
His and Her Circumstances

Ba-dump Ba-dump Ba-dump. Why am I so nervous? We’ve been doing this for almost two weeks! Dara thought as she was waiting for Jiyong at the convenience store like normal. We’re just going to school, like always. Our ‘date’ doesn’t mean anything. Stop this Sandara Park! You’re acting like a love-struck teenage girl! Dara shook her head violently and looked at her watch, why did I come here 20 minutes earlier than normal???

*Ding dong* The convenience store door rang as a person entered. Dara looked up anxiously to see if it’s Jiyong, only to be disappointed by seeing a middle age salary man. Stop this! I can’t fall in love…I’m supposed to be making him fall in love with me! Stupid Dara, she thought as she hit her forehead.

“Hahaha, why are you hitting yourself so early in the morning?” she heard behind her. She quickly turned to see Jiyong.

A blush formed on her cheeks, so embarrassing! “Hey, why are you here so early?”

“Same to you,” he looked at his watch, “It’s still 15 minutes before we usually meet. You just can’t wait to see me, huh?” He tried acting cute by placing his hands under his face. Why did I come here so early? But she was here before I was! I was so anxious to see her this morning I practically ran out the door. Seeing her waiting here for me made all those worries go away, he thought with a smile that quickly turned into a frown, wait…I’m supposed to hate her, right? Saturday shouldn’t have affected me that much…?

Dara tilted her head, “Are you okay? Woke up on the wrong side of the bed?”

He looked at her, she’s just in her school uniform, but why does she look cuter today? His mind flashed to how she looked on Saturday causing him to blush when he remembered what he told her when they separated. “Yeah, that’s probably it,” he said quietly. Maybe that’s it, that’s why I think she looks different. I just woke up on the wrong side of the bed.

What do I do? It’s so awkward! Thought Dara. “Should we head to school?” she asked trying to move their conversation along.

Jiyong snapped out of it, “Yeah, that sounds good.”

Make him fall in love with me…how? By acting that I might like him? That sounds good, plus it would mask any of these confusing feelings I have now. “Kay, let’s go!” she said enthusiastically. They exited the convenience store and walked towards the school. How do I make it seem like I like him? I mean, I’ve already being acting sweet towards him, but what else can I do? Before she realized it he was already a step ahead of her, her eyes went to his hand. Maybe…?

This is so awkward! What do I do? What should I talk about? I mean, we usually talk about music, but is there something else. Gah, I’ve never really talked to a girl like this! Usually I only talk to them if we’re in the same group for a project or something, thought Jiyong; before he knew it he couldn’t see Dara in his peripheral, Where did she—all of a sudden Jiyong felt warmth in his hand. He looked down to see that Dara had reached out and grabbed his hand. She’s holding my hand! Usually I’m the one who initiates any physical contact, has something changed with her? He felt a blush and smile form on his face, he gripped her hand a little tighter, this isn’t too bad.

Dara felt his hand tighten against hers, she enjoyed the warmth of his hand in hers, this isn’t that bad, in fact…I think I like it, she thought shyly.

The two walked all the way to school in silence while still holding onto each other’s hand. Both just content with the warmth from the other, slowly forgetting all of the nervousness they had before.

In the classroom.

Top and Bom came to visit their classroom during their lunch break. Right when they entered the noise level in the classroom rose. Bom, CL, and Dara quickly formed their own little circle talking about the new song that TVXQ released. Jiyong eyes kept going back to where Dara was even though he was engaged in his own conversation with the Big Bang boys excluding Seungri.

“So,” he heard Top whisper in his hear, “something good must have happened after we went our separate ways on Saturday, neh?”

Jiyong jumped, “What? What are you talking about?” he asked a bit too loudly gaining him the attention of half of the classroom. He looked around then lowered his voice, “nothing happened, and nothing your thinking happened did happen.”

“Uh-huh, come on just tell hyung what you’re hiding,” Top said impatiently.

“Seriously hyung! Nothing happened, why are you so insistent upon the idea that something happened between me and Dara?” asked Jiyong nervously.

“Maybe because I saw you two this morning. You two were in your own world! I even called out to you and you didn’t even flinch, you didn’t hear me, huh?”

“You saw us? You spoke to me?” Jiyong asked in confusion. I don’t even remember that. After we left the convenience store everything became kind of blurry.

“Yeah, and I would have continued, but a friend of me interrupted me,” said Top, did he really not notice? Dara didn’t notice either! Something is definitely up between those two. They didn’t seem that close on the date, at least not compared to this morning. “But whatever, forget about it.”

Jiyong was still confused could only reply with an “okay.”

“So, getting back on topic, you guys are all free today after school?” asked Taeyang trying to get them back to their original conversation.

They all replied affirmatively. “Awesome, because I was able to book a recording session today at the studio. I really want to work on ‘Haru Haru’ with all five of us at the studio,” Taeyang continued.

Jiyong smiled, “Nice,” he said giving Taeyang a high five. Ah, I should invite Dara. “Hey, you guys don’t mind if Dara comes along, do you? I promised her that I’d take her next time we went to the studio.”

Hahaha, that’s right. She wanted to come, thought Taeyang. “I have no problem with that…although Seungri might go a bit crazy over her. Remember when Top first introduced Bom to him?”

The other three shook their head in shame as they remembered. It had been their third year of middle school when Top, who was a first year in high school, introduced them to Bom. Seungri, who was a second year at the time, had practically jumped on her, trying to act all cute and gain her attention. Always being oblivious to when Top and Bom were having a moment together. It has been two years since then and Seungri is still super affectionate towards his "Bom noona".

Aish, I don’t really want to deal with that…especially since this is still a contract relationship…he thought sadly. Why am I feeling sad? Right from the start this was all it was. Her wanting this to make herself look good and getting rid of all the other boys. Don’t tell me…no, I can’t be. He quickly glanced at Dara and felt his heart skip a beat when he saw that she was looking at him too. No, stop, it can’t be. I won’t let it. He turned back to the boys, “Well, it won’t really change things, since he already knows about her. Actually, I’m surprised that he’s not here right now since we talked about it on Saturday.” Jiyong said coolly.

“That’s true,” said Daesung while nodding his head. Hopefully Seungri doesn’t go crazy, but Dara is very pretty. Seungri will still probably act the same or worse when he sees her, oh boy. But, it looks like Dara and Jiyong are going strong, so it should be fine. “I don’t mind her being there, although it might get a bit boring for her,” he laughed.

Jiyong smiled, “Well she wanted to, so whatever. Plus she really enjoys our music. She’s listened to most of it already.

“Wah, really?” Daesung asked in surprised and a little embarrassed.

Top laughed, she’s even really into music. I guess is the match for our Jiyong. Hopefully things will go smoothly for them and that look of utter happiness I saw on his face will stay and never leave. “It’s all good with me if she comes.”

Jiyong smiled, “Cool, I’ll go over and tell her.” Jiyong go up from his seat and walked towards the girls group.

“Mmmm, my boyfriend is way ier than yours!” he heard Bom say when he approached them.

“I disagree! I think Top sunbae is very handsome, but Jiyong is still better!” Jiyong blushed as he heard Dara say this. Her back was towards him so she didn’t even see that he was there. He lightly placed his hands on her shoulders causing her to jump. She looked up at him and immediately blushed. Aigoo, why did he have to appear right when I said that?! “Hey,” she said softly.

“Hey,” he replied just as soft. A small smile crept onto his face before he asked, “are you free today?”

CL raised her eyebrows when she heard Jiyong, maybe he’s already fallen for her…that’ll be good…because at this rate Dara is going to fall soon.

Dara was startled at the question, “yeah,” she said immediately.

“Cool, we’re going to recording studio today after school and since I promised I’d take you, what do you say? Want to go?” he asked.

Omo, I get to hear them live?! A huge smile broke out onto her face, “Yes! I definitely want to go!”

Jiyong smiled at her enthusiasm, “Cool.”

He let go of her shoulders and was about to turn around to walk back to the boys when he heard CL ask, “can I come too?”

Jiyong looked at her in surprised, she wants to come to? How many people can fit in the studio…? Wait, but if Chaerin is there maybe she’ll distract Seungri away from Dara, “Sure, of course you can come,” he stated.

I need to observe those two a bit more, especially when we’re outside of school. Plus I finally get to hear the music Dara keeps raving about, thought CL.

“If you two are going, then I will too,” Bom chimed in. She already loved her new friends and wanted to spend more time with them.

Jiyong, Dara, Daesung, Taeyang, and CL walked over the first year classrooms to find Seungri. When they reached his class, they were greeted by all of his classmates. “We’re looking for Seunghyun, is he here?” asked Daesung.

The nearby girls blushed liked crazy when he asked, “He’s over there,” they all said shyly.

“Thanks,” he replied with his angelic smile causing the group of girls to go into a fit of giggles.

They entered the classroom to see a group of girls surrounding him. Taeyang went up to the group and basically dragged Seungri out. “Hyung, why did you do that? I was in the middle of-” Seungri whined.

“You were in the middle of flirting, and I felt like you coming over here is slightly more important,” replied Taeyang.

Seungri greeted his hyungs before he noticed Dara. His eyes grew when he saw her, “Omo, you’re Dara noona, right?!”

Dara’s eyes widened, Noona? I haven’t even met you before…? “Yes…?” she replied cautiously.

“Whoa! You’re a hundred times prettier than the picture!” All of a sudden he hugged her causing her to blush in surprised.

Why is he hugging me????? She thought frantically.

Jiyong felt anger burn in the pit of his stomach. Even though he was expecting this kind of reaction out of Seungri, he was not expecting this unexplained anger. He placed his hand on Seungri’s shoulder and yanked really hard separating the two, “Get off my girlfriend,” he said harshly. He placed his arm around Dara’s waist and glared at Seungri. The anger I felt is gone…but what was that? Jiyong questioned.




A/N: Hello! Gah, school's starting soon, nooo! TT-TT

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trysusiet #1
Chapter 26: It seems a little extreme to me that they've held grudges for so long for something that happened when they were seven. (I know childhood experiences influence us etc etc )

But still. I'm loving this and I can't wait to read more
Chapter 30: hallo.. it's my 1st time reading it n i like it.. a comment from me 'coz in a way it's too focusing on daragon only.. i mean.. u came up with Sohee n RiRin but u never really put 'em on a real story.. like what happen to Sohee.. what 'bout Seung-chan n CL's relationship..
(i don't expect 4 SpringTempo though 'coz i assume they're juz happen to be there.. i'm quite sure that they already had their own story, hohoho..)

but overall.. i still love it.. i'm an appler anw.. n this is a daragon story.. so yea.. 'till the next FICs^^~
Chapter 30: Loved this!
Chapter 30: Lovely story!! Loved the two of them together... Thank you for writing and sharing it with us. I look forward to reading your other stories as well!
Chapter 30: OMG! OMG! OMG! OMG! OMG! was way too sweet<3 I loved it <3
u are daebak author nim!!\(^o^)/
mihyun84 #6
Chapter 30: charming!!
phEnxx #7
Chapter 30: waaaaaaahhhhhhhh...I'm in love with this story ;-)
rinimae #8
upvoted :)
rinimae #9
Chapter 30: whhaa.. :))) i was smiling widely that my face almost teared apart while reading this... hahaha! i love your story! write more! :*
Chapter 30: Love this story ^^