
His and Her Circumstances

When Jiyong arrived home he looked at the bag that Dara gave him again. This was probably the hundredth time he’s looked at it since him and Dara parted and he never failed to smile brightly whenever he looked at it. Each time he looked, he would remember the kiss. I can’t wait to open it! Thought Jiyong happily.

“Wah, only one Valentine’s Day chocolate this year? Losing your touch already? But you have such a cute face,” his older sister Da Mi said as she affectionately squeezed his cheeks. Usually he carries a box full of them home, then offers it to anyone who wants it since he doesn’t eat chocolate…even accepting chocolate so he doesn’t hurt those girls’ feelings; he’s just too nice, thought Da Mi with a smile. “So, do I get some?”

Jiyong shook his head vigorously, “This one is mine, sorry noona.” Then he rushed to his room with all of his stuff.

That was strange…he usually will just hand it over, what happened? Are those different? Omo! Don’t tell me, he likes a girl and she gave him chocolate? Aw, my little brother is growing up! She thought happily as she went to go back to continue what she had be doing before Jiyong came home.

In his room, Jiyong stared at the bag that he had placed onto his desk. I wonder what’s inside? I hope it doesn’t say ‘obligation’ he thought while frowning. The bag was white with an apple on it. The apple had a heart carved into it, and right below the apple it said “You’re the apple of my eye.” Looks promising…how did she know I love apples? Or maybe she got it because it’s kind of cheesy…He opened the bag to find a box. An apple box in an apple bag? Haha, that’s cute. The box was in the shape of an apple with the lid being the inside of an apple as if you had cut an apple in half. Next to the box he saw a small card and it read:


Happy Valentines my gummy smile ^^

It’s our first, neh? I love being with you, please take of me in the future.

You’re super cool girlfriend, Dara keke


He felt his heart skip a beat when he read “I love being with you.” He placed his finger over the words “being with”, if I do this, it looks like she’s confessing to me that she loves me…if only…I really enjoy being with her…but our most important rule is to never fall in love with the each other…he sighed. Well, I can’t let all of her hard work go to waste! He lifted the lid of the box to reveal a heart shaped chocolate cake. Jiyong laughed, so that’s why she got this bag, so cute. He went to the kitchen to get a fork while trying to avoid being seen by his sister. He took a bite of the cake, omo, this is SO good! he thought with a smile. The cake was a normal chocolate cake with a dark chocolate ganache. He took out his phone and sent Dara a text message.


From: Kwon Jiyong

To: Me

The cake is really really really really good! I love it! I love the box too. Good thing you lined it, I’m going to keep the box ^^. Oh! And I love being with you too ;) Please take of me in the future.


Dara blushed, I knew I shouldn’t have written that line in there! Now he’s teasing me, hmph. I’m glad I chose that box though…right when I saw it, he popped into my head. She thought back to what happened earlier and blushed even more. Kiss…


From: Park Dara

To: Me

Aigoo, stop teasing me! >.<


Hahaha, she would react this way.


From: Kwon Jiyong

To: Me

I’m not teasing you; this is how I show my affection for my ssantokki.


Ssantokki??? Again? So I’m only just a pet to him?


From: Park Dara

To: Me

I’m not a ssantokki. Everyone would agree *pouts*


This made Jiyong laugh even harder.


From: Kwon Jiyong

To: Me

That’s only because they don’t see how special you really are. I would hope that I’m the only one that sees you that way. If they even caught a glimpse of how much you shine, they’d be blinded. You’re my ssantokki.


This made Dara blush again, how does he justify that nickname so well?


From: Park Dara

To: Me

Stop making me blush! >.<


So she admits it! Jiyong thought, I want to see her…tomorrow won’t come fast enough…

“What????” “No way!!!” “Is that true???” several students were saying while they stood in front of the bulletin board.

One girl turned and saw Dara and Jiyong approaching the school. She ran towards them and asked Dara, “Is it true?”

Dara widened her eyes in surprise, “Is what true?”

“What’s on the bulletin board! Here, I’ll show you,” said the girl as she started walking to the board.

“What’s this about?” asked Jiyong.

“I don’t know,” answered Dara in confusion. What’s going on?

When the couple were at the board, they saw a poster of a young tomboyish girl with the words “the true Dara Park!” How did they find that? I thought no one took picture of me back then!

Jiyong read the poster then looked at Dara, she looks like she’s in shock. It’s not even that bad. So what if she dressed like a boy and had short hair when she was younger? She grew and became the person she is now. Plus even as a child…she was cute…gah! This is bad. He squeezed Dara’s hand in reassurance. “I think we better go to class, I don’t want to be lectured to by Teacher Yang again,” he said trying to distract her. He pulled her along in the direction of the classroom. “Are you okay?” he asked once they were by themselves.

Her head snapped up to look at him, “Yeah, I’m fine…”

Once they reached the classroom, he released her hand so that she could go to her desk when he went to his.

“So, how’d you like that?” Sohee whispered into Dara’s ear.

“So it was you…” Dara said weakly.

“Of course, who else would it be?” Sohee laughed.

“That’s true, but why did you do that?”

“For my own entertainment of course,” she replied flashing a smile at Dara, “You said I can’t approach Jiyong and I haven’t, but you never said I couldn’t mess with you. Imagine how people’s impression of you will change, haha. The sweet, delicate Dara Park was a tomboy.”

Dara rolled her eyes, “Really? That’s pretty lame. You’re still picking on me after 10 years.”

“Hey, Dara?” asked a male classmate of theirs asked.

“Yes?” answered Dara, What’s his name? Oh! It’s Onew.

“I saw that picture on the school bulletin, was that really you?” he asked curiously.

Might as well tell the truth, “Yes,” she said with a smile, “that was probably when I was about 7 years old.”

“Wow! You’ve changed a lot!” she winced a little at that comment, “It’s really cool though, to see different sides of you. And even though you look like tomboy with your clothing and haircut, those things can’t hide your pretty face,” he said with a smile.

Dara smiled in response, “thank you.”

Sohee couldn’t believe it, how??? People weren’t supposed to react like that…no matter…tomorrow will be even worse…today was a warm-up, just to make people see that she has different sides of her. Too bad I didn’t have one of her and Jiyong from back then! Ugh, that would’ve worked so much better! Tomorrow, everyone will see through their relationship. “I guess that wasn’t as effective as I thought,” she said with a shrug. “I guess I’ll just have to try harder.” She gave Dara a devilish smile and left.

She is so irritating! Dara thought as she saw Sohee walked away.

“So,” Jiyong said as he sat in the seat in front of her, “You were kind of boyish in the past, huh?”

“Yeah, I guess. I was just more convenient…My mom was anticipating a boy and bought so many boy’s clothes. And when I grew older, boys clothes were just more comfortable for me,” she shrugged.

“Oh, interesting,” Jiyong said with a nod, I learned something knew about her today. “So, if you were tomboyish…no wonder you liked me. We would make the perfect couple, a boyish girl and a pretty boy. I have such a pretty and handsome face, huh?” he asked cutely.

“Aigoo,” she gave a light shove, “you’re too much sometimes.”

“You mean too cute?”

Dara couldn’t help herself from laughing.

Jiyong smiled, it’s good to see her smiling.

“Another poster of her?” “Wait isn’t that Dara and Jiyong?” “Contract?” “No way! That can’t be true! Haven’t you seen them? They’re super lovey dovey.” “This sounds just like a drama, there’s no way this can be true.” “But what if it is true?” “Why would they even do that?” “They’ve already been dating for 5 months!” There were even more students crowding around the bulletin today than there were yesterday.  They were all discussing the newest piece of gossip.

Dara and Jiyong entered the school gate and saw the huge group of people next to the bulletin, “What could that be for? It can’t be because of the poster of you from yesterday…” commented Jiyong. Is it something else?

Don’t tell me Sohee put another poster of me on there… “Let’s go find out,” she said as she squeezed his hand.

They approached the group of students and when the others noticed them, they created a path for the couple to get through. This is kind of weird, and it makes me feel uneasy thought Dara.

They looked up at the bulletin and saw a recent picture of them. The line under the picture said, “The famous couple, Kwon Jiyong and Park Dara, has a huge secret. What you may ask? They’re relationship isn’t based on love, but through a contract.”

“Is it true? Are you two really not in love?” a girl asked.

Jiyong and Dara were still facing away from the other students, they were both in shock. They looked at each other and both thought, WHAT DO WE DO NOW???



A/N: Hello! I'm sooooo sleepy! Sorry if i made a lot of mistakes...i kept kind of falling asleep hehehe....I don't know when i'll update next, since i'll be getting pretty busy...

Thank you for reading, subscribing, and commenting! Hope you enjoy this chapter!

Their secret was revealed, what will our couple do now? Until next time!

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trysusiet #1
Chapter 26: It seems a little extreme to me that they've held grudges for so long for something that happened when they were seven. (I know childhood experiences influence us etc etc )

But still. I'm loving this and I can't wait to read more
Chapter 30: hallo.. it's my 1st time reading it n i like it.. a comment from me 'coz in a way it's too focusing on daragon only.. i mean.. u came up with Sohee n RiRin but u never really put 'em on a real story.. like what happen to Sohee.. what 'bout Seung-chan n CL's relationship..
(i don't expect 4 SpringTempo though 'coz i assume they're juz happen to be there.. i'm quite sure that they already had their own story, hohoho..)

but overall.. i still love it.. i'm an appler anw.. n this is a daragon story.. so yea.. 'till the next FICs^^~
Chapter 30: Loved this!
Chapter 30: Lovely story!! Loved the two of them together... Thank you for writing and sharing it with us. I look forward to reading your other stories as well!
Chapter 30: OMG! OMG! OMG! OMG! OMG! was way too sweet<3 I loved it <3
u are daebak author nim!!\(^o^)/
mihyun84 #6
Chapter 30: charming!!
phEnxx #7
Chapter 30: waaaaaaahhhhhhhh...I'm in love with this story ;-)
rinimae #8
upvoted :)
rinimae #9
Chapter 30: whhaa.. :))) i was smiling widely that my face almost teared apart while reading this... hahaha! i love your story! write more! :*
Chapter 30: Love this story ^^