You're Out of Control!

You'll Stay, Right?

"This is the last time!"

"You're completely out of control!"

"Another fight, Kris! Another one?! This is the second time this week!"

"It's only Wednesday and you've gotten into two fights and have been sent to the pricipals' office four times!"

Kris rolled his eyes and sat back in the chair, being scolded by his parents was old news to him. By now, he started to block it out. 

Yeah yeah...I know the routine. You're out of control...if you don't shape up you're going with grandma to China. Blah, blah, blah. I've heard all of this bef--


"W-What?! Yo! That's unfair! You only just threaten that!"

"Well it never seems to get through to you, so now we're doing it!"

"B-But! Mom! No fair! I don't want to go!"

"We taught you Chinese for a reason! You're going there!"

"But I don't know anyone there!"

"You know grandmother."

Kris groaned and covered his face in his hands, squirming angrily in his seat. 

This is so stupid! It's no fair! I'm not going! I'm not! They can't make me?! What will they do...force me on the plane?!

"H-Hey! You can't just force me on the plane!"

"Yes we can!"

Kris tried fighting his way from his parents, not wanting to board the plane to China. He was still angry from yesterday, this was ridiculous! It was only a few one got seriously hurt.

"I...I'll shapen up! I promise! I do!"

"We know you China."

"MOM! That wasn't what I meant!" 

Kris yelled as the door was closed that seperated him from the airport and his parents and the tunnel to his plane. He groaned and walked to the plane. Kris looked around for his seat and tossed his bag onto the empty one next to his, angrily sitting down and crossing his arms with an obvious attitude.

"No one better talk to me...."

Kris closed his eyes and leaned his head back, putting his headphones on and playing his music. He tried to ignore everything and just keep his attitude. 

Meanwhile, Tao was just waking up, getting ready for his early morning wushu practices. He whined a little as he rushed to get ready. He ran out the door, stuffing his panda animal in his bag. Tao ran as fast as he could to the wuguan. He tried to catch his breath as he bowed and entered the small paper matted building. He was a minute late. Tao closed his tightly as he heard footsteps. He knew it was his sifu. 


Tao bowed over and over.

"I'm sorry, sifu! I'm sorry! Very sorry! It won't happen again!"

The sifu nodded and motioned over for Tao to put his stuff down and begin stretching. Tao ran across the paper mats, his small feet making noise against them. He set his bag down and opened it to show his panda animal's face. Tao smiled and whispered.

"Wish me luck, Mao Mao."

Tao stood and walked over to his sifu. He was lifted up and put on two wooden beams to help him stretch into a split, which by now was easy for him. 

"Block what I throw at you, remain in that stance. Do not fall. If you do well I'll teach you how to use a weapon of your choice."

Tao forced away a smile and nodded, putting his hands up as his sifu grabbed a longstaff, spinning it and striking towards the small boy. Tao stayed focused and blocked all the shots, getting hit in his arms instead of his head. He went through his strenous practice for a few hours before finishing. He got up, bowed and grabbed his bag. Tao ran from the wuguan and towards his home again to change into his school uniform to begin the day, Kris still on the plane.

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Chapter 23: Ohh is it too late to tell u i loved ur fic and i sincerely hope for an update?;;;;; It was really really sweet and cute and semi-canon OwO i can't believe i only read this today TT It's really great author-nim!!!!
White_Tiger_baek #2
Chapter 20: i really like ypur fanfic! it's really awesome! please update!
Chapter 20: ............HELL YEAH!! lml wuhuuu~ puro pinshe taoris! (okay,i'm speaking in spanish, sorry)
Chapter 19: OMO!! This chapter was funny,cute and... Ahjsvdbkchfvdj just...... I love it
Chapter 19: So cute! Ldvagdbdhdjd i love it! Its more interesting now that tao and kris are having a LDR! Update soon!
KimDiandra #6
Chapter 18: thank you for the update.. can't wait for the next chapter ^^
TAORIS_shipper #7
Chapter 18: thank you soooo much for the update!!!!!^^
Chapter 17: This is amazing! I love it!