Chapter Fourty

I Don't Love You!

Kris POV


If you would have told me a year ago that I would be in this very room with a pup and a mate that loves life more than he loves himself, I would have laughed in your face and told you to stop talking nonsense, but here I am with a healthy pup and a beautiful mate. 


Tao caught my eye when we were young. My parents told me that I was going to one of their ally packs house and so was Suho and Chen. I didn't want to go but being the alphas child, I had to order my parents every command.


When we go to the house, I was surprised to see that it was huge. We went inside and there I saw Tao and his brothers listening to what their mom was telling them. They looked at us and bowed to us. I was taken back because they were being formal and I didn't know how to respond. 


During the meet, I dared Suho to push YiXing in the water because I thought that it would've been funny but when Suho pushed YiXing into the water, he started to freak out. His arms were flailing everywhere and he was yelling for his dad.


When they got him out of the water, he was shaking, crying and holding onto his mom. His dad told us that he has a fear of water. I asked why and he said that he didn't know.


Tao came up to me and told me that I was a bully for hurting his brother but I didn't do it. Suho did it and he was blaming me. I didn't care for it and pushed him out of the way so I can go to my dad.


Ever since that day, I've never seen Tao again until the day I picked him up.


I was about eighteen when my dad told me that Suho, Chen and I have to leave and start a pack together, with me as the alpha. I was scared because lives depended on me and if I screwed up then I would not only kill myself but Suho and Chen also. 


It wasn't until two months after we started the pack that Suho smelled a lone wolf on our territory. I sent him to go look for him but he came back and told me that he was injured and needed care. I went with him, along with Chen and saw that the wolf had blood all over him and his breathing was shallow. I instructed Chen to pick him up and bring back with us and I told Suho to care his wounds. 


It took the wolf four days to wake up and he surprised me with his reaction. He begged us not to kill him and he was sobbing for mercy. I asked him his name and he gave it to me. 


His name was Chanyeol and he ran away from his pack because he was supposed to mate with the alpha but he didn't want to do that. He believed that he should love his mate instead of being forced to mate with someone else. 


A week since we've had Chanyeol, he seemed fidgety, like he expected us to kill him. I took him to my room and told him he had two options. One was to join our pack and the second was for me to call his old pack and have him sent back there. Of course he took my first option because he didn't want to go back to his alpha. 


It wasn't until a year we got a new member named Kai. He was quiet and only spoke when spoken too. I don't know anything about his past and neither does Chanyeol, so that did concern me. 


Sehun was unfortunate. He wasn't born a wolf and had to be turned into one. I was fighting another wolf from a different pack. He saw us fighting and yelled when another wolf bit his arm. They left him there to die and the only way he was about to survive was if I turned him.


His crying for help still rings through my ears at night when I first changed him. I hated the fact that he was so young and had to be taken away from his family but I had to change him or he would've died in front of me.


Chanyeol and Kai had been great additions to our pack but when they told me that they were dating humans, my blood boiled. I told them to bring them here so I could talk to them. I know that they were nervous but as alpha, I had to do my job and that was to protect the pack of any potential danger.


Baekhyun and Kyungsoo were clumsy when they were changed into wolves but now they're the best hunters, along side with their mates. It took me awhile to get used to having them in the pack but it all faded away when the first baby of the pack was born. 


I could tell that Chanyeol was proud of being a father and it showed. He wouldn't let anyone near his son for the first few weeks because he was still in the hospital with some health problems. Baekhyun defiantly mother material. He cared for Chanhyun like the baby was his life. I didn't understand why they were being over protective but I guessed it came when the baby was born.


Not even a month after Chanhyun was born Jongsoo was born and looked healthier than Chanhyun. Kai was scared at first when it came to the baby but Kyungsoo assured him that he was doing a good job, even when he burped the baby wrong.


When I went to go pick up Tao, he looked scared. He kept on giving me glances in the car and waited for me to do something to him. I knew that I gave him a wrong impression at the house and I wanted to make it up for it but I didn't know how.


Mating scared me because I didn't want to hurt him and I didn't want to scare him. After we were done, he told me that it was the best thing ever and he would do it again. 


I his cheek and heard a faint whine. Tao's eyes shot open and he bolted out of bed. I chuckled at his eagerness and followed him to our son's room. 


ZiFan's room is the biggest baby room, because he's the alpha's pup and deserves better. I saw Tao picking him up and bouncing him up and down, trying to calm the little monster. I grabbed his stuffed dragon and brought it to him. 


He stopped crying when he saw the dragon and went back to sleep. Tao kissed his head and I kissed his temple before putting him back in his crib, tucking him in and putting the dragon next to him. 


He was defiantly handsome. He had Tao's dark circles and pout while he had all my facial features and he was going to have our height, so he'll defiantly be a scary alpha.


Chanyeol and Baekhyun have agreed that their second child will be ZiFan's mate. Tao wishes that the baby is a girl but I hope it's a boy because a boy would show more pride in ZiFan. 


I got back in bed and Tao was already asleep. I heard about his birth and it sounded terrible. I didn't think something like that could ever happen but he stuck it out and gave us a healthy boy. 


We both woke up to ZiFan crying again. Tao whinnied and covered his ears with the pillow. I got up and walked to the room. I saw our son pouting while tears were falling down his face. I picked him up and checked if he needed to be cleaned, which he didn't. So the only thing that came to mind was that he's hungry. 


I walked back to the bed and Tao got up and walked over to us. When he put ZiFan in his arms, my baby started to cry. Tao gave him back and me and he stopped crying. I smirked at Tao but he rolled his eyes and stuck his tongue out at me.


We walked downstairs and saw Xiumin making JongSeok's bottle while Chen was holding his son. He was probably asleep because that baby hates Chen's guts.


As I watched Tao make ZiFan's bottle, a smile formed on my face. Here I was, alpha of a pack with a beautiful mate and a wonderful baby.


And done!

Dominance POV's for the next few chapters!

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Chapter 14: Awww ... It's great to see XiuChen doing great together! You rule you two! ?
Chapter 3: XiuChen feels here. This is really getting nice. Can’t believe I missed this.
Chapter 4: Yah Sehun must be very surprised to see you Luhan... ;););)
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Chapter 2: Oh Lay look what you have done to yourself with all this nourvesness and over thinking... you can't do anything about this now...
Chapter 1: Don't worry Tao you all will be fine and do a great job in taming these guys...;););)
delimacinta #7
Chapter 51: Nice story, I like it... But to many POV.. Being a little bit confused....
296 streak #8
Chapter 21: Hunhan~~~ their moment is so little T_T
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Chapter 20: ohh this kyungsoo story about his and Kai ~