Chapter 10

The Wolf Boy


In the morning you woke up right beside him.
Holding hands, both of you in foetal position facing one another. Both of your positions are shaped like a heart. 
'Is everyday a dream? What if one day I woke up without Kyung Soo beside me anymore? I hate it. Oh God, please do not take him away from me.' 
Your eyes welled up with tears with the fear of losing him. You tried to stifle your crying by using your other hand to cover your mouth. Biting down on your lips hard to stop the shivers. Kyung Soo was awaken by your movements and aura.
"Whats wrong baby?" He said. Moving himself closer to you. Using his thumb to wipe your tears away. Patting your head endearingly. Enclosing you in his arms.
"My past... It will hurt you. If you are willing to stay by me, someday I will let you know everything. But now, no. Just stop having those hurtful thoughts." He hushed your lips. It breaks him down seeing his love one like this.
"Don't go... Even when the world ends, I will be right here for you. Don't ever leave my sight, Kyung Soo ah. When the morning comes, do not disappear. I do not want our meeting to be just a dream." You said to him. The rhythm of his heart calms you down a bit.
'This human. Drives me crazy. In this moment, I close my eyes to pray. I will embrace her loving heart with mine. I will promise to only be good to her. Why does she makes my eyes shine when I first met her, why does she makes my heart beat at this crazy speed, why is she just so precious to me... Now I know why. Because she's my baby, my angel.'

When all sadness is gone, your daily life begins. Kyung Soo is learning fast everyday. Now he is even able to help you out in the kitchen. At first, even having a proper meal at the table was a disaster. He will start pawing through his dish with his hands, chomping down his food like in fear of someone will snatch it away from him, slurping his soup everywhere. However, with proper coaching and table manners training with you, he starts to eat like a human. With cutlery, using napkins, drinking from glasses. 

Every moment is a lesson learnt. Every moment is a precious memory. Every moment seems that time has stopped for the both of you.
Then comes the talking. Kyung Soo's voice is very husky and low. At first, he could not control his pitch and tone. So the best is to slowly learn by pronouncing vowels and nouns. Slowly, he progressed well when learning through singing nursery songs. Singing seems to make him more light-hearted to cope with the stress of learning things time to time. Then he managed from broken sentences, to full ones. Conversing seems to take a great leap in faith.
"Kyung Soo ya, try this." You scooped some of the soup and let him take a testing sip. 
"Hmmm, too bland." He took hold of the ladle and shove you aside with his hips. With a pinch of salt, red pepper paste, chopped up more onions and let the soup simmer again. 
"Now try it again..." He brought a little sip to his lips, gave it a cooling blow then gave it to your lips. 
"Mmmm! Just nice! Haha! How could you beat me in cooking!" 
"Let's say that I have a better sense of taste than you by nature." He gave you a cheeky face. 
"Unfair! I am human, not a wolf you know?"
"Ya, I am a wolf and you are my beautiful human."
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Aww are you not going to continue the story? :( because i loved it so muchhhhjklppp)
Chapter 2: Awwwww this story is the best!!! Please pleasee update ><
Samantha_Kwok #3
Chapter 24: OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this is the best story ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!! pls update more chapters soon ^^
Chapter 24: Omg more more more!!! I need more!! The story plot is so exciting all the wayyyyy. More mysteries to be resolved!
CoconutPanda #5
oh my god! I read all chapters and I'm still excited ^^ and I love it <3
I'm looking forward for the next chapter :)
Chapter 24: I love your story~ <3 kyungsoo is so cute. :'3
Hope the curse will be over soon.
Chapter 15: New reader here~ Omg this story is really cute. I love it. :)
Primardya #8
Chapter 23: I love your story so much..!
It's much fluffiness at first that i giggled so much..i'm not becoming to one of these silent readers so keep it up!
Chapter 23: Update sooooooon! I'm so caught up
Chapter 5: D.O smiling with large eyes?! MAN