Chapter 6

The Wolf Boy


Your face burned in redness. "How can you do this to me?" You buried your face in his shoulder. He pat your head in a soft and gentle manner. Giving you a bright smile to cheer you up. 
You dried him up and teach him to wear a training suit. You grabbed your bag and decided to make a trip to the nearby shopping mall to get Lucky some decent clothes to wear.
So you washed up while he stares in awe at the TV, randomly trying to grab the images shown on screen and having fun with it.
After bathing you dressed up in a summer dress and was about to leave your room when you hear foot steps heading for your bedroom door. When you opened your door, Lucky was seating like a wolf with hands stretched up front and legs squatted apart. 
"Haha! Silly Lucky." You got hold of his hand and pulled him up. "Let's go shopping you silly boy!" He smiled and gave a growl. "Ah-WOOOOOO!" 
"Shhhh! Hush hush! " cupping a hand over his mouth. 
You manage to bring him out on the streets after teaching him the most humane way of walking and getting down the stairs. One step, one feet at a time. 
At the mall, you have loads of fun shopping for his stuff. From dress shirts, to tees, pants to trousers, boxers to pyjamas, toothbrush to hair gel. The feeling is so fresh and new. It is like having a boyfriend and a lifetime partner next to you. He just kept quiet and follow you around meekly while holding onto the shopping bags. He is not used to the city life and so many people crowded around him. Humans are not so friendly as he could remember. Only you are his special human. He usually hides in the park or the nearby forest eating wild fruits and berries to survive from time to time. Meat is like gold in his world.
"Lets go home Lucky, we shall have breakfast!" 
The stroll got to a halt when both of you walked past a meat shop.
His body is stiff.
His eyes got into a shade of maroon red.
His stare is intense.
"Oh my. It must have been the smell of blood from the meat. Lucky? LUCKY!"
You squeezed his hand and looked into his eyes. "Stop it, you are scaring me." You went in front of him and covered his eyes. His hands wrapped around your waist and his head landed on your shoulder, he started to whimper softly. His anxiety is seeping into him. It is like nature telling his wolf self to prepare to attack his prey.
At least his can't see, as your scent is strong enough to overpower the scent of blood due to your female hormones. His senses are covered up. 
"Lucky, listen. I want you to close your eyes and concentrate. I do not know what will happen if you were here lingering alone, but now that I am here, I will buy some meat home so that you can have a hearty meal. But no opening of your eyes ok? I know you can sense that I am around, just by your side. It will be quick. Trust me." 
"Nod for yes, shake for no."
He nodded and closed his eyes tightly.
You quickly asked for some beef steak and some minced meat for the day and paid at the register. When you return, Lucky is relieved and so are you. 'I thought that he will turn into a wolf in broad daylight, but it doesn't seem to be the case...'
He grabbed your hand and start to walk away from the stall with determination. It felt like walking old Lucky by the streets again. 
While on the way back home, you have reached the park where you have first meet the wolf boy. He stopped too, seeing that there are daisies in the park, he plucked one of the flower and place it in your hair, right where you curled your hair behind your ear.
A boyish smile spread across his face with satisfaction.
"Thank you." you smiled in return.
Suddenly he hugged you so tight that he had lifted you off the ground.
"Gruff!" And he snuggle his nose into your hair.
The morning ended with childish laughters back home.
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Aww are you not going to continue the story? :( because i loved it so muchhhhjklppp)
Chapter 2: Awwwww this story is the best!!! Please pleasee update ><
Samantha_Kwok #3
Chapter 24: OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this is the best story ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!! pls update more chapters soon ^^
Chapter 24: Omg more more more!!! I need more!! The story plot is so exciting all the wayyyyy. More mysteries to be resolved!
CoconutPanda #5
oh my god! I read all chapters and I'm still excited ^^ and I love it <3
I'm looking forward for the next chapter :)
Chapter 24: I love your story~ <3 kyungsoo is so cute. :'3
Hope the curse will be over soon.
Chapter 15: New reader here~ Omg this story is really cute. I love it. :)
Primardya #8
Chapter 23: I love your story so much..!
It's much fluffiness at first that i giggled so much..i'm not becoming to one of these silent readers so keep it up!
Chapter 23: Update sooooooon! I'm so caught up
Chapter 5: D.O smiling with large eyes?! MAN