You Aren't From Here.

You'll Stay, Right?

Kris' plane arrived at around 10 p.m. He got off the plane and went to baggiage claim, looking for the rest of his clothes and his grandmother. He sighed as spotted her, he walked over, pullung his stuff behind him.

"Kris! Come with me! Now!"

Ugh, why is she yelling? This is so annoying, can I get back on the plane now?

Kris was grabbed by the wrist and pulled to a taxi, he put his stuff in the back and got in the car, being driven to his grandmother's in Qingdao. Kris sat boredly and listened to his music. He closed his eyes and drowned out everything in his music.

Tao was just getting home from afternoon wushu and the market for tomorrow. He yawned and looked around, his parents were asleep by now. He rubbed his eyed and climbed up onto the counter for a bowl.  He grabbed a small one and some chopsticks. Tao sat on the counter and scooped rice into the bowl, eating quietly. He slid off the counter and washed the bowl; Tao went wash and to bed. 

Kris opened his eyes as the taxi stopped, he looked around and groaned. He tried to find one nice building around him. He sighed and got out the car, grabbing his stuff and following his grandmother inside her house. He looked around further and whined.

"Isn't there any place nicer?"

"This is China, not Canada! Get used to it!"

Kris rolled his eyes and followed his grandmother to what would be his bedroom. He tossed his stuff in the room and followed her as she showed him around. Kris showed little interest.

"This is the bathroom, you turn hot water on before you shower and turn it off after!"


"Costs money!"

Kris looked around the bathroom.

"Uh...where's the toilet? Don't tell me it's some stupid outhouse or something?"

"Toilet there!"

Kris' eyes widened at whatever it was.

"That is no toilet! That's a damn hole in the ground!"

Kris continued whining as his grandmother just left him standing there. He groaned and went to his room. He looked around for a bed and found bedding on the floor, he lay down and looked around the room.

"This place seriously needs a budget for housing or something...."

Kris rolled onto his side and eventually fell asleep. He was woken up early in the morning by his grandmother throwing a school uniform on him.

"Change for school."

"'s Saturday."

"You have school."


Kris got up and went to the bathroom to change into the uniform. He sighed and grabbed his backpack.

"Okay, I'm ready..."

"Walk. You aren't far, just follow the students."

Kris sighed and left. At that time, Tao was running from his wuguang to the school, hugging his panda animal and fixing his uniform. He wasn't paying attention and ran into a boy much taller than him. He yelped and fell over, hugging Mao Mao tighter.

"我很抱歉!" (I am very sorry!)

Tao looked up at the boy and stood up, he continued to apologize and ran towards the school. He heard the boy following him. Tao started to get scared and stopped at the school's entrance, he looked back to see the tall boy again. Tao looked him up and down and tried acting confident. From the way the boy looked, Tao knew he was a foreigner.

"You...aren't from here...are you?"

"What's it to you?"

"Oh..I was just wondering."

Tao looked at him and smiled, bowing and extending his hand to greet him.

"I'm Huang ZiTao! I'm nine! And you are?"

"...I'm Kris. I'm twelve."

"Whoa! You're so cool...nice to meet you."

Kris smirked and put his hand on top of Tao's head, turning him around and leading him into the school.

"Well...Tao, you're going to guide me around this weird country until I learn where the hell I'm going."

Tao nodded and smiled.

"You're Wu Zǔmǔ's grandson, right? I thought I heard her talking about her grandson coming from Canada."

Kris raised an eyebrow and nodded.

" did you know?"

"She's my neighbor!"

Tao smiled and looked up at Kris again. He pouted when the bell rang, he grabbed Kris' schedule and looked at it.

"Your class is in the older hall, it's green. You're in the third classroom. The teacher is a short pretty lady with big glasses. I have to go now!"

 Tao ran away from Kris and down a different hallway to his class, he pulled his books and Mao Mao with him. Kris chuckled and walked to his first class.

"Man, that kid is weird...but he's cute, and not like these other guys. I think I'll keep him."


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Chapter 23: Ohh is it too late to tell u i loved ur fic and i sincerely hope for an update?;;;;; It was really really sweet and cute and semi-canon OwO i can't believe i only read this today TT It's really great author-nim!!!!
White_Tiger_baek #2
Chapter 20: i really like ypur fanfic! it's really awesome! please update!
Chapter 20: ............HELL YEAH!! lml wuhuuu~ puro pinshe taoris! (okay,i'm speaking in spanish, sorry)
Chapter 19: OMO!! This chapter was funny,cute and... Ahjsvdbkchfvdj just...... I love it
Chapter 19: So cute! Ldvagdbdhdjd i love it! Its more interesting now that tao and kris are having a LDR! Update soon!
KimDiandra #6
Chapter 18: thank you for the update.. can't wait for the next chapter ^^
TAORIS_shipper #7
Chapter 18: thank you soooo much for the update!!!!!^^
Chapter 17: This is amazing! I love it!