you said as you hugged them. "Bye Baro..don't do anything stupid." they said and then pulled Jinyoung aside. "I know you will take care of our sister..please do." they told him and Jinyoung nodded.

"Tell mom we hate her." they said and you shook your head. "bye!!"

So now it was just you Baro and Jinyoung. "that's why i had to come here today?" Baro asked. "I could have been doing more things with my life.." Baro said. "Like what? hanging with girls that aren't you're girlfriend?" Jinyoung asked.

"you're mad?" you asked. "yes. i'm mad they made me look like a clown and you let them." Baro said walking out. "where are you going?" you asked. "out." he said and slammed the door. "well geez" you said rubbing your temples.

"I know this isn't the appropriate time to ask this but where is your mom?" Jinyoung asked in hopes to get your mind of what a jerk your boyfriend is. "My mom i don't really know where she is..i see her around two times a month at the most.. she comes home changes goes right back out. 'working.'" you told him.

"and your dad?" he asked. "never met him." was all you said. "my oppa's were the ones who took care of me..then when i got old enough to take care of myself.. they left and now i barely see them."
"ahhh." Jinyoung said. "well you wanna go do something?" he asked and you nodded. then you guys headed out.



Soon my lovelies.. very soon is the moment everyone is waiting for LOLOL

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Trungyhan #1
Chapter 33: Cool ...:) ^^
"Can we not fight... ever? i hate it." you said and he nodded. Then you guys had . Hot sweaty and round 2 in the shower then round three back in bed. (sorry.. i got a little carried away bahahahaha) Then round 4 on the floor bahahaha okay thats the last time.

That completely ruined the moment but it made me laugh. so. hard. xDD
xbabieveex #3
" LOL at one point I was gonna choke Baro to death cuz hes such an " <-----LOL, I was gonna too <br />
Anyways, I really love this story ^^ <3
LOL at one point i was gonna choke baro to death cause he's such an .<br />
anyways love this story ^^<br />
stayed up to 5am reading it :D
Interesting story. In the beginning the flashbacks didn't bother me, just the POV changes were a bit confusing. But then the story became very great. :) I can't describe how I loved Jinyoung in this story. He was very caring, intelligent and y... the perfect boyfriend.<br />
I loved the whole B1A4 and Haneul too. Oh, and I love the ending too.<br />
Thanks for this. :)
Gah I love it, I just read the whole thing in two hours. I loved when she said'well the only way for me to forgive you is if jinyoung is on top of me, on my bed, .' lol
I rlly loved this fic~ xD (mostly cuz im jinyoung bias~) finished this in 3 hours~ (5:03 AM now~) Hope you will write more of B1A4~~ :{D