
His and Her Circumstances

Jiyong stared at the note again, my butterfly, why did you do this? He crumpled the letter and stuck it into his pants pocket. A couple minutes later he pulled the letter out of his pocket and read it again. He crumpled it in frustration again and stuck it into his pocket, repeating the process over and over again. He let out a sigh and straightened it back out. Why are you doing this to me? Do you know how much of an effect you have on me? He neatly placed the letter back into his backpack.

Daesung kept watching Jiyong pulling the letter out, read it, and placing it back into his backpack. Dude, you obviously like her! Just go up to her and talk to her. That way, everyone will be happy and this whole misunderstanding will be over with. He let out a sigh and tapped Jiyong on the shoulder. “I know you don’t want us to meddle, but trust us, we’ll always be on your side.” This earned him a nod from Jiyong. This is all I can do for now, I hope Taeyang’s plan will work…

Always on my side…then why is Taeyang over there talking to Dara?! All day he’s been like that. They came to school together and now its lunch and they’re together again. What is going on? What she decided to go after my friend now? Jiyong’s anger boiled again. He looked down at the letter that was in his hand and calmed down. But if that was the case then why would she give me this letter? There must be something about it. He looked over to where Dara was and saw Taeyang, CL, and Dara talking about something very seriously.

The next morning when he went to class, Jiyong saw another letter on his desk. It had the same exact cover except the apple was missing a slice. He glanced over at Dara who was looking in his direction. When his eyes met hers, she looked away and continued the conversation she was having with Taeyang. Jiyong opened the letter, it read: Good morning gummy smile. You look really handsome when you smile. For the time being, please bear with me. You’ll see what mean in the near future. Until then, please wait. –Ssantokki Next to where she wrote “ssantokki” she drew a little bunny.

Aigoo this girl, he let out a little smile, but quickly frowned, this doesn’t mean that I forgive her! He shook his head vigorously. It’s because of her that I have such a distorted view of women. They lie, make you fall in love with them, and then they’ll leave without a word. He looked over at Dara again. I’ll go along with your game Sandara Park, but that doesn’t mean I will forgive you.

And that’s how it went, each day Jiyong received a letter from Dara. Day after day a slice of the apple would disappear. Slowly Jiyong started to understand her more. He never responded to them; never even spoke a word to her. Whenever he wanted to he saw her with Taeyang causing him to quickly change his mine.

Taeyang and Dara were always together. They came to school together, they would disappear together during break, and they would go home together. Jiyong couldn’t believe it, how could my best friend do that to me? He’s always with her; he barely says anything to me. And he keeps coming up with excuses about going to record my new song, ‘black’. I need him to sing those chorus parts. He kept thinking those things over and over again.

The day he received the 7th letter, he kept wanting to go home so that he could read all of them over and over again. All of her letters were stored in a folder in his desk at home. The first was the one that had the most damage due to him crumpling it a few times. As the letters progressed to the present one they became less crumpled. He didn’t even consider crumpling the 7th one. All of the way home he kept staring at it. Tomorrow has to be the last one…There’s only one slice still standing. Although…it is odd for an apple to be cut into 7 pieces, is she going for 8 letters? 8 is my lucky number, but I guess she’d already know that. I don’t understand…she tried explaining so many things so slowly, why couldn’t she just tell me everything from the beginning? Everything she’s doing is confusing. She hasn’t even tried greeting me…she only leaves these letters on my desk every morning. No matter how early I come, it’s already there, just waiting for me.

When he got home he immediately went to his room and opened the folder in his desk. He started reading all of them in order again. He’s read them about a hundred times already, but every time he finishes reading them all he feels like he missed something, so he reads them again.

First Letter: I’m sorry for all of the pain I caused you. I’m sorry I left without telling you. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you who I was. But please hear me out. Please give me a chance. Just wait a little more for me, my gummy smile. I’ll definitely come for you and sweep you off your feet. –Your butterfly

Second Letter: Good morning gummy smile. You look really handsome when you smile. For the time being, please bear with me. You’ll see what mean in the near future. Until then, please wait. –Ssantokki

Third Letter: Good morning. Do you remember the playground we used to go to when we were little? I still go there every day after school and think about you. Please wait a little longer, I’m almost ready to face you. –Your butterfly

Fourth Letter: Hello! I never knew that because of me, your view of women was so skewed. I never meant to hurt you. I know that the last words I said to you back then was “I hate you” but I never meant them. I only wanted your praise, I didn’t care about anyone else’s. Just a little longer. –Your Ssantokki

Fifth Letter: How is your head? It’s not hurting, is it? When I first heard about how you thought of me, I was shocked. Who knew that because of a misunderstanding you’d hate me, but if I thought someone said that about my best friend I would have wanted to beat them up too! You’re such a caring and loyal friend, I hope you’ll consider me as a friend in the future. –Your butterfly

Sixth Letter: Only a couple of days more…curious? Well…it’s a surprise, so you’ll have to wait! You’ll be blown away. Just like how you blew me away when I first saw you at school. After ten years I was finally able to come back to Korea, I couldn’t believe that I could find you so quickly. Who knew you’d be at this school? You look so different now, but I could recognize you instantly. Those beautiful eyes that pay attention to the smallest of details. I was heartbroken that you didn’t recognize me…I’m sorry I never clearly told you who I was, but I did try to tell you. But you never responded to my calls, I greeted you several times when we were still first years. I’m lucky you were in the same class as me this year and that you finally noticed me. Your friends explained how you had an accident back then causing you to forget who I was…I’m so sorry. Only a little longer now. – Your Ssantokki

He finally got to the letter he had received today. Seventh Letter: I’m almost there my gummy smile. You’ll understand soon. Do you remember what you gave me on my 6th birthday? It was a butterfly necklace, I was so happy to receive something like that from you. It’s my treasure, I still have it today. On every date we’ve been on I’ve worn it. I kept thinking that you’d remember it…and remember me…but unfortunately I don’t think you did. On the night of my 6th birthday, my father told me that we’d have to move to the Philippines. We were supposed to leave in a couple of days and I sincerely tried my best to tell you. But you were angry with me, I still don’t understand why…Every time I tried to talk to you, you would just brush me off. And finally it was the last day and I wore my prettiest dress, hoping to catch your attention. I wanted us to walk home for one last time and to tell you one of my biggest secret, about how I lied to you before. How I loved you so much. Now that I think back, it’s kind of silly to think a little girl would know what love was, but I just knew. You were so special, I was crazy for you. I never got the chance to tell you about my moving or about my feelings that day. I hope you forgive me. I know it may seem insincere that I’m writing all of this in a letter and not telling it to your face. But I’m scared that you may not accept the words coming out of my mouth. Please wait a little bit longer. I’ll be ready to finally face you very very soon. – Your butterfly

So is that what happened all of those years ago? It was because of my stubbornness? It was all of my fault, just because I was angry about her not having feelings for me when she really did. How pathetic, he nodded his head in shame. But she loved me…loved…does she still love me now? After all of those horrible things I’ve done to her, how could she? All of those misunderstandings…our first relationship ended in misunderstanding and when we met again it was created once more out of misunderstanding. Out of anger I pushed her away from me, and then I wanted to hurt her because I thought she hurt my best friend. He laughed a little, so much unnecessary drama. He looked at all of the letters once more, what will the last letter contain Sandara Park?

The next day Jiyong found a letter once again on his desk. The cover no longer had any apple slices left. The only thing that was left was two apple seeds placed side by side to form a heart. He smiled a little and opened it nervously, this is the last one…He was surprised to see it shorter than the seventh one because at the rate the letters were going, the last letter should have been the longest. It read: Your wait is almost over. I’ll clear up anything you have to ask me. Please meet me at the park we used to play at tonight exactly at 8pm. –Your Sandara

He kept rereading the letter. I thought it was going to read ‘Your Ssantokki’ again…My Sandara…I like the way that sounds. He felt warmth in his chest. He looked over to Dara who was sitting at her desk staring at pieces of paper. I want to go over there right now…just ask her everything, but I’ll respect her wishes…what else can I do after all I’ve done to her? I’ll tell her I forgive her…he shook his head, be a man Kwon Jiyong! I have to tell her all of my feelings…for her and how I feel about us. And most importantly…ask for her forgiveness.

All throughout the school day Jiyong only had one thought in mind, Sandara Park. Why does she want to meet so late? That’s dangerous for a girl to be out that late! Should I go pick her up? But wait…does the contract still apply? Her parents can’t see me picking her up at such a late time…oh man, pull yourself together! Even when he went home, he constantly looked at the clock to check what time it was and if it was time for him to go. The park is 15 minutes by foot from here…so that means I need to leave at 7:45…gah it’s only 6:00! Time should go faster! He tried to concentrate on writing new songs but many of them only ended up in his waste bin. The only one that he truly liked was a song he titled “Hello”. He stared at the lyrics, this would only work if she was the one singing with me. A way of reintroducing ourselves to each other. Starting anew…be friends again…maybe more…I don’t know. He laughed when he read the part he wanted her to sing, hearing her call me y and handsome…Aigoo, would she even be able to do that? His heartbeat sped up at the thought. Is it time already? He looked down at his watch which read 7:50, What? I swear I set my phone alarm to 7:45, what the heck? He jumped up and grabbed his jacket and quickly put on his shoes before running out the door.

“Where are you going Jiyong?” His mother asked.

Jiyong stopped in his tracks, what do I tell her? “Um…the boys want to meet up right now, don’t worry I’ll be back soon,” he said nervously.

“Oh okay, have fun,” his mother replied not entirely convinced.

He ran to the playground and that’s when he saw her sitting on a bench waiting for him. She was wearing a thick coat but he could still see that she was wearing a pink dress with white polka dots, white stockings, and black shoes. Just like the last day I saw her…she looks breathtaking. He smiled and suddenly said, “You look beautiful.” He quickly covered his mouth, darn it! I wasn’t supposed to say that out loud.

Dara smiled widely, he thinks I’m beautiful?! Wah, I can’t believe it! He can’t even see the whole outfit since I’m sitting down and have a thick coat on. Maybe I can do this! Fighting Sandara!

“Why di-” Jiyong started to ask but was quickly cut off by the sound of a guitar. She had a guitar this whole time? I didn’t even notice…

After a few measures of just guitar, she started singing.



A/N: Hahaha! Amazed that I'm releasing two chapters within two days??? Me too! Lol. I feel like I add a lot of songs and lyrics in here...sorry *bows* First week of school done...by first week I mean two days LOL ugh :( *rant rant rant*

Anyways, thank you all for being super awesome and reading, subscribing, commenting, and voting! :D I hope you enjoy this chapter!

It's Dara's turn to sing, but what will be Jiyong's response? Will things end sweetly or bitter? Until next time! :D

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trysusiet #1
Chapter 26: It seems a little extreme to me that they've held grudges for so long for something that happened when they were seven. (I know childhood experiences influence us etc etc )

But still. I'm loving this and I can't wait to read more
Chapter 30: hallo.. it's my 1st time reading it n i like it.. a comment from me 'coz in a way it's too focusing on daragon only.. i mean.. u came up with Sohee n RiRin but u never really put 'em on a real story.. like what happen to Sohee.. what 'bout Seung-chan n CL's relationship..
(i don't expect 4 SpringTempo though 'coz i assume they're juz happen to be there.. i'm quite sure that they already had their own story, hohoho..)

but overall.. i still love it.. i'm an appler anw.. n this is a daragon story.. so yea.. 'till the next FICs^^~
Chapter 30: Loved this!
Chapter 30: Lovely story!! Loved the two of them together... Thank you for writing and sharing it with us. I look forward to reading your other stories as well!
Chapter 30: OMG! OMG! OMG! OMG! OMG!..it was way too sweet<3 I loved it <3
u are daebak author nim!!\(^o^)/
mihyun84 #6
Chapter 30: charming!!
phEnxx #7
Chapter 30: waaaaaaahhhhhhhh...I'm in love with this story ;-)
rinimae #8
upvoted :)
rinimae #9
Chapter 30: whhaa.. :))) i was smiling widely that my face almost teared apart while reading this... hahaha! i love your story! write more! :*
Chapter 30: Love this story ^^