My Chef

Exo and You :) [Not taking requests for now,mianhe!]

aegyojing here it is~

Sorry for slow update



"Hey Jiyoung..whats up?" Chanyeol asked.

"Nothing.." you turned your gaze towards the window next to your seat.

But in reality there indeed was something bothering you and school wasn't helping you relax your perplexed mind and anxious heart.Sulking on the bench you gazed outside the window and stared at a couple of boys playing soccer.

"I know something's up tell oppa.." Chanyeol,one of your close friend,asked.

"Nothing really.." You said.

"I won't share my lunch with you if you don't tell what happened.."Chanyeol threatened.

You sighed in defeat,mentioning of food just conjured up a couple of incidents in your mind,"Its Jongin.."

"Jongin? What did he do?" Chanyeol asked.

"I don't know.."you lowly mumbled.

"Eh?" Chanyeol scratched his head.

"I think he likes someone else..." you sighed.

"What? Do you suspect someone?" Chanyeol asked.

You nodded,"Kyungsoo..."

Chanyeol was baffled.


"Wow hyung! your cooking is jjang!" Jongin shouted.

"Aah...nothing as such Jongin.." Kyungsoo spoke,slightly embarrassed.

"No like really! Your cooking feels effortless! Unlike..Jiyoung's.." Jongin whispered the last part.

You raised a brow but didn't say anything.

"Why so?"Kyungsoo innocently asked,while you silently ate.

"She isn't a really nice cook.." Jongin admitted bluntly.

You were bewildered with the bluntness your boyfriend expressed but kept on eating.

"Neither are you." Kyungsoo chuckled,earning a snicker from you.

"I know...but she should atleast know the basics right?" Jongin spoke.

"So...she does know how to cook ramen,right Jiyoung?"Kyungsoo looked at you.

You gave a small nod.

"None the can never be as good as yours." now Jongin was being extra loud and indubitably obnoxious.

Kyungsoo chuckled at the compliment,"Pabo.."

"Jiyoungie...learn something from Kyungsoo hyung!" Jongin snickered.

That was the last straw for you,"That does it Kim Jongin." you just walked out from there.

He was well aware that cooking wasn't what you were best at,infact you weren't even good at it but still everyday you made an attempt to please him with you cooking in return of,not compliments,but appriciation for making efforts.But no,your straightforward boyfriend did nothing but compare you with someone who could be called a porfessional chef.

End of flashback~

"You know Jongin himself isn't good at cooking.." you said.

"Yeah his cooking is worst than yours.." Chanyeol said.

"I know.." you shamelessly admitted,"And still he taunts me."

"But what does Kyungsoo have to do with it?" Chanyeol asked.

"He constantly talks about that squishy guy's cooking first his low self esteem about cooking made me worry about him but then it turned into taunting my skills..which is beyond weird.And lately he has been spending so much time with Kyungsoo." you admitted.

"At first it was only cooking then later it was about cleanliness and discipline..okay I admit I'm kinda lazy and all but still..its getting beyond limits."  your outburst left Chayeol aghasted.

"So...?" Chanyeol finally asked.

"I think he is too biased with that guy...Kyungsoo this Kyungsoo that."you said,"He goddamn himself doesn't know how to cook and then he tells me I can't cook!? For heavens sake! If you even if you try to chew the food he cooks it will take you years to make it swallowable!" you stood up and walked out of the class.

Just after you walked out,Jongin came in.

"J..Jongin..whats up?" Chanyeol asked.

Jongin sighed,"I heard what she said...I just...wanted to motivate her to cook..because out of two of us neophytes she is better but lazy." 

"Thats an enlightening way of motivating her Jongin?" Chanyeol mocked.

Jongin sighed again and sat where previously you were sitting,"I know but she is quite lazy to cook and compared to the two of us she is better.."

"She is not lazy you're lazy to try Jongin.." Chanyeol said.

Jongin looked at him confused.

"I have a plan to cheer her up." Chanyeol smirked,"But before that..lemme ask you something."


"Are you gay?" 



Meanwhile on your way down the school gate when you bumped into Chen whose lip area was covered with chocolate.

"Sorry.." you muttered.

"Hey..go check the cake Kyungsoo brought its daebak!" with that Chen went off his fingers.

Hearing Kyungsoo's name as of now pissed you,sure he is a nice person and all but hearing his name constantly from your boyfriend just made you...jealous(?)

You quickly stormed off to where he was,when you saw crowd gathered around swing area you were sure it was him and his tastey cake.Quickening your pace,you walked up to him.

"Kyungsoo..." you gritted your teeth.


Before he could complete his sentence you took the cake from him and smashed it on his face leaving everyone flabbergasted.

"You know what you can jolly well keep your Jongin to yourself and marry him!" the jealousy in you made you shout so.

"J..Jongin?" Kyungsoo muttered.

"Yeah!" you shouted before stomping on his feet and grumpily walking away.


Few days later~

Today you completed the 17th year of yours on this planet and you should be super excited but to much of your dismay,you were no where near happy.After the smashing-cake-on-Kyungsoo's-face incident,you isolated yourself and ignored the constant ringing of your phone.

You were lazing on the couch when yet again your phone started ringing and not surprisingly it was Jongin.

"Aish!" you took your phone and switched it off.

Half the day passed you lazing around and kinda sulking with your parents being oblivious about your mood.The evening strived and you got out of your room with your mom shouting your name.

"What omma?" you asked.

"Don't you want to go out wih your friends to celebrate?" she asked.

"Not today.." you muttered.

"Why? And..Jongin called..why aren't you picking his calls?" your mom asked.

"Well...I felt like spending time with you guys.." you answered a little unsurely,sure you loved them but come on its your birthday you should be out with your friends not sulking at home,"As of Jongin..I..didn't receive his calls." you lied.

"Well lets say you wanted to spend time your room today?" your appa mocked.

"Appa.." you eyed him playfully.

"If you want to be with us then get ready,we are going out for dinner." your omma said.

"Argh..can't we have it at home?" you whined.

"We have it everyday.." your appa said.

You pouted a little before making your way upstairs.

After few minutes you finally got down.You attired yourself in something that was more of comfortable than flashy,you wore a pink tank top with a black half jacket over it and black skinny jeans complimented with your ever favourite converse.

"Could have worn something more party type.." your omma said.

"No." you said and made your way to the car.

"So..where are we going?" you asked.

"We are going to McDonalds.." your appa told.

"Are you planning to gift me happy meal?" you sarcastically said.

"Maybe!" your omma said.

You rolled your eyes in annoyence.

Soon you reached your destination and realized it was the same McDonalds where you and Jongin had came on your first date.A wave of nostalgia made your legs wobbly as you tried getting out of the car.

"Palli!" your omma said.

You got out of the car reluctantly and walked behind your parents.As you walked in one of the waiters welcomed you three and guided you to a seating area which happened to be one of those special lounges.To your bewilderment the area was quite dark and felt...crowded.The moment the waiter switched the lights on you were left in state of shock as all your mates shouted.


Out of all came Jongin with a chocolate cake,which happens to be your favourite flavor,in his hand.He carefully walked near you as your parents went and joined the crowd after giving you peck on both the cheeks.He came upto you and pecked your nose.

"Happy Birthday jagi.." he whispered.

You were too baffled to answer.

He then placed the cake on the nearest table and gestured everyone to come near as he softly pulled you to him and handed you a knife while back hugging and gesturing you to cut the cake.You simply followed his instructions as he placed his hand above yours and both od you cut the cake.Everyone hooted and whistled.

"Wow looks more like anniversary celebration.."Chanyeol whispered.

"Well..she is indeed too baffled to do anything." Kyungsoo chuckled clapping along everyone.

"Jong..Jongin.." Jongin placed a finger on your lips.

"Ssh..just taste the cake.." you could feel the nervousness in his voice.

"Uncle..Aunty I hope you don't mind if your daughter first tries the cake.." Jongin told as he quickly took a small piece and shoved it in your mouth.

"We are on diet anyways.." your omma mumbled.

"..prepared by me.." Jongin finished his statement.

Your eyes widened.Of all the people Jongin prepared the cake? And what was more shocking was that it tasted marvellous.

" it?"you finally asked,baffled.

"I know the presetation isn't so pretty and I feel its burnt at certain parts and it might not be very sweet but trust me more than anything what completes the cake is the love with which I have prepared it." Jongin spoke in haste.

You chuckled at how adorable he was defending his cake.You instantly kissed him on his lips leaving some chunks and little icing on his lips.

"Taste it yourself." you smiled.

Jongin blushed madly while the icing.Everyone made 'oooooo' noise while you too blushed hard.

"Hey! its not that bad!" Jongin chimed.

You chuckled,"Its the sweetest cake I ever had.." 

"Really? But I only added few table spoons of sugar."Jongin scratched his head.

You cackled and hugged him before turning to Kyungsoo.

"Kyungsoo so sorry.." you said.

Kyungsoo smiled,"Its the way how do you find my teaching skills?" 

"Daebak!" you smiled.

Everyone started indulging in their own activities while you just wandered around.Suddenly Jongin came and back hugged you.

"Oppa~" you cooed.

"Yo." Jongin placed his head upon your shoulder.

"I have decided something."you said.


You turned and placed your hands around his neck,"Once married,you will be incharge of cooking."

Jongin chuckled,"Anything for you babe."

"I love you.." you placed your head on his chest.

"I love you too.." Jongin pecked your head,"Ah one more thing.."


"I am not gay!"



Okay...what did I just write? -_-

I am sorry if it was bad ><

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Chapter 3: Lets go make lots of Ace siblings Kris! ^.^
Chapter 2: Awwwww....Joonmyun. :"(
Chapter 44: Heyy sorry ai havent been around for a long time. Thanks!! Aww this story is really cute. Well madpeople is here xD
Chapter 47: I forgot that I requested hahahahaha but thank you :)
Hi there, author-nim ^-^ I'd like to request an one-shot, please~ *-*
1) Jang JiHye
2) Sehun <3
3) Noona relationship / a bit angsty and fluffy ^^ / Sehun and JiHye go to amusement park, she gots hurt and he takes her home to treat her injury
4) Samjaexo4D :)
Chapter 39: omgosh this is super cute!!! heheh xD Loved it! Thank you so much!^^
Hi! Are you still taking requests? If you are, here's mine ;D

1. Hye Na

2. Sehun

3. Sehun finds Hye Na crying on a bench and he comforts her.

4. Um........Whoever wants to! :D
PikaPanda7 #8
hey! ^^
I really love your fanfics and I'd be honored if you'd make one for me >w<

1) Sayuri (I know it's japanese but that's what I go by lol xD)
2) D.O <3
3) just something cute, I love fluff
author doesn't matter, I know you two are great! :3

thanks so much in advance!
Nikkimira04 #10
Chapter 32: Can you lay's fanfic??

Samjaexo4D , can u do it?