Chapter 14

The Wolf Boy

"What!? You must be joking right?" You looked at Lauren in disbelief.

"Look. Miss _______, I will find a chance to talk to you some other time. You still live under the same address right? I will try to send things to you. Mummy is coming!" She brushed your arm off her. Kiss you at the cheek, waved goodbye and ran to her mum.
'Lauren must have knew something. Her art pieces are abstract but there is always a hidden meaning from it. I hope to hear from her soon.'
"What's wrong baby?" Kyung Soo seems doubtful about the encounter with Lauren. "That little girl gives me the creeps."
"Nah... I'm fine. Lets head home." You said.
On the bus journey back home, Lauren's words kept resounding in your mind. "You should stay away from him." "He is cursed."
It can't be.
You gave Kyung Soo a longing look. He looked back at you, gave your shoulders a squeeze and lay your head on his shoulder and pat your knee. 
'I don't know what is going on in _______'s mind but she must not find out the truth. The truth hurts...'
At home, you've tried to brighten up the mood by exchanging backpacks and opening the thoughtful gifts from the challenge this afternoon.
"Let's see what goodies that I have... Oh?" The familiar logo and box.
"Kyung Soo, are you serious?"
He went silent and his face went red all of a sudden.
Inside of the box, there is a moonstone jewellery set, Kyung Soo's quirky photo booth shots and a baby doll set of lingerie in pink with black laces. 
He laughed like a kid and smacked his face to hide his embarrassment. 
"y! XOXO!!!"
"Oh my......... Kyung Soo, you are so naughty!"
He sniggered and hugged you. 
"Time to open yours!" You exclaimed.
He opened your backpack, found a gift box, a disposable camera, a time capsule and an album.
"으... 르... 렁? 으르렁!"
He sounds like a wolf growling. 
"Put this on" you passed the gift box to him, he opened it with ease and a watch with splendid clockwork and the leather strap chosen fitted his wrist well. "Wow! The thing moves!" "It's a watch! It tells the time. Now, I have written a letter to you. Er herm. The gifts mean how much you mean to me. A watch, time that I which to stay by you, always. A camera, which we can capture our moments together. An album, which your voice matches well with all of the songs in the album. A time capsule, which we can bury our memories and to dig them up years later."
He seems very contented with your heartfelt words and lovely presents. He got the jewellery box and affixed a moonstone necklace on your neck.
"You mean the Moon to me. *Howl, ahwuuuuuuuu!*"
"You are y to me. *kisses*"
"You are my one and only." He gave you a long, warm hug that lasted minutes. Rocking you softly and sang a song which he heard from the radio.
Boyz II Men - Open Arms (EXO cover)
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Aww are you not going to continue the story? :( because i loved it so muchhhhjklppp)
Chapter 2: Awwwww this story is the best!!! Please pleasee update ><
Samantha_Kwok #3
Chapter 24: OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this is the best story ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!! pls update more chapters soon ^^
Chapter 24: Omg more more more!!! I need more!! The story plot is so exciting all the wayyyyy. More mysteries to be resolved!
CoconutPanda #5
oh my god! I read all chapters and I'm still excited ^^ and I love it <3
I'm looking forward for the next chapter :)
Chapter 24: I love your story~ <3 kyungsoo is so cute. :'3
Hope the curse will be over soon.
Chapter 15: New reader here~ Omg this story is really cute. I love it. :)
Primardya #8
Chapter 23: I love your story so much..!
It's much fluffiness at first that i giggled so much..i'm not becoming to one of these silent readers so keep it up!
Chapter 23: Update sooooooon! I'm so caught up
Chapter 5: D.O smiling with large eyes?! MAN