
You'll Stay, Right?


"A B in Chinese History?! Huang ZiTao you live in China! How can you not know the History?!"
"I...I did know it! I just made careless mistakes on the exam and got a B."
"Careless mistakes?! What would happen if you made a careless mistake doing wushu?! Huh?!"
"I...I would get hurt."
"Exactly! You would get hurt! You don't make careless mistakes! You just don't!"
"I'm sorry Bàba! I was distracted!" 
"Excuses! Excuses! How will you ever become a successful man with excuses such as these?!"
Tao looked down. A B as a grade was disappointing to him, considering he had studied five hours just for Chinese History. The report cards had just been mailed and it was clear his father wasn't happy with the grade. Tao didnt want to add to his father's disappointment by telling him he didn't want to be like him and get a normal job, he wanted to be a singer. His father would either be furious or accept him wholeheartedly, but while he was angry, Tao knew it'd be the former. Tao simply crumbled under his father's harsh words and yelling, sinking down onto his knees and bowing in the utmost respect, apologizing over and over, begging for forgiveness in order to calm and please his father. 
The angry words floated around in his head as they were released. The amount of angry and frustration his father showed made it obvious that he was indeed stressed and this was just the trigger for something that had been building up for a while now. Tao didnt know exactly what, since his parents ever let him know how their jobs were, and whether or not they were stressed. Tao knew they cared for him so he never questioned it, and he always tried to be the best son he could possibly be, because, they were great parents, and they deserve a great son.
"Are you listening son?! What is with you today?!" 
"I-I'm sorry Bàba. I'm just thinking."
"What could you possibly be thinking of?!"
Tao shrugged and stayed on his knees, his nose almost touching the floor as tears welled up in his eyes. He was trying his best to keep them away but he was sensitive, little things made him cry. By now he had toughened up to a point where much less effected him, but the thought of disappointing his father just crushed him. 
"I'm sorry for being a disappointment. I should've worked harder..."
"What? You aren't a disappointment." 
Tao started to cry, he tried to stop but his emotions were getting the best of him. His father sighed and went over to him. He knelt down beside Tao and pat his back.
"ZiTao, don't cry."
"I'm sorry..."
Tao sat up and wiped his eyes. He looked over at his father and sighed. Tao's father smiled a little and pulled his son into a tight hug, rubbing his back soothingly.
"You never disappoint me, son. You should know that."
"But...But I didn't do well."
"Just because you didn't do well this time doesn't mean you didn't try. I just flew off the handle."
"I'm sorry you're stressed, bàba."
"Why do you say that?"
"I can tell."
"I'm sorry it's so obvious."
Tao smiled a little and hugged his father. He sighed and sat there quietly, clinging to his father. 
"Bàba, it's nothing to be sorry about, I know how hard you work and I know how stressful a busy schedule can be. It's even harder for you because you have me and Mama to take care of."
"Thank you. Now...I have work to do, go see your friend next door."
Tao nodded and stood up, helping his father to his feet and then leaving his house. He walked outside and looked around. Tao sighed and looked around the street, a few younger kids were outside, some were playing basketball, others were just playing some game they made up. He walked over and looked around to find Kris before knocking on his door. 
Kris had opened the door, rubbing his eyes tiredly. He must have been taking a nap. Tao smiled sweetly up at Kris and hugged him. Kris chuckled and looked down at Tao.
"Oh, it's the cute boy next door."
Tao smiled a little more and squeezed Kris in the hug. Kris pulled away and lifted Tao up. Tao giggled a little and wrapped his legs around Kris' waist, hugging himself to Kris and smiling.
"I've missed you, Kris."
"I missed you too, Tao baby."
"You should stop growing."
"I did. It's you who needs to stop."
Tao laughed and hugged Kris tighter as he led them back to his bedroom. Tao looked around and smiled.
"Did I catch you while you were sleeping?"
"Nah, I just woke up."
"Oh? I could wake you up more~"
Kris shook his head and smiled. He ruffled Tao's hair as he sat down.
"Calm those hormones, Tao Tao."
Tao laughed and hugged Kris tighter, not too tight but enough to be close enough to him that he was snug. Kris hugged Tao close to him and ran his fingers through his soft black hair. Tao sighed softly and laid his head on Kris' chest, absolutely comfortable.
"Kris, I want to be a singer when I get older. As soon as the opportunity pops up I'm taking it."
"Really? Well...I want to be with you, so if you go, I go." 
Tao smiled and nodded, he sat up and looked at Kris.
"What if we don't remember each other?"
"I'm sure we will."
"You better Kris Wu! If you don't I'm going to hurt you!"
Kris laughed. 
"I will remember you." 
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Chapter 23: Ohh is it too late to tell u i loved ur fic and i sincerely hope for an update?;;;;; It was really really sweet and cute and semi-canon OwO i can't believe i only read this today TT It's really great author-nim!!!!
White_Tiger_baek #2
Chapter 20: i really like ypur fanfic! it's really awesome! please update!
Chapter 20: ............HELL YEAH!! lml wuhuuu~ puro pinshe taoris! (okay,i'm speaking in spanish, sorry)
Chapter 19: OMO!! This chapter was funny,cute and... Ahjsvdbkchfvdj just...... I love it
Chapter 19: So cute! Ldvagdbdhdjd i love it! Its more interesting now that tao and kris are having a LDR! Update soon!
KimDiandra #6
Chapter 18: thank you for the update.. can't wait for the next chapter ^^
TAORIS_shipper #7
Chapter 18: thank you soooo much for the update!!!!!^^
Chapter 17: This is amazing! I love it!