
His and Her Circumstances

“Wah do you see them? They’re holding hands!!”

“So cute!”

“I want to be in a relationship like that!”

“So, the rumors are true.”

These are the things that Jiyong and Dara heard on their way to their class room. Many people greeted them by the time they could put their school bags at their desks. When CL arrived to class Dara was sitting in her desk and Jiyong was occupying the seat in front of her and facing towards her.

“So, what do you like to do in your spare time?” asked Dara in a bubbly voice.

“Hmmm…I love music. Listening, writing, and composing.” Jiyong smiled. “What about you? What are your hobbies?”

“Wah! You write music too? Can I listen to any of your songs?”

“You want to hear them? Sure, let me go get my ipod.” Jiyong said as he got up to walk over to his desk.

The second he left, CL approached Dara, “So, how’s the new boyfriend?” she asked with a raised eyebrow. They could even fool me if I didn’t know.

“Mmmm, good. We get along quite well.” Quite well…pfft. But we do actually, except for the fact that I don’t like him. And that this is all part of a plan… “I guess, he’s just easily to get along with.”

“That’s good. But be careful! You might fall in love. You know that there’s only a small difference between love and hate? You never know what will happen.” I hope she doesn’t forget her original objective…

Dara smiled. “Thanks for worrying, but I’ll be fine.”

“Ah! How did your ‘date’ go? And I heard you guys came to school holding hands?”

“It went…well. We got to discuss some things. And we ate cake!!! It was so delicious! I was originally going to ask you to go with me yesterday,” Dara pouted.

Jiyong returned to Dara’s desk to see Chaerin sitting where he was earlier. Lightly placing his hands on Dara’s shoulders, causing her to jump at the sudden contact, he said, “Chaerin, you should have seen this girl eat. For someone this skinny, I didn’t think she’d eat so quickly!”

Dara looked up at him, “Says the one who finished his within seconds!”

Right after she said that, all the people who were eavesdropping were whispering, “wait…did you hear that?” “Jiyong likes sweets???” “what???” “He ate a whole slice too!”

Dara giggled. “Hey, I won’t look as manly if people know I was shoveled cake into my mouth,” he said jokingly.

Wah, they’re good. They really could be perfect for each other. “You guys really did suit each other,” CL said with a smile

Jiyong’s smile grew even bigger. Fooling people really is simple. “Thanks, I’m glad that Dara confessed to me.”

“And I’m glad that you confessed too.” Dara said.

“Ah, I brought my ipod, do you want to listen to one of my songs now?”


Taking his hands off her shoulders, he reached for his ipod that was in his pants pocket. He handed both of the ear buds to Dara and selected the song labeled “Heartbreaker” and pressed play.

“Omo!” Dara looked up at him in wonder.

CL laughed, “How did you know that Dara loves music?”

Jiyong blinked then smiled, “I didn’t. It just…came up.”

“Morning,” both Daesung and Taeyang said as they approached Jiyong.

“Good morning.”

“What’s she listening to?” Daesung asked yawning.

“Oh! One of the new songs that I recorded.”

“Really? She looks like she totally enjoying it.” Taeyang said with a slight smile.

“Yeah…” I never expected her to enjoy it this much. I thought she was just trying to be polite when she said she wanted to listen to it.

“So, how was it??” asked Daesung.

“How was what?”

“Your date!  I mean, you even forgot your bag!”

CL and Taeyang laughed at that. Maybe Dara’s plan will be a lot simpler than we thought. Then again, who knows what’s going on between them, thought CL.

“Oh,” said Jiyong shyly, “Yeah. It went well. We just talked and ate cake…”

“YOU ate CAKE?” asked Taeyang. That can’t be right…even when I offer he always refused to eat it. I’m pretty sure he hates anything sweet. ESPECIALLY if it’s chocolate. “Don’t tell me it was chocolate cake…?”

“It was actually, how did you know?”

Taeyang’s jaw dropped, “YOU ate chocolate cake. You hate sweets though!”

“Dara wanted me to eat some…anyways, how did practice go?”

“It was alright. Same old, same old. Tiring as always,” Taeyang laughed. “They just make us dance until we can’t move anymore.”

“How can you dance for that long???” Daesung remarked.

“Says the one who stays up until early morning working at the radio station,” teased Taeyang.

“Both of you—” Jiyong started.

“WAH!” Dara exclaimed, interrupting Jiyong, “You seriously wrote that? That was amazing! You have to let me listen to your other songs. Pleaaaaaase.” That was amazing. I can’t believe he wrote that, was he able to do this back then? I don’t even remember him listening to music.

Jiyong laughed, “Of course, we can listen to them on the way home later, I think class is going to start soon.”

“OH! By the way, who’s ‘G-dragon’?” Dara asked. That’s the one part I didn’t understand. Is that supposed to be name or something?

“Ah, that’s my…stage name” admitted Jiyong shyly. “We can talk more about it late, Teacher Yang is approaching. And I don’t want to be called out like yesterday.” With a shy grin he left towards his desk and Teacher Yang opened the door.


“Morning Teacher Yang” the class recited.

While the teacher went over announcements Jiyong was once again caught up in his thoughts. I never thought she’d be so interested in this. Maybe this will go smoothly. Our lie is so well constructed that even I began to get into it. I suppose it was because of her interest in my music. I wonder if we could have been good friends if she didn’t do that to Taeyang…

While Jiyong was thinking things over, Dara felt a light tap on her shoulder. She looked over to see a note addressed to her. This is odd. This isn’t CL’s handwriting, she thought. Opening the note she read: At lunch, meet at the top of the staircase (near roof).





A/N: Thank you for subscribing, commenting, and reading my story! Hope you enjoy this chapter too! I love getting feedback, hope you can comment. >.< Thanks for reading!! Gah it's late. Need to sleep! Hahaha

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trysusiet #1
Chapter 26: It seems a little extreme to me that they've held grudges for so long for something that happened when they were seven. (I know childhood experiences influence us etc etc )

But still. I'm loving this and I can't wait to read more
Chapter 30: hallo.. it's my 1st time reading it n i like it.. a comment from me 'coz in a way it's too focusing on daragon only.. i mean.. u came up with Sohee n RiRin but u never really put 'em on a real story.. like what happen to Sohee.. what 'bout Seung-chan n CL's relationship..
(i don't expect 4 SpringTempo though 'coz i assume they're juz happen to be there.. i'm quite sure that they already had their own story, hohoho..)

but overall.. i still love it.. i'm an appler anw.. n this is a daragon story.. so yea.. 'till the next FICs^^~
Chapter 30: Loved this!
Chapter 30: Lovely story!! Loved the two of them together... Thank you for writing and sharing it with us. I look forward to reading your other stories as well!
Chapter 30: OMG! OMG! OMG! OMG! OMG! was way too sweet<3 I loved it <3
u are daebak author nim!!\(^o^)/
mihyun84 #6
Chapter 30: charming!!
phEnxx #7
Chapter 30: waaaaaaahhhhhhhh...I'm in love with this story ;-)
rinimae #8
upvoted :)
rinimae #9
Chapter 30: whhaa.. :))) i was smiling widely that my face almost teared apart while reading this... hahaha! i love your story! write more! :*
Chapter 30: Love this story ^^