■ Love...Square ■

Exo and You :) [Not taking requests for now,mianhe!]

infinite_fan20 here it is x)

tough situation xD but worth it :)

Enjoy ^^


"These flowers will be amayixing for Caryl." Lay thought as he picked up the most expensive bouquet for you.

You and Lay had been friends for quite a long time. Lay has had a crush on you since the day you both met. However, you were quite clueless about his feelings and only treated him as your best homie and brother.His lost and innocent character was a charm to attract girls according to you.

"Caryl ah will like this perfume." Chen grinned as he purchased a really authenticating perfume for You.

Chen doesn't share much of a different story then Lay, you have known him from the same period of time as Lay. Chen's trolling and sarcastic was loved by You, however, Chen was completely in love with you.You, same as Lay, didn't have "those" kinda feeling for him and treated him as your most trusted buddy.

Both Lay and Chen themselves share a very weird relationship. They both are claimed to be Gay for eachother because of constant hang outs and whatever ,but in reality both are straight and no one knew about it , not even you. According to you , if they weren't Gay you would have fallen for both of them. They both are bestest of best friends but share a love-hate realtionship with eachother , hate , as they think of eachother as rivals when it comes to You and love , its valid for everything beside you xD.

Today being Valentines Day they decided to confess their feelings for you...individually.

They expected You to say yes either of them or both of them as according to them You don't like anyone....they are wrong.

You have been constantly crushing on the new cutie DO Kyungsoo , his innocent nature , big doe eyes , mesmerizing vocals all have been points of attraction for You.

Lucky enough Kyungsoo too has mushy mushy feelings for You...and today he is also going to keep his heart in front of you.

You and Kyungsoo  were walking out of the cafeteria when you saw ChenLay coming towards You.

"Hi guys.." You said.

"Hi Caryl..hi Kyungsoo sshi." They both said.

"Hey Chen and Lay..." Kyungsoo started..."Can You guys come with me for a sec?" 

"Urm sure." Lay said and followed Kyungsoo with Chen along leaving You clueless.

"Okay guys...I just wanted to say...I am going to confess to Caryl." Kyungsoo said.

Chen and Lay gaped.

"What..I mean...thats great..." Lay said trying to hide hia emotions.

"Urmm...so what you gonna do?" Chen asked.

"Molla...maybe a romantic dinner." Kyungsoo said.

Suddenly Chen smirked..."Alright...whatever we are telling You cook it for her." 

Kyungsoo happily nodded.

"Cook her.....a baby Octopus." Chen said.

Lay tried to protest but git cut off by Chen..."Okay gtg tell us how the date was."

"Thankyou guys I owe You alot." Kyungsoo innocently said.


"Why the hell did you tell him to cook Octopus for her...dont you know...she's allergic to them?" Lay fumed.

"I know and that is why I asked him to cook that for her." Chen said smirking evilly.

"What..." Lay cluelessly asked.

"Silly...this way thier date will get ruined and Kyungsoo's chances will go down the lane then...she will hae to choose betweem the two of us." Chen explained. "And remember the other one will be fine with it."

Lay made an 'O' face as he remembered he deal. And smirked.


Later that evening-

*Okay I have asked her to come for dinner..hope she likes it today.* Kyungsoo thought.

You finally arrived at the venue. Everything was dark. Suddenly the lights went on and You were greeted by Kyungsoo. 

It was an empty hall with a mini round table placed in the middle decorated with flowers and balloons scattered all over the floor.

"So nice to see you...have a seat." Kyungsoo offered You the seat and You gladly accepted it.

After being seated Kyungsoo went infront of You and sang You 'Peter Pan.'

You were hypnotized by his vocals.

"I'll get the dinner." Kyungsoo said and ran somewhere.

*Is this a dream?* You thought.

Kyungsoo came with a dish "Tada..." he said placing the perfectly cooked Octopus in front of You.

Your smile turned into a frown.

"Are we eating this?" You askee slightly irritated. Seeing Octopus boils your blood...being allergic to them makes You dislike them to the core.

"Yes ofcourse, why?" Kyungsoo asked clueless.

"Can I have something else ai dont kinda like Octopus." You said.

"But try atleast." Kyungsoo insisted.

You refused and unintentionally a huge conflict took place between you two in which You ended up leaving the premises without giving Kyungsoo a proper explenation.

As you went home You saw ChenLay there.You weren't into knowing the reason for their presence in your house for now as You ran into your room crying.

Both were shocked and eventually followed you.

At first You refused to blabber up but alas told them everything. Seeing you like this made them feel guilty and so they told You the truth. It broke you down more first your crush misunderstands you and now your friends decieve you.

"I can't forgive you two..go away." You said crying harder.

Both of them left You alone.

They both went to Kyungsoo's house only to be greeted by an angry Kyungsoo.

"What is it?" Kyungsoo asked coldly.

Without saying anything they took himto your house despite of him protesting to the fullest.

After knocking for like forever You finally opened the door, your eyes were puffy and your nose was red due to continuous crying.

"Wae?" You asked.

"Caryl give us a chance to repent our selfishness." Lay said.

He and Chen then dragged Kyungsoo to your living room as you only stared at them.

They then explained him everything and he was about to punch them when he saw You at the back directing not to do that.

They both then went on their knees and said "Kyungsoo sshi will make our bestfriend your girlfriend?" 

You were touched by their efforts. Kyungsoo too was surprised.

Kyungsoo looked at them and then at you and back to them and said.."Only if You apologize to her."

They stood up and went to You "Caryl ah will you forgive us?" they both asked. You nodded and hugged them.

Kyungsoo then approached You and took out a ring.

"Caryl...will you be the Wendy for this Peter Pan?" He asked.

"Ofcourse I will be!" You said hugging him.

He then broke the hug and kissed you....

"I love you." He said.

"I love you too."

Chen and Lay stared at the couple in aw.

"Its true life is full of sacrifices." Chen sighed.

"But I am happy." Lay said.

"Yeah as long as she is happy so am I." Chen agreed.

With that both of them left the now couple alone.


Heylo :3

Sorry for typos and errors T.T

its 3:45 am and I am damn sleepy.

This was only what I could think of miahne...


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Chapter 3: Lets go make lots of Ace siblings Kris! ^.^
Chapter 2: Awwwww....Joonmyun. :"(
Chapter 44: Heyy sorry ai havent been around for a long time. Thanks!! Aww this story is really cute. Well madpeople is here xD
Chapter 47: I forgot that I requested hahahahaha but thank you :)
Hi there, author-nim ^-^ I'd like to request an one-shot, please~ *-*
1) Jang JiHye
2) Sehun <3
3) Noona relationship / a bit angsty and fluffy ^^ / Sehun and JiHye go to amusement park, she gots hurt and he takes her home to treat her injury
4) Samjaexo4D :)
Chapter 39: omgosh this is super cute!!! heheh xD Loved it! Thank you so much!^^
Hi! Are you still taking requests? If you are, here's mine ;D

1. Hye Na

2. Sehun

3. Sehun finds Hye Na crying on a bench and he comforts her.

4. Um........Whoever wants to! :D
PikaPanda7 #8
hey! ^^
I really love your fanfics and I'd be honored if you'd make one for me >w<

1) Sayuri (I know it's japanese but that's what I go by lol xD)
2) D.O <3
3) just something cute, I love fluff
author doesn't matter, I know you two are great! :3

thanks so much in advance!
Nikkimira04 #10
Chapter 32: Can you lay's fanfic??

Samjaexo4D , can u do it?