Chapter 21

Just a Friend.

Baro left you alone the weekend but when it was school he was bothering you again. "look don't you get it? I'm done." you said to him. "but I'm not." he said. "I don't really care." you told him as you looked around. "what the hell are you even doing here? You finished class like 2 hours ago." you said not even paying attention.

" I'm trying to make peace with you.. Who are you looking for anyways? Jinyoung?" he asked. "yes for a matter of fact I am why do you even care?" you asked. "I don't want you hanging out with him." he said and you scoffed. "that's funny, when we were together he was the only person you told me to hangout with." you told him. "yeah well I changed my mind, I am a changed person and I'll promise to treat you right." he said. " its a little too late for that buddy and I'm a changed person also.. I have no time for people like you." you told him.

Jinyoung came walking over not even acknowledging that Baro was there. "sorry to keep you waiting class ran a little late." he said. "that's okay oppa, let's go." you said and grabbed his arm. " he's still bothering you I see." Jinyoung laughed. "so pathetic." you said and shook your head.

"is it okay if we stop some place before I take you home?" he asked. "sure oppa you're the driver." you smiled at him. "okay then." he said and drove you to this little place that had a nice view of the city. "wow its nice here oppa." you said to him. "I know I usually come here to clear my head. But today I came here for a different reason." he said with a serious look on his face. You looked around to see like a forest behind you and you looked back at him. 

"you're not going to kill me right?" you joked and Jinyoung laughed. "noo noo I would never hurt you." he said and you smiled "good."

*how the Frick should I say this?* Jinyoung asked himself. "you know how you asked me why I don't have girlfriend and I told you that the girl only sees me as a friend?" he asked you. "mm" you nodded. He paused for a while. *oh ..just blurt it out already.* he thought to himself and bit his lip. "what about that girl oppa?" you asked interrupting his thought.

"that girl is you." he said and looked down. You stood there staring at him. *what?!? Oppa really?* you thought. You were at a loss for words. "oppa I... Can't accept your feelings I'm sorry." you said. *I hurt his feelings* you thought. *I knew it...* Jinyoung thought. He let out a breath "I understand.. Let's get you home k?" he said and you nodded.

The car ride home was quiet because you didn't know what to say to him. When he pulled up to your house he parked the car. You guys were sitting there in silence. "I'm sorry oppa." you said and got out of the car. "I'll see you later." he said to you, you nodded and watched him drive away.

You sighed then walked in the house, pulling out your phone calling Haneul. "hey girl hey~~" she answered. "hey." you said. "what the hell is wrong with you why do you sound all sad?" she asked. "Jinyoung confessed to me." you said and there was a long pause. "and then?" she asked. " you're not surpassed at what I just said?" you asked.

"no everyone knew.. What did you do?" she asked. *what how can everyone no but me?* you thought. "I said I couldn't accept his feelings" you answered.

"gosh you're so stupid!!! Why did you do that?" she asked. "you just called me stupid." you said shocked. "yes I did because you are stupid... Are you the only person who doesn't realize that Jinyoung treats you like a fricken princess he would be the best thing for you and you blew it." she said. *huh?* you thought confused. "well I'm just not ready yet.." you said.

"girrrrrrrl I don't know girl I say go to him." Haneul said.

"I will when I'm good and ready." you said. "yeah hopefully he'll still be waiting.." Haneul said. "gosh I feel like a ." you told her. "you is a but I gotta go I'll talk to you laters, me and Sandeul are going out. I love you." she told you. "yeah love you too." you told her then hung up. *wait wait what does she mean still waiting?*

Jinyoung drove back to the place. "I can't believe she rejected me.. After everything I've done for her.." he said *I feel like swearing her but I can't.. I love her.* he thought.





So this chapter looked longer on my ipod hahahah oh well he confused and there you are being stupid LOLOLOL. im sorry for calling you stupid.

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Trungyhan #1
Chapter 33: Cool ...:) ^^
"Can we not fight... ever? i hate it." you said and he nodded. Then you guys had . Hot sweaty and round 2 in the shower then round three back in bed. (sorry.. i got a little carried away bahahahaha) Then round 4 on the floor bahahaha okay thats the last time.

That completely ruined the moment but it made me laugh. so. hard. xDD
xbabieveex #3
" LOL at one point I was gonna choke Baro to death cuz hes such an " <-----LOL, I was gonna too <br />
Anyways, I really love this story ^^ <3
LOL at one point i was gonna choke baro to death cause he's such an .<br />
anyways love this story ^^<br />
stayed up to 5am reading it :D
Interesting story. In the beginning the flashbacks didn't bother me, just the POV changes were a bit confusing. But then the story became very great. :) I can't describe how I loved Jinyoung in this story. He was very caring, intelligent and y... the perfect boyfriend.<br />
I loved the whole B1A4 and Haneul too. Oh, and I love the ending too.<br />
Thanks for this. :)
Gah I love it, I just read the whole thing in two hours. I loved when she said'well the only way for me to forgive you is if jinyoung is on top of me, on my bed, .' lol
I rlly loved this fic~ xD (mostly cuz im jinyoung bias~) finished this in 3 hours~ (5:03 AM now~) Hope you will write more of B1A4~~ :{D