Chapter 12

The Wolf Boy


In the mall, this song was playing from the sound system that sets the mood for now... (credits to danielleesquillo1210) Super Junior - From You
A wandering Kyung Soo...
'Aye? I wonder what does this funny room does...'
'Insert money here.'
'Ok. Checked.'
'Sit on seat for 5 shots.'
'Oh god, the flash just gave me stars!'
Kyung Soo almost stumbled out of the booth. Taking his photo and laughing sillily to it. '_______ will love it!' "Instant photo booth." He read as he left the place.
"Oh! y!" He eyes became very round as he stared at the mannequin by the display. 'Hehs' he went into the shop without further thinking.
"Hi Sir, looking for a gift for a special someone?"
"*huff with excitement* Yes!" He felt his hormones about to rage in the shop. Biting down on his lips and scanning the shop.
"Hmmmm, do you know her size?" What designs does she likes?"
He looked around the shop and spotted a light fluffy pink design with black laces around the borders.
"*huff!* This!"
"This comes in a set, are you getting one?"
"Haha, don't be shy. She will love it! It is one of our best sellers! Now, her size?"
Kyung Soo just roughly showed the sales person how big it should be by the size of his hands.
"Oooo, by experience I see. *smiles*"
He just lowers his head and shyly scratches the back of his neck. He paid for it and place his photos into the gift box discreetly into his back pack.
Now Kyung Soo is very fascinated by all the shops and stuffs that the mall has. After seeing a babyboy and his mum that was playing with a children's ride, he queued and ride one by himself earning glances from strangers. He later left in embarrassment. A squeezy yet fun ride. 'Heehee'
He roamed about, went into a accessories shop. 'Oh! Sparkly things! _______ likes to wear them on her head!' He slowly take a look at each piece and decided to pick one set out for you. All in a set of moonstones. Its delicate and soft colour matches your wardrobe and it reminds him of the full moon encounter when you've have first met him. Once paid, hidden in his backpack again.
'How I wish I have more money to buy even nicer things for her! Maybe the whole mall! *grins*!'
At the other hand...
You are thinking of what to get for Kyung Soo, hoping not to bump into him so it will not ruin the surprise. 
'Ah ha! A watch shop!' You went to glance at the guy watches. Finding a leather strap one that will fit Kyung Soo's skin tone, the watch must fit nicely on his wrist. Smiling to your perfect gift, you got it wrapped and place it gently into your backpack as paper bags might spoil the fun.
Next up! 
You went into a camera store and bought a disposable camera. It is easy for Kyung Soo to use and fun! The most basic forms of capturing moments together.
Then you stop by a cd store and browse the collection of cds. There is a sales person actually promoting a best seller on the rack. You grabbed a copy as the songs of the album played in the store was melodious. Kyung Soo loves singing, maybe this group's album will be up to his liking!  'Hmmm. 으르렁...' You read the yellow title on the checked photo exterior.
You bought a letter set at the stationary store and start to draft up a letter to Kyung Soo with affections, emoticons and explanations of your gifts. Hoping that one day he will learn enough to be able to read your letter. But for later, you will have to read it out to him. 
There was a fun shop selling special gifts and something caught your eye. 'Oh? A time capsule!'

Author's note: Just to say that Kyung Soo is not from Exo that sang the 으르렁 album. He is just a wolf boy in the story. Thanks to all my subbies and silent readers whom made this story a motivation for me to carry on writing!


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Aww are you not going to continue the story? :( because i loved it so muchhhhjklppp)
Chapter 2: Awwwww this story is the best!!! Please pleasee update ><
Samantha_Kwok #3
Chapter 24: OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this is the best story ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!! pls update more chapters soon ^^
Chapter 24: Omg more more more!!! I need more!! The story plot is so exciting all the wayyyyy. More mysteries to be resolved!
CoconutPanda #5
oh my god! I read all chapters and I'm still excited ^^ and I love it <3
I'm looking forward for the next chapter :)
Chapter 24: I love your story~ <3 kyungsoo is so cute. :'3
Hope the curse will be over soon.
Chapter 15: New reader here~ Omg this story is really cute. I love it. :)
Primardya #8
Chapter 23: I love your story so much..!
It's much fluffiness at first that i giggled so much..i'm not becoming to one of these silent readers so keep it up!
Chapter 23: Update sooooooon! I'm so caught up
Chapter 5: D.O smiling with large eyes?! MAN