Chapter 19

Just a Friend.

The next day at school you tried to hide from Baro so you were extra careful not to bump into him. At lunch you checked to make sure he wasn't there in the usual spot then you went and sat by everyone. "How you feeling??" Haneul asked.

"You know...surprisingly okay..i feel better actually..I just really don't want to see him." you said. "That's good!! you don't need that lying, cheating, stinky, two timing, , ratface-" (I love Baro's face :P)
"Babe..enough already." Sandeul told her and she stopped talking and continued eating. "Do you need a ride home today??" Jinyoung asked you smiled and nodded. "thanks oppa."


"Well you better close your eyes because here he comes." CNU said. "hey guys.." he said and only Sandeul greeted him. He sat next to you and you scoffed. "what are you even doing here?" Haneul asked. "I'm here to eat lunch." Baro said.

"well i'll see you guys later...Jinyoung oppa i'll wait for you in the library." you said to them and got up. Baro followed you out everyone just shook their head. "_____" Baro said and you continued walking.

"_____" he said.. and you continued to ignore him. He grabbed your arm. "What do you want." you said as you yanked it away. "talk to me." he said. "I have nothing to say to you." you said and continued walking.
He went in front of you. "fine just listen to me." he said. "Hurry up my class is gonna start soon." you said. "Okay.." he went to touch your face and you pulled away.. "Don't. touch me." you said.


"Fine...look i'm sorry.. I don't even know how it happened it just happened... there's nothing going on between me and Sanghee i promise..." he said.

"Look. thats not the only reason why i ended may be the biggest reason but its not the only." you said. "You don't even know the little things about me and how could you forget our anniversary not only did you forget our anniversary, you left me alone at the don't even know my favorite color and you said Sanghee's favorite color..that right there shows how much effort you put into this.." you continued

"Just let me make it up to you i-" he was talking and you cut him off. "No and it was like this from the beginning all the time you would ditch me to hang out with your other friends who were girls by the way." you said. "but i always invited you with us.."

"yeah but you didn't even notice how uncomfortable and out of place i was..usually i would forgive you..but you took it too far this time." you said and Baro looked down. "Look i'm sorry it went down like this but its your own fault..not only did you cheat on me, you cheated on me with your ex girlfriend and you lied about me being your first...she was your first wasn't she?" He nodded.

"see i wasted four years of my life with someone who would only lie to me..or come to me when everyone else was busy..i'm don't want to be your last please just leave me alone...its done." you said and walked away.


"So what happened when he followed you?" Jinyoung asked on your guys way home. "i just told him everything i wanted to tell him...and i surprised myself i didn't use in crying over him anymore...all the feelings i had for him is gone... i know it may seem quick but once he said yes to cheating...i just...i will never look at him the same." you said.

"that's good..he only hurt you anyways." Jinyoung said. "yeah wanna hang for a little while?" you asked. "sure.." Jinyoung said.
When you guys got into your house you screamed because your brothers were standing in front of the door. You put your hand over your chest. "what the hell are you guys doing here"? you asked.


"we heard what happened." they said. "how did you?- " they cut you off "nevermind how we heard. we warned you didn't we?? we told you're all hurt." they said and pulled you into a hug.

"oppa's i'm okay..i mean i was hurt but i'm over it already i just can't believe i wasted my highschool life with him...uggh i was soo stupid..i'm always gonna listen now." you said. " we don't have to go beat him up?" they asked. "Noooo you don't, you guys can leave now." you said.

" should really date this guy." they said as they walked out the laughed. "Jinyoung oppa's just a really good friend." you said. *ouch.* Jinyoung thought but he just nodded. "Bye oppa's" you said and hugged your brothers.

"So oppa...are you hungry??" you asked him. "No not really..are you? i can cook you something? or are you in the mood for pancakes?" he asked and you nodded. "lets go eat some pancakes then." he said and you smiled.

"Soo oppa...why don't you have a girlfriend?" you asked him as you guys ate pancakes. "oh there is this one girl but she only see's me as a friend."

"well she's stupid...any girl would be lucky to have you as a boyfriend..maybe she'll come to her senses and realize that she loves you." you said and smiled. Jinyoung was laughing because you don't know that you're talking about yourself since you're the girl he likes.
"yeah haha maybe."



hehehehe stoooopid! just love jinyoung already silly girl :P


Anywhoo last update until tuesday sorry my lovlies... and i cant remember if i put something like the last paragraph in a previous chapter so i just put it again if i did... LOL thanks for reading guys ~~cyber hugs~~


See you on tuesday!! :)


oh oh and leave plenty of comments. silent readers be nonsilent for like a day bahahaha.

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Trungyhan #1
Chapter 33: Cool ...:) ^^
"Can we not fight... ever? i hate it." you said and he nodded. Then you guys had . Hot sweaty and round 2 in the shower then round three back in bed. (sorry.. i got a little carried away bahahahaha) Then round 4 on the floor bahahaha okay thats the last time.

That completely ruined the moment but it made me laugh. so. hard. xDD
xbabieveex #3
" LOL at one point I was gonna choke Baro to death cuz hes such an " <-----LOL, I was gonna too <br />
Anyways, I really love this story ^^ <3
LOL at one point i was gonna choke baro to death cause he's such an .<br />
anyways love this story ^^<br />
stayed up to 5am reading it :D
Interesting story. In the beginning the flashbacks didn't bother me, just the POV changes were a bit confusing. But then the story became very great. :) I can't describe how I loved Jinyoung in this story. He was very caring, intelligent and y... the perfect boyfriend.<br />
I loved the whole B1A4 and Haneul too. Oh, and I love the ending too.<br />
Thanks for this. :)
Gah I love it, I just read the whole thing in two hours. I loved when she said'well the only way for me to forgive you is if jinyoung is on top of me, on my bed, .' lol
I rlly loved this fic~ xD (mostly cuz im jinyoung bias~) finished this in 3 hours~ (5:03 AM now~) Hope you will write more of B1A4~~ :{D