
His and Her Circumstances

“Get out! I don’t want to see your face Sandara Park!” she heard him say. Crack, she heard and felt something break inside her. Those cold eyes, this isn’t the Jiyong that I know, she said slightly scared. She put on a brave face and a sweet smile, “What’s the ma-“ she started to say.  

“Didn’t I say to get out? Leave, I don’t want to see you. Ever.”

She bit her lip to hold back her tears, stood up, and ran out of the hospital room.

“Noona!” Seungri called after her.

“What’s the big deal Jiyong? She stayed here all night for you and this is how you treat her?!” inquired Taeyang.

Jiyong glared at him, “tch, she deserves worse, she’s the one that made me become like this.”

“Huh?” the three remaining boys asked.

“She’s the girl…from ten years ago…” Jiyong clarified.

“The girl…? She’s the one who left without a word?” asked Daesung.

Jiyong let out a sigh as he leaned back and covered his eyes with his arm, “Yeah. And to think she didn’t even mention it,” he let out a forced laugh, “after the 5 or so months that we’ve been dating.” All of a sudden the boys saw a tear roll down Jiyong’s face.

He’s crying? What? Is he okay? It hurts that much? Sandara Park what did you do to this man?? Top thought, “Maybe things aren’t as they seem. Maybe she has her own circumstances that couldn’t let her tell you.”

“Are you defending her?” asked Jiyong angrily.

“No, but don’t be irrational. Ask her for an explanation before shutting her out.”

“Can you guys leave...I need some space right now,” he said still with his eyes covered.

Daesung, Top, and Taeyang looked at each other and agreed to go. Before leaving Taeyang said, “Don’t be too hard on her, but more importantly don’t be too hard on yourself. We’re here for you man.” He shut the hospital door behind him leaving Jiyong by himself.

Why couldn’t I even remember her when she was standing right next to me? And look at that…I fell in love with the same girl twice. How pathetic. Why did she leave? Why didn’t she tell me? Jiyong kept thinking of reasons for why things happened the way they did.

“Noona!!! Slow down! I can’t catch up to you!” yelled Seungri as he kept chasing Dara. They had almost reached Dara’s house when she stopped in her tracks.

Seungri bent over trying to catch his breath, “who knew you could run so fast!”

Dara slowly turned towards him with watery eyes, “why are you still chasing me?” she sniffled.

“What do you mean why? Jiyong hyung yelled at you and you ran out crying, of course I’ll chase after you.” Seungri stood up straight to face her. Something happened between these two, and whatever it is, it needs to be fixed.

“Exactly!” Dara felt the tears falling from her eyes again, “Jiyong hates me now! What am I supposed to do? I don’t even know what happned.”

Seungri hugged her, “he doesn’t hate you, have you seen the way he looks at you?” he said reassuringly. She’s so thin and small, I can feel her shaking from her tears…

“That might have been the case before, but sniff that isn’t the case now. He definitely hates me…”

Jiyong just yelled at her to get out and that he didn’t want to see her face…what else did he say? Oh! He called her ‘Sandara’? Is that her full name? I’ve never heard it before…she’s just called ‘Dara’. He pulled away from her and asked, “He called you by a different name earlier…he called you ‘Sandara’…is that your full name?”

Dara wiped her tears, “Yeah…I’m so sorry that I’ve been hiding it all of this time!” she bowed. “Back then…that’s what he called me.”

“Back then?” asked Seungri with a raised eyebrow.

“Yes…I knew him when we were just kids. I knew him…10 years ago…” she said slowly.

Seungri slowly digested this new information, “…10 years ago?!?!?!?! Are you the girl that hurt hyung?” No way! That would explain why he would hate her…

Dara thought about it for a little, I did know him 10 years ago…and I am a girl, so I suppose so? She slowly nodded her head, “I did know him 10 years ago…and I did leave, but I don’t know if I’m the girl that hurt him…plus,” she gave him a fake smile, “he couldn’t have been hurt as much as he hurt me.”

WHAT?! What exactly happened 10 years ago?? Before Seungri had a chance to ask more questions they heard, “There you are ‘Sandara Park’! I thought I told you not to hurt him,” Taeyang said angrily.

Dara started to visibly shake again, “I’m so sorry,” she bowed. Tears once again forming at corners of her eyes.

Taeyang started to raise his hand to slap her when Seungri stood in front of Dara, blocking her from Taeyang. Taeyang glared at Seungri now, “What? Do you want to get slapped too? Fine by me.”

“Wait hyung! Let’s hear her out,” Seungri said quickly.

“Hear what? Jiyong already told us everything, what else needs to be said,” shoot! I was supposed to do this calmly and ask for her side of the story. But after what he told us, I can’t help it if my blood boils a little when I see her. He lowered his hand and breathed in and out a few times, “Okay. Sorry, this isn’t how it was supposed to be…let’s go somewhere not so…out in the open.”

Seungri just nodded and started walking towards a nearby park that he had saw when he was chasing after Dara. “Sit,” Taeyang said shortly, motioning to the bench they had stopped next to. Dara quickly followed those instructions, “So, Jiyong told us you were the girl that broke his heart…the one who left without saying goodbye…the girl who caused a man like him to break down in tears.” By the end of his sentence he was almost shouting again.

Dara couldn’t raise her eyes to look at them and just bowed apologetically.

“So…what’s your story?” Seungri asked, “You mentioned how even if you hurt him…which you did…it was nothing compared to how much he hurt you. What exactly happened 10 years ago?”

Dara took a deep breath and told them what happened 10 years ago. How they met in preschool and were best friends instantly. How he always , and when it was her 6th birthday he gave her a butterfly necklace that she’s worn on all of her dates. How her dad was suddenly transferred to the Philippines. How Jiyong gave her the cold shoulder and she wasn’t able to tell him about her transfer. “The last day I saw him I dressed up in my prettiest dress…and he told me, ‘Tch, how could a person like you ever be a girl? That dress looks horrible, never do that again’” she could remember the moment perfectly. “That whole week I wanted to tell him, but I never got the chance to…”

Wow, so that’s what really happened? Taeyang thought, “But how about when you came back? When did you get back?”

“My family moved back here about a year ago. And what do you know? I entered the same school as him. I honestly didn’t expect him to be here, but on the first day when I was registering I heard a girl squeal about him,” she let out a little smile. “I was so happy when I heard he might be here. And when I finally saw him, I forgot all of the anger and hurt that I’ve held onto for all of these years. He looked different from when we were 6 but I recognized him instantly. But he didn’t remember me,” her smile started to curve down to a frown. “I greeted him several times, but he never even gave me a second glance. When our classes changed, it was incredibly lucky that we were in the same class…but he still didn’t notice me. It hurt so much, which is why CL and I came up with a plan.” She glanced up at them tentatively. “We came up with a plan to make him fall in love with me. That’s why I asked him out, and he agreed.” I still shouldn’t mention the contract. “I wanted to make him fall in love with me, make him remember me, and then break things off cleanly. Yeah, I know it was mean…but what could I do? I loved him so much,” tears started to form again, “I still love him. Even more so now.”

Taeyang and Seungri looked at her in awe, This is what this girl has been going through? Heck, I would’ve done the same thing or worse! She needs to straighten things up with Jiyong. The two boys got closer to her and gave her a pat on the back. “We understand,” Seungri said.

“First thing is to clear this up with Jiyong,” Taeyang said.

“How? How can I talk when he doesn’t even want to see my face?” Dara asked.

“We’ll find a way,” Taeyang replied. How can we do this…something has to be done! “The doctors said that Jiyong should be discharged in a couple of days. As for right now, I think it’s best for you to wait for him to cool off and talk to him once he attends school again.”

Dara just nodded in response.

“Come on, you had a long day…we better take you home,” nudged Seungri.

The next day Taeyang went to the hospital to visit Jiyong, “hey man…how are you?”

Jiyong didn’t look up from the papers that were in front of him. “Oh hey, I’m fine…”

“What are you working on?” Taeyang asked as he got closer to Jiyong’s bed.

“A new song…after yesterday it just kept flowing. I think I’m almost done, I just feel like something is still slightly off, can you listen and tell me what you think?”



The color of my is black

It was burnt to black, just like that

I break glass whenever I feel like

And I look at my bloody hands and think, why am I like this, why


Your smile is shining gold

But the way you speak, feel so cold

As time goes by, you’re becoming more like me

Sometimes I feel like Karma is running after me, know


The real name of love is definitely hatred

Hope is the parent of disappointment and despair

Why didn’t I know that the shadow that has casted over my face

Was created from the light called, you


It has been a while since the time between you and I have stopped

Misunderstanding is always the cause of pain

Well I don’t even know myself

So my hope for you to know me is a misunderstanding itself


If you ask me what happiness is

When this life is done

Maybe when this love is gone

If you ask me what happiness is

Your smile under the sun

But I’m always on the run


The color of my gloomy world is black

The beginning and end change, black and white

People are cunning, sometime become delusional

Really why am I like this, why


Those lips are red, just like red lies

As time goes by, the language between the two

The colors that each one has don’t mesh, yeah


The real name of love is definitely hatred

Hope is the parent of disappointment and despair

Why didn’t I know that the shadow that has casted over my face

Was created from the light called, you


Since I’ve met you agony is the only thing left

Everyday is a series of hills of hardships and temptations

Now I sing of breaking up, I tell you

This is my last confession


If you ask me what happiness is

When this life is done

Maybe when this love is gone

If you ask me what happiness is

Your smile under the sun

But I’m always on the run


Someday when it all goes black

I might want it all back

But I know I can’t go back to you

Someday when it all goes black

I might want it all back

But I know I can’t go back to you


I’m going to go back to the way I came from, black

The summer when you and I were hot, it’s been too long


I’m going to go back to the way I came from, black

The summer when you and I were hot, it’s been too long


Fade away fade away fade away fade away

Fade away fade away fade away fade away


“So how does it sound?” Jiyong asked after he finished.

Taeyang clapped, “That was amazing bro! But it was kind of depressing…”

“Well…it’s the way I feel right now. Songs are best when they’re real.”

“Yeah…” Something definitely needs to be done, and soon! But what? And then a light bulb went off in his head. That will be perfect! Especially since it’s almost ready, why didn’t I think of this before?!


Four days later.

“Jiyong!!! You’re finally back!” Sulli exclaimed.

Jiyong just gave her an ice cold glare causing her to freeze where she was. He went direct to his seat without looking at anyone.

“Hey man, how do you feel?” asked Daesung as he approached Jiyong. By this time both Top and Daesung already knew Dara’s side of the story. All of the boys wanted what was best for Jiyong and that was Dara. They saw the way he had looked at her, he was obviously in love and they wouldn’t let this small bump destroy what they could have.

Jiyong sighed, “ugh, I’m so glad to be out of that hospital.”

“Oh, by the way,” Daesung gave Taeyang a nervous glance, “this is for you.” He placed a small letter onto Jiyong’s desk. The letter cover had a picture of an apple.

“Oh…thanks,” he said not even really glancing at the letter. He stretched his arms out before picking the letter up and opened it. It read: I’m sorry for all of the pain I caused you. I’m sorry I left without telling you. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you who I was. But please hear me out. Please give me a chance. Just wait a little more for me, my gummy smile. I’ll definitely come for you and sweep you off your feet. –Your butterfly



A/N: Hello! Here's another update! Ugh school has started again Dx I don't really know when I'll be able to update this...meep >.<

Holy moly i can't believe that this story has over 3000 views! You guys are super awesome!! :D Thank you so much for reading, subscribing, and commenting! I love reading your feedback ^^ I hope you enjoy this chapter.

What's this idea that Taeyang has come up with? And Dara's going to sweep Jiyong off his feet? Until next time! :D

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trysusiet #1
Chapter 26: It seems a little extreme to me that they've held grudges for so long for something that happened when they were seven. (I know childhood experiences influence us etc etc )

But still. I'm loving this and I can't wait to read more
Chapter 30: hallo.. it's my 1st time reading it n i like it.. a comment from me 'coz in a way it's too focusing on daragon only.. i mean.. u came up with Sohee n RiRin but u never really put 'em on a real story.. like what happen to Sohee.. what 'bout Seung-chan n CL's relationship..
(i don't expect 4 SpringTempo though 'coz i assume they're juz happen to be there.. i'm quite sure that they already had their own story, hohoho..)

but overall.. i still love it.. i'm an appler anw.. n this is a daragon story.. so yea.. 'till the next FICs^^~
Chapter 30: Loved this!
Chapter 30: Lovely story!! Loved the two of them together... Thank you for writing and sharing it with us. I look forward to reading your other stories as well!
Chapter 30: OMG! OMG! OMG! OMG! OMG! was way too sweet<3 I loved it <3
u are daebak author nim!!\(^o^)/
mihyun84 #6
Chapter 30: charming!!
phEnxx #7
Chapter 30: waaaaaaahhhhhhhh...I'm in love with this story ;-)
rinimae #8
upvoted :)
rinimae #9
Chapter 30: whhaa.. :))) i was smiling widely that my face almost teared apart while reading this... hahaha! i love your story! write more! :*
Chapter 30: Love this story ^^