Chapter 3

The Wolf Boy


When you went to gave the animal the meat patty on a plate, it went up to your face and up your tears. 'It smell like camomile. Not like what I thought stray animals would smell like.'
You stop crying and gave the animal a long hug. It rest its head on your shoulder. Just like a person who will comfort you at this time. 
You reassured and told the animal, "I am fine. Do not worry. You must be hungry. I have made my best dish for my old beloved dog. Hope you will not mind. Dig in!" It seems to have understood what you are trying to say and it started to eat the plate clean.
You went to Lucky's belongings and found its collar in a special jewellery box. 
A silver chain that is written, 'LUCKY -xoxo'. With your house address engraved at the back of the dog tag. 'Will it fit? I hope the animal is willing to wear it. So that if it leaves, anyone or the dog pound will return it back to me.' 
The animal is sitting quietly by the long window aisle. Looking up to the moon with hopeful eyes. A whimpering howl was sounded. 
You went up to it and sat beside it. "You know, I loved the moon a lot too! I love it when it is at full moon. So shiny, pure, solemn with brightness and clarity. But it will be gone when the sun rises." You pout and looked at the animal. Eye contact was made. Large goggly brown eyes that looked so demure and hopeful. "Your eyes are so pretty, how I wish you will meet Lucky my old pet. She will be a good friend of yours. I hope that you will not mind, here is Lucky's dog tag. Please wear it so that when you leave, I will be able to meet you again." 
It bowed its head so that you will be able to clasp the collar on. Since it is larger than old Lucky, it was tight around its greyish-white fur. "I will be sleeping now, I will leave the main door ajar if you will need space to roam around. I will not force you to stay or be mine. I just hope we will be friends and be each other's company. Come and go as you wish." 
You've picked yourself up, filled the food bowl with water again and took a last glance at the animal with a new name, Lucky.
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Aww are you not going to continue the story? :( because i loved it so muchhhhjklppp)
Chapter 2: Awwwww this story is the best!!! Please pleasee update ><
Samantha_Kwok #3
Chapter 24: OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this is the best story ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!! pls update more chapters soon ^^
Chapter 24: Omg more more more!!! I need more!! The story plot is so exciting all the wayyyyy. More mysteries to be resolved!
CoconutPanda #5
oh my god! I read all chapters and I'm still excited ^^ and I love it <3
I'm looking forward for the next chapter :)
Chapter 24: I love your story~ <3 kyungsoo is so cute. :'3
Hope the curse will be over soon.
Chapter 15: New reader here~ Omg this story is really cute. I love it. :)
Primardya #8
Chapter 23: I love your story so much..!
It's much fluffiness at first that i giggled so much..i'm not becoming to one of these silent readers so keep it up!
Chapter 23: Update sooooooon! I'm so caught up
Chapter 5: D.O smiling with large eyes?! MAN