Dress Up

His and Her Circumstances

Dara felt his breath on her cheeks. Da-dump Da-dump Da-dump.

“Keke,” Jiyong chuckled with a mischievous grin, “just kidding.”

Flushed with anger Dara shoved him away from her, “Aigoo, stop it.” Ahh, that was so close! Who knows what would have happened, I couldn’t even move.

“Aw, acting all shy,” he said playfully as he tried to hug her again. Look at that blush, I must be more handsome than I thought. I guess this face comes in handy. He smiled to himself. “But seriously, it’ll be fine. Although, we’ll have to act like this more, so don’t go shoving me.”

“Aish, I got it. It’ll be fine, can you stop trying to hug me?! No unnecessary touching!” she yelled as she pointed at him. Haha I caught you now! Three wishes, perfect!

He wiggled his finger in front of her, “No, I needed to give you an example of how we need to act on Saturday. I didn’t violate the contract.”

Dara opened , but she couldn’t think of a comeback. Darn it! How can I argue with that? Ugh, “Well if you ever do that again when there’s no one around, you will be breaking the contract.”

“Yes, yes,” he said as he backed away from her with his hands held up. “Anyways, I’ll see you tomorrow morning.” With that he walked in the direction of his house.

“Hmph!” Dara remarked as she turned around and walked in the opposite direction as him.

Next thing they knew, it was Saturday morning.

*buzz buzz buzz* Dara’s eyes shot wide open. Turning of her alarm, she sat up and stretched. Today’s the day. She stood up to go take a shower. When she finished and came back to room to find CL sitting on her bed. “Oh hey, why are you here?” Dara said as she dried her hair with a towel.

“Good morning! I’m here for your date, of course,” CL stated proudly.

Dara paused. Moving her hair out of the way, CL could clearly see the confused look on Dara’s face. “You’re not going to be a third wheel, are you? What do you mean you’re here for my date?”

CL rolled her eyes, “Of course I’m not going on your date. Since I know that you’ll tell me all about it later; and even if you don’t I’ll get it out of you somehow.” She gave Dara a knowing smiling. “I’m here to help you get ready! This is your first date, plus it’s my chance to give you a makeover! You’re so pretty without make up, but I want to put on a little to really knock Jiyong off his feet!”

Dara smiled and gave her friend a hug, “I love you the most!”

“Hahaha you better! I’m better than any man!” She hugged Dara back. “Now, come on, let me see what you picked out to wear.”

“Neh, neh. Here, I pulled this outfit aside last night.” She showed CL the outfit that was hanging on the back of her door. It was a pair of black skinny jeans and a plain white shirt along with a fedora-like hat.  

CL mentally hit her forehead. This girl, it’s a good thing that I came. She really wanted to wear this? This is so like her to choose. Except for our school uniform, she doesn’t even own a skirt! Good thing I thought of this ahead of time. She looked at Dara with a sweet smile, “No way in hell are you wearing this on your date.”

“What?! Why not? It’s a perfectly good outfit! Plus it’s the only thing I have besides my uniform that’s clean…I kinda forgot to do my laundry yesterday…” she said nervously laughing.

“Aigoo what am I going to do with this girl,” CL said as she shook her head, “good thing I thought this might happen. Here, I brought a couple of outfits, try them on and we’ll see which one is best.”

“WAH! Thanks!” Dara gave CL another hug before pulling out the three outfits that were in the bag. “Um…these are all dresses…”

“Yup!” CL stated proudly. “You’re super cute in dresses; I don’t know why you don’t have any. Anyways, I think this one will suit you the best” she said holding up a light pink dress, “I brought the other two just in case.”

Dara contemplated, “You know what I picked out wasn’t that bad! I could-”

“Oh no you don’t Dara! This is my chance to doll you up, and you are not going to get away from me that easily.”

“How could a person like you ever be a girl? That dress looks horrible, never do that again.” Dara shook her head violently with her hands over her ears. I can’t remember that right now, I can’t cry. Even though she told herself this she felt a tear slowly rolled down her cheek. She quickly wiped it away. “CL can I really do this?” She dropped to the floor in tears.

The smile that was on CL’s face quickly disappeared as she rushed to her friend, placing her hands on Dara’s shoulder she said, “It’s okay. I know you can do this. I believe in you. Prove him wrong! You’re the prettiest girl I know, inside and out. Knock him off his feet; make it so that he’ll never want to let you go.”

Dara wiped her face, with a sweet smiled she said, “Okay, I’ll do it. I’ll definitely make him regret his words.” She stood up and went to blow dry her hair.

“Here let me do that for you. From your head to your toes I’ll make you feel like a total princess,” CL said as she grabbed the blow dryer and brush out of Dara’s hands.

As she dried and lightly curled Dara’s brown hair she thought, this is your first step. It’s the hardest one, but everything will be easier after this. I know you can do this, you’ll be even stronger after. She sprayed a little hairspray into the curls and she was done with Dara’s hair. “Put on the dress before I do your make up,” she said with a smile.

“Yes, ma’am,” Dara responded with a salute. She slipped on the dress easily.

CL smiled even bigger, I knew this would be the perfect one. The dress was pleated around the chest and held up by thin straps with a white ribbon at the waist to show off Dara’s figure. The bottom flowed outward being slightly puffy at the very bottom where it touched her thighs about two inches above her knees.

“Omo, the design at the bottom is so cute, I love it! Too bad I’m the one wearing it…and isn’t this a bit short?” Dara remarked. The bottom contained white butterflies on top a red apple.

“What are you talking about? It looks a million times better on you than me! It’s perfect, oh I also have some stockings in there for you,” CL said as she went to the bag to pull out stockings. “Here, this should be good since you don’t want to show off your perfect legs.”

Dara gave her a sarcastic smile, “uh huh.” She slipped those on, “make up?”

“Oh! Before that! I’m going to quickly paint your nails. It should dry quickly,” CL brought her make up bag over to where Dara was sitting. She quickly and expertly painted Dara’s fingernails white. “Don’t touch anything, if you need something tell me first. I don’t want them be messed up.”           

“Yes, yes. But what about breakfast??? I’m hungry…” Dara said with a pout, as if it reinforce this statement her stomach growled.

“Fine, fine. I’ll feed you princess,” CL said with a slight bow before disappearing. A couple minutes she came back with a couple pieces of toast and a glass of orange juice. “Say ah,” she said playfully.

“AHHH,” Dara said opening wide for CL to place a piece of toast into . With that CL just kept feeding Dara bits of toast at a time while also eating a slice for herself. Dara drank the orange juice and CL went back to Dara’s kitchen for a glass of her own. When both of them finished their breakfast, they continued dolling Dara up.

By the time they finished, Dara’s nails were dry and CL went and used her red nail polish to create red tips. Perfect, she thought. She turned her attention to Dara’s face. “Hmmm, as for makeup, less is probably more.” She touched up Dara’s face with only a little foundation. She only put a small line of eyeliner on the top and bottom of Dara’s eyes. Then, above the eyeliner CL put some pink eyeshadow that faded into a white eyeshadow, it was so light you could hardly tell it was there. She carefully used mascara on the eyelashes, a little blush on the cheeks, and finished it by using cherry red lip gloss on Dara’s lips. To finalize everything she placed a top coat on Dara’s nails and stepped back to admire her hard work. “Perfect! You are definitely the prettiest girl on earth; even TOP might want to steal you away. And Jiyong is going to be a goner.”

Dara laughed, how can that be possible? His girlfriend, Bom, is so pretty already. She looked into the mirror, whoa is that really me? She’s so pretty though, everything works for her. The dress, the make-up, and the nails.

“Ah, I almost forgot one more thing. Where did you put it?” CL looked around Dara’s room until her eyes found a small box by Dara’s bed near her alarm clock. She opened the box to reveal a silver butterfly necklace. She placed the necklace on Dara. “Even though this was from your elementary school days, it fits your so well even now.”

Dara’s fingers went to the necklace, how long has it been since I’ve worn this? This is the one gift he gave me…no, don’t cry, I can’t ruin the makeup that CL worked so hard to do. This time her tears actually listened to her.

“Ah, since you’re not used to wearing makeup, make sure you don’t rub your eyes. I used waterproof makeup just in case, but don’t rely too heavily on that.” CL warned.

“Mhmm. Ah, it’s already noon, I need to leave soon. We’re supposed to meet at 1 and I’ll take me about 50 minutes to get there. Ah, shoes?”

“Right here,” she said showing Dara a black pair of heels.

“Heels??? How do you expect me to walk?”

“Don’t worry, these are low heels, it’ll be easy.” CL placed the heels on Dara’s feet, thank goodness we have the same shoe size. The heels were only 2 inches high with a pleated band going over the top of the foot with a strap going around the ankle. “You’re all set princess. You look so beautiful. He won’t even be able to breathe when he sees you.” She gave her friend a hug. “Off you go.”

“Thank you so much CL. You’re amazing. I’ll fill you in on everything that happens. I better go, though. Bag, bag, where did I put it?”

“Aigoo, my dorky friend. Here, you had it on the doorknob. You didn’t forget anything, right?”


“Ah, let me take a picture to document this moment!”

“Aigoo, I need to go!”

“Come on, just smile.” *click* With that they left Dara’s house and went their separate ways.

Dara rode the bus to the meeting place keeping an eye on the time. When she arrived, she saw Jiyong waiting. He was leaning against the lamppost. He wore casual clothes, a button down white shirt with black jeans, sunglasses, and a black fedora had. We would've been matching! Dara thought. She smiled when she saw a group of girls approach him trying to flirt with him. He was clearly ignoring them since his eyes were closed and he had his earbuds in. Ah, I bet he’s listening to his songs to see if he can improve them…? Dara walked up behind the group of girls. “Jiyongie! Sorry for making you wait so long, traffic was pretty bad on the way here.” She smiled brightly as the group of girls looked at her and quickly walked away from Jiyong.

Jiyong’s eyes shot open. Jiyongie? His eyes fell onto Dara and his jaw literally dropped. She is…so cute!



A/N: Hello lovely readers! This chapter is kinda long...hehe. I didn't expect it to be, but next thing i knew it became a lot longer than my other chapters...Anyways! Thanks for reading, subscribing, and commenting! Hope you enjoy this chapter :D

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trysusiet #1
Chapter 26: It seems a little extreme to me that they've held grudges for so long for something that happened when they were seven. (I know childhood experiences influence us etc etc )

But still. I'm loving this and I can't wait to read more
Chapter 30: hallo.. it's my 1st time reading it n i like it.. a comment from me 'coz in a way it's too focusing on daragon only.. i mean.. u came up with Sohee n RiRin but u never really put 'em on a real story.. like what happen to Sohee.. what 'bout Seung-chan n CL's relationship..
(i don't expect 4 SpringTempo though 'coz i assume they're juz happen to be there.. i'm quite sure that they already had their own story, hohoho..)

but overall.. i still love it.. i'm an appler anw.. n this is a daragon story.. so yea.. 'till the next FICs^^~
Chapter 30: Loved this!
Chapter 30: Lovely story!! Loved the two of them together... Thank you for writing and sharing it with us. I look forward to reading your other stories as well!
Chapter 30: OMG! OMG! OMG! OMG! OMG!..it was way too sweet<3 I loved it <3
u are daebak author nim!!\(^o^)/
mihyun84 #6
Chapter 30: charming!!
phEnxx #7
Chapter 30: waaaaaaahhhhhhhh...I'm in love with this story ;-)
rinimae #8
upvoted :)
rinimae #9
Chapter 30: whhaa.. :))) i was smiling widely that my face almost teared apart while reading this... hahaha! i love your story! write more! :*
Chapter 30: Love this story ^^