
His and Her Circumstances

Just like that, school life went back to normal. Dara and Jiyong continued their relationship and slowly became closer. As promised Sohee didn’t talk to Jiyong, but instead she tried clinging onto Dara and annoying her in the process. Soon, Christmas and New Year’s passed. The couple scraped by and fooled their friends saying that due to circumstances they couldn’t meet on Christmas. They thought it was better they didn’t go on a date since their parents might suspect. And that would break the contract even more than lying to their friends. On New Year’s Dara got a cold prevent her from meeting up with Jiyong or any of their friends. Once school started again, things got busy with exams and next thing they knew it was February 1st.

“So…” CL started, “what are you going to do on Valentine’s Day?” You have been ‘dating’ Jiyong for five months already. And you missed a really big holiday! Come on, it’s so obvious that you like each other, why didn’t you spend Christmas together? Screw that contract. Dara had explained to CL what really happened since CL already knew about the contract.

“Um…I’ll just buy some chocolate…I guess?” replied Dara. I can’t make homemade chocolate. That’d be like confessing! And as far as I know, he doesn’t even like me back, she thought sadly. He’s always bringing up the contract whenever something big happens. Like for Christmas! I wanted to spend it with him, but he brought up the contract saying that we couldn’t!

“Tsk tsk, Dara,” CL said disappointed in her friend, “you need to make homemade chocolate for him.” She leaned over to whisper, “so that your relationship is more believable. I mean you guys have been dating for five months, it would look weird if you just gave him store bought chocolate.”

But CL! I can’t! The only part that Dara never told CL was that she knew she was in love with him again. “Fine, but I can’t let my parents see me making chocolate. I mean, I’ve given you friendship chocolate, but they were always bought. I’ve never made homemade!” Dara said worried.

Aigoo, always have to look after this girl, she worries over the smallest things, “you can make them at my house, we’ll do it together,” CL said brightly.

“Yay!!” she hugged her friend, “A date with CL!”

“Hey how about me?” asked Bom as she sat down next to them. “You guys are doing something together? I wanna go!” she pouted.

CL and Dara looked at each other and laughed, “You’re always invited Bommie! Come along, we can all make Valentine’s chocolate together!” CL said happily.

“Yay!” Bom cried as she joined into their hug. “But wait, who are you giving your chocolate to CL?”

CL paused and started blushing, “Um…”

Dara and Bom gave each other a look before getting closer to CL, “Spill. Now,” they said.

CL started waving frantically in front of her face to hide her flushed cheeks, “fine, I’ll tell you. I’m…um..” she started, “giving them to Seungri,” she finished quietly.

“EH?!?!?!” both of them said really loudly. “What happened? All I hear from you two are insults?” Dara interrogated.

“Um…well…all of a sudden he asked me to hang out once. I assumed that it would be with everyone so I agreed. But when I showed up, it was only him there. So since I was already there…we just hung out…and it was really fun. He’s really cute with his panda eyes,” she said shyly.

“Aigoo, this girl, why didn’t you tell us before?” Bom asked. The three of them had grown so close that they told each other everything, well everything but the contract.

“Because it’s embarrassing! I’m supposed to hate him,” CL said still blushing.

Dara hugged CL, “You’re so cute CL, I can’t let Seungri take you away from me!” Then she heard a deep chuckle behind her.

“What about me then? Sorry CL, but I want Dara all to myself,” said Jiyong as he wrapped his arms around Dara pulling her away from CL, “But you can have Seungri,” he said.

Dara smiled and turned around so that she can hug him, “Good morning gummy smile.”

“Good morning ssantokki,” he replied sweetly as he hugged her back, “I’m sorry we couldn’t come to school together. Seungri all of a sudden called me saying that it was urgent. But I guess I could see why,” he laughed.

“You two be sweet somewhere else,” CL teased.

“Oooh, someone sounds jealous,” Jiyong teased back and hugged Dara tighter placing a light kiss to the top of her head.

Ooooh, someone is showing off, thought CL, but I’m happy for them. It’s slow, but I can tell their feelings are progressing. “Show-offs”

“Aw CL don’t be like that, they’re super cute together,” said Bom as she watched the couple, “I kind of miss Top being so sweet like that.”

“What’s that? The minute we separate you start complaining about me?” Top said behind her before giving her a back hug. “You know I love you,” he said kissing her check.

“Aw, stop, you’re embarrassing me. In front of everyone like this,” said Bom.

“We’ve been dating for almost 3 years, Bommie, I know you love it,” teased Top earning him blushing cheeks from Bom.

“Ah, hyung, I forgot but I need to talk to you guys about Seungri,” Jiyong said, “Can you come at lunch?”

“Yeah, sure. Ah, hun, class is going to start soon, we better leave.”

“Neh, see you guys at lunch,” Bom waved.

Lunchtime rolled around and Jiyong, Daesung, Taeyang, and Top were talking while the three girls were near them, but planning when to make the chocolate.

“So, this morning, Seungri called me and told me that I needed to meet him urgently. And he confessed to me that last week he asked CL out on a date,” Jiyong started.

The three were surprised, not by the fact that Seungri asked her out, but by the fact that he actually had the guts too. CL made it very clear that she hated him, but Seungri went along and causing them to always be fighting.

“Yeah, I know, surprising, right? You didn’t expect Seungri to have the courage to ask her out,” Jiyong continued able to tell exactly what they were thinking. “Anyways, it seems that she showed up and they had a good time…well by good time, I mean they still fought, but they had fun. Or at least he did. Anyways, since then I guess they’ve been texting back and forth constantly, and he wants our help.”

“Don’t tell me…” Taeyang started.

“No way, he’s not expecting us to…” Daesung complained.

“Yup,” Jiyong replied. “He wants us to help him make CL his girlfriend.”

“Um…can you count me out?” Daesung said earning him a smack to the back of his head, “Ow! I was just kidding! Of course I’ll help out, you didn’t have to hit me.”

“That’s what I thought,” said Jiyong as he shook his hand out. Ow, that hurt just hitting him. “That’s why I already told him that we’d all help. Plus he seems really serious this time, he’s even asking us for help.” He’ll also get away from Dara. Anytime Seungri and CL got into a fight Seungri had a habit of hiding behind Dara.

“So, what’s the plan?” Taeyang asked casually.

Top cut in, “Don’t we just need to create situations where they’re left alone? Because even if we try to make him look incredibly charming, which would take a lot of work on our part, we should just let her judge him based on who he is. No point in fooling her in what type of person he is.”

“That’s true,” said Jiyong. Too bad our relationship didn’t start that way. Coming out by saying the truth. I don’t want revenge anymore…she’s too kind to say those words about Taeyang. What Taeyang said about her defending him was probably true. I wish that contract didn’t exist, but she told me never to fall in love with her, I can’t break that unless she loves me too. I’m scared that the contract is the only thing that is holding us together.

“So, we just need to make sure that they’re together? Whenever we’re in a group we’ll just slowly leave so that they’re together?” asked Daesung trying to clarify things.

“Exactly,” answered Top, “simple enough. We’ll be helping, but it won’t take too much work on our parts. It’ll really be up to him. And if he needs us to do something specifically then we can help him then. Piece of cake.”

The others nodded in agreement. “I guess the real test is if she gives him chocolate on valentine’s day, right?” asked Taeyang.

“Yup, that’s two weeks away. Aren’t you excited Jiyong? You’re going to be receiving chocolate from your cute girlfriend for the first time,” nudged Top. He’s growing up so well and their relationship seems to be going smoothly.

Jiyong blinked, he had totally forgotten about Valentine’s Day. Will she give me chocolate? Homemade? “Yeah, I can’t wait,” Jiyong said with a smile.

“So lucky! I want a girlfriend to give me chocolate,” Daesung complained.

“Even without a girlfriend, tons of girls still give you chocolate on Valentine’s Day,” Taeyang said rolling his eyes.

“You say that, but you’re still in the same situation,” Daesung retorted.

“Yeah, but I’m not the one complaining,” he replied.

“So what day should we do this on?” Dara asked.

“Well, whenever I make Valentine’s chocolate for Seunghyun, I usually make it the day before. But since you two are new at making them, maybe we should go out this weekend and get some ideas. And the following weekend we can buy the materials. Luckily Valentine’s is on a Monday, so we can make them on Sunday night.”

“Wah, you’ve really thought this out,” CL noted.

Bom got an idea and put her hands together, “Ah! I have an awesome idea. We can make the chocolates at my house and you guys could sleep over! Yay, it could be a total girl’s night. Especially since we don’t know how long it will take to make the chocolates.”

“Omo, that sounds like so much fun! Gah I’m so excited!” Dara exclaimed. Sleepover at Bom’s? Yay! And we get to make chocolate and hang out more. I can’t wait! These plans are more exciting than actually giving the chocolate. Thinking about giving him the chocolates is…nerve racking. What will he say about them? Probably nothing, since it’s expected, right? I’m not violating anything…

“What sounds fun?” asked Sohee as she interrupted their conversation.

“Nothing that concerns you,” Dara said coldly. Dara had told CL and Bom about Sohee. From what happened in the past to what happened when she first transferred. She was careful to not mention she knew Jiyong before to Bom though. She trusted Bom, but she was scared that Bom would ask her the questions she didn’t want to be asked.

Sohee pouted, “That’s not nice. Tell me!”

“We’re making plans for the three of us. Me, Dara, and CL, not you. So it’s none of your concern,” Bom stated.

“Not you too sunbae,” Sohee said cutely.

Bom gave her a sweet smile, “that cute act isn’t going to fool me.”

“Tch,” Sohee scoffed showing her true self for a split second. “Fine, whatever. It’s not like you guys would do anything fun anyways.” Then she left.

“She seriously irritates me,” CL stated annoyed.

“Yeah…I wish she would just pretend not to know me…”wished Dara.

The two girls patted Dara on the head, “It’s okay Dara. Everything will be fine.”

I hope so, she thought. She put on a cheery smile and asked, “Bom, what type of chocolate did you get Top in the past?”

“Well, since he prefers dark chocolate, I made dark chocolate truffles before. But the first year I did something really simple, I just made chocolate hearts and chocolate cookies in the shape of hearts. By the way, you do know what Jiyong likes, right?”

“Um…yeah,” Dara said unsure. He loves chocolate cake…so maybe that? Dark? Milk? White? Dark would be best, right? He doesn’t like things too sweet…but milk might good. Maybe a blend?

“Just think about it, I’m sure you’ll figure out what’s perfect for him. What about you?” she asked CL.

“Um…I’m not really sure...we’ve never really talked about it before…” CL said shyly.

Bom laughed, This reminds me of how I was three years ago when I first confessed to Seunghyun. I was so nervous about what he might like. Ah, how nostalgic. “Well we’ll get ideas on Saturday, neh?”

“Yeah,” Dara replied enthusiastically.



A/N: Ahahah new color! Yay ^^ Hello! So this chapter was supposed to be part of chapter 20, but i figured 20 was getting too long so i split it. Thanks for the support! I'm almost at 2000 views O: It's amazing, and it's all thanks to you guys! Thanks for reading, subscribing, and commenting! I'll try my best not to let you down :D Hope you enjoy this chapter!

Valentine's is right around the corner, will it end up being sweet or bitter? Until next time! :D

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trysusiet #1
Chapter 26: It seems a little extreme to me that they've held grudges for so long for something that happened when they were seven. (I know childhood experiences influence us etc etc )

But still. I'm loving this and I can't wait to read more
Chapter 30: hallo.. it's my 1st time reading it n i like it.. a comment from me 'coz in a way it's too focusing on daragon only.. i mean.. u came up with Sohee n RiRin but u never really put 'em on a real story.. like what happen to Sohee.. what 'bout Seung-chan n CL's relationship..
(i don't expect 4 SpringTempo though 'coz i assume they're juz happen to be there.. i'm quite sure that they already had their own story, hohoho..)

but overall.. i still love it.. i'm an appler anw.. n this is a daragon story.. so yea.. 'till the next FICs^^~
Chapter 30: Loved this!
Chapter 30: Lovely story!! Loved the two of them together... Thank you for writing and sharing it with us. I look forward to reading your other stories as well!
Chapter 30: OMG! OMG! OMG! OMG! OMG! was way too sweet<3 I loved it <3
u are daebak author nim!!\(^o^)/
mihyun84 #6
Chapter 30: charming!!
phEnxx #7
Chapter 30: waaaaaaahhhhhhhh...I'm in love with this story ;-)
rinimae #8
upvoted :)
rinimae #9
Chapter 30: whhaa.. :))) i was smiling widely that my face almost teared apart while reading this... hahaha! i love your story! write more! :*
Chapter 30: Love this story ^^