*Bonus* Chapter Twenty

I Don't Love You!

Kyungsoo POV


I don't even know how I got here but I have a baby and a person who loves me more than he loves himself. Of course he loves the baby but he says that the baby doesn't take away his love from me.


I meet Kai will I was working at my job. I didn't like the job at all. I worked at bar and all the guys there a scum bags or they're sleazy and want to have with me. It was the worst job anyone can have but what job would hire someone who didn't have a high school diploma.


I dropped out of high school to care for my family after my dad's untimely death. My mom had to take double shifts at her job and I started to work at the bar. We were barley making ends meet, so I moved out of the house and got a crummy apartment but it was all I could afford with my pay.


Kai was a regular customer, that always wanted me to make his drinks because he said that I was the only one that can make it perfectly. He gave me good tips and that did help out with some bills.


One day he asked me if he can take me to the back. I shook my head and told him that the back was for the strippers but he didn't believe me. He went to my  boss and asked him if he can take me to the back. Kai being Kai, gave him a roll of money and my boss let him take me to the back.


That night was amazing. I've never had but I knew that I wanted to stay with Kai for the rest of my life. He told me that he wanted to stay with me and I agreed. He told me that I shouldn't work here but then I debated saying this is the only job that hires people without high school diplomas.


The next morning, he gave me his phone number and I gave him mine. He told me that he would call me when he gets home and I told him that I would be waiting for his call.


It wasn't until three months Kai came back. We kept in contact via text and phone calls but nothing beat when he would come and visit. I had made his regular drink but he told me that he wanted more than a drink. Again, he took me to the back and we had .That night he asked me to be his boyfriend and of course I said yes.


We had been going out for a year and he introduced me to everyone. Kris was more than unpleased to meet me and I could tell. He may not have showed it but there was something around him that made it seem like that. I had told Kai about that and he said that Kris is always like that.


I had meet Baekhyun and he was a joy to be with. He liked everything I liked to do but the person he was dating freaked me out a little because of his smile but Baekhyun had told me that I shouldn't be freaked out by him.


It wasn't until our second year, Kai told me that Kris wanted to talk to us. Kai looked scared when he told me but I made sure he was fine before we left.


When we got to the house, Kris told me to sit down and wait for everyone. Kai was shaking and I was scared that something bad was going to happen. Once Baekhyun got here, Kris told us that they were wolves.


I didn't believe him but when he made Kai and Chanyeol can in front of us. Kai whispered 'I love you' one more time in my ear before he stripped his clothing, curled on the floor and changed into a wolf. Baekhyun ran out of the house and Kai and Chanyeol changed back. Chanyeol ran to his room while Kai stayed on the floor. I could tell he was scared, so I moved down next to him.


I told him that I wouldn't leave him because of this. He smiled and kissed my lips. Kris had told me that the only way that I could be with Kai was if I was changed. I looked at Kai one more time then back at Kris. I nodded my head and Kris told Kai to take me to his room. Kai picked up his clothes and took me to his room.


When we got to his room and he told me to sit on his bed. I got on his bed and he kissed me once more. He moved to my neck and I felt a piercing pain. I screamed telling him to stop but he wrapped his arm around my waist and the pain got worse. It felt like someone stabbing me.


He finally pulled away from my neck and I quickly put my hand where he had bitten me. He forced me to lay down and then I felt horrible. My breathing was labored and I started to scream again. I turned over on my back and saw Kris with Suho. Kai sat next to me and caressed my arm. I was uncomfortable that I couldn't get comfortable. Eventually the pain got horrible to were I couldn't keep my eyes open. The last thing I remembered was seeing Kai crying.


When I woke up, I saw Kai and he didn't look pleased. I tried to sit up but he told me to lay back down because my body was still undergoing the transformation. I asked him if he felt bad for doing what he did and he said that he didn't because if he did then he wouldn't get to be with me.


Two months after I was turned, Baekhyun was turned. Chen and Suho had trained us because we were goofy wolfs. Eventually, we became the best hunters in the pack along with our mates.


It had been six months since I've been turned and Baekhyun was expecting. The look on Kai's face made me feel horrible about not giving him a family just yet but he told me that he wasn't ready and neither was I.


Some time during Baekhyun's pregnancy he had a miscarriage. It was horrible because I went to his room to try to cheer him up but I couldn't he was too depressed. He told me that he didn't want to have another child and I told him that time will tell.


Six more months after that incident, Baekhyun was pregnant again. Suho made sure that he kept him on a diet and made sure he had a healthy pregnancy. I told Kai that I was ready to have a pup and he told me that we can try.


I got pregnant two weeks after Baekhyun and Kai was thrilled when he found out I was expecting his first pup. Suho had put me on the diet Baekhyun was on and Kai made sure that I wasn't eating too little because he doesn't want me to go through what Baekhyun went through.


It wasn't until Baekhyun and I were seven months, he had a contraction. Suho said that he went into labor and that they had to go to the hospital. I was scared that that was going to happen to me but Kai reassured me that it wouldn't and our baby would be wonderful, just like me.


I was almost in my ninth month and I felt a contraction. Kai, Sehun, Chen, Kris, Chanyeol and Suho weren't home, it was only Baekhyun and I. I yelled for Baekhyun. He rushed in the room and saw that I was on the floor. He told me that I had to turn into a wolf. I tried but it was too hard, I was in too much pain. Baekhyun told me that if I didn't then the baby and I would die.


I changed into a wolf and when I felt a contraction that lasted longer, I knew that I had to push. I pushed with all my might until I heard crying. I changed back in my human form and saw my baby. Baekhyun ran to the bathroom and got a towel for my baby. He came back and gave me the towel.


I wrapped him up and he stopped crying. He looked at me and he had Kai's eyes. He had my skin complexion and I know that he would be like me when he grew up. Baekhyun sat down next to me and he was in awe. I couldn't believe that I have given birth with out Kai here.


Baekhyun asked me what I was going to name him. It took me awhile but I decided to go with the name Jongsoo. It sounded like a  good name and Baekhyun liked it.


Kai came home the next day. When he saw Jongsoo, he rushed towards the bed. Everyone came running upstairs and gathered in the room. Suho told me that he had to take him to the hospital to make sure he was alright. When I gave Jongsoo to Suho, I felt a piece of my heart torn.


A month passed and Kris said that we were getting new brothers. I was excited and so was Baekhyun, so we both decided to make dinner for them but Chanyeol and Kai said that we shouldn't because we could get sick.


When we meet everyone, I was shocked. They were all so good looking. Kai had told me that wolves are born good looking but I never believed him until I saw our four new brothers, I believed him.


We were in our room and Kai was playing with Jongsoo. He had told m about the hunters and I was scared because I had heard stories from Chanyeol and I had seen the scar on his back. Kai told me that if they do attack then I have to hide with the baby. He also told me that we had to move in a new house that Kris had.


Once we moved into the new house, Xiumin found out he was expecting and so did YiXing. I thought that Kris would've already mated with Tao but I guess he was making sure that the boy was ready to mate. I understood Sehun's situation because he was the baby of the pack and he had to be twenty to mate.


It had been two weeks since we moved in the house and Jongsoo loves it. He always roams around the room but he loves the bouncer Kai's mom got him.


We were getting ready for bed until we heard yelling coming from downstairs. I heard Baekhyun yelling then Kris yelling. Kai told me to ignore it and get Jongsoo ready for bed. The yelling lasted for a few minutes until it died down. I put Jongsoo in his crib and got into bed with Kai.


Morning came too fast. I went downstairs and saw that YiXing was already awake. He was watching TV with his coffee. I sat next to him and bid him a good morning.

"What was all that yelling down stairs last night?" I asked YiXing. He shrugged his shoulders.


"I don't know but Kris sounded angry." I nodded in agreement.


The day was quiet. The awkward thing was that Baekhyun, Chanyeol and Chanhyun weren't here. I texted Baekhyun but he hasn't texted me back yet.


It was getting closer to dinner and that's when Baekhyun texted me back. He told me that Chanhyun had gotten sick and that he's in the hospital. My heart went out for that poor baby.


Baekhyun, Chanyeol, Kai and I knew that Jongsoo and Chanhyun are going to be mates but if Chanhyun dies then Jongsoo will be devastated. Jongsoo was only a month but he knew Chanhyun's presence.


After dinner I went upstairs and saw Kai on the bed with Jongsoo. I sat down next to Kai. He turned his head and kissed my lips.


"Chanhyun is in the hospital." I told him.


"I know. Chanyeol called me earlier today and told me." He looked back at Jongsoo and blew into his stomach, making our baby laugh.


"I hope he's alright."


"He will be." Kai knew that I was upset and tried to reassure me but it didn't help. Chanhyun was too young and I was afraid that he was going to die.



I'm so tired so this is probably not a good chapter and I'm also not strong with this couple, so I would love feedback.

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