Reincarnation of Us...♡

Exo and You :) [Not taking requests for now,mianhe!]

NicoleMoua this is for you~

sorry for the delay T.T

enjoy~ :)


His POV-

I sat on the chair placed next to the study table and examined the picture infront of me.

"Nicole.." I breathed.

To you all it might sound filmy ,dramatic and stupid, but for me its reality. I do remember some of my past life instanses and most importantly I remember her...Nicole...the love of my life.

I do get a migraine whenever I try to remember my past life but its worth it as I could see faded memories of us being together.

Till today all I revised  is that ,Nicole, spouse of my past life ,and I had made a promise in our previous life that we both will ne together through all our births. I also got to know that we both were ,to much of our dismay, separated from eachother due to some strange reasons which I can't tend to remember.

But now I have realised what is the aim of my life, it is-to find my spouse, Nicole.

I, honestly, didn't expect destiny to support me in this mission, guess I was wrong. Few days ago I spotted a woman who absolutely looked like Nicole. At first I couldn't believe it but after I looked at her once again and clearly, sure it was her. And to clear my doubts, a person, probably her friend called her.

"Nicole ah.."

That was it...I quickly took out my phone and sneakily took some snaps of her before one of my friends called me.

"Kyungsoo ah."

Now all I have to do is approach her, pursue her and make her remember who I am. I know its strange...this is the reality I have to live with , everyday.


Your POV-

So now here I am standing infront of huge mirror with my supposed wedding dress on.

Yes, I am getting married. To whom? My very own bestfriend, Kai.

Okay I admit that guy has everything that a woman would want, but honestly I dont feel attached to him in THAT way. He is just friend.

I feel like my life partner is someone else. Someone who I have know since forever...but who....?

Few days back I went for shopping when suddenly I heard some guy shouting

"Kyungsoo ah."

Kyungsoo...why does this name sound so familiar? I dont know any Kyungsoo as far as I know, but...this name is...I am definitely familiar to this name...I feel like I have long lost connections with this name.

I ly to find no one behind me.

*Kyungsoo? Who are you?*

"Hey.." I was snapped back into reality by Kai.

"Hi.." I shortly replied.

"What were you thinking?" he asked.

"Nothing." dont wanna bother him.

"Can I ask you something?" He asked.

My heart raced "What?"

"Are you....happy with this marriage." he looked deep into my eyes.

I felt really weird deep inside, honestly no, but..."Yes..why?"

"No just wanted to know." he simply said.

"I'll be back." with that I excused myself.

Kai's POV-

*I know Nicole ah, your not happy with this marriage. i know it very well...I wonder who is the guy who took your heart...but if uniting you with your mysterious lover is the key to your happiness, I will help you find him. No matter how much it hurts.* Kai thought as he stared at your back.

His POV-

I made myself to work in order to get more information about her. And lucky enough I got plenty of information about her family, society, schooling and current happenings, unfortunately all the news weren't really good.

I got to know she is getting married to some Kai guy, who is claimed to be her bestfriend.And I am not happy about it.

Does she really not remember me? How come she forgot her promise? But no matter what I will make her remember me..even if I have to mess up  her wedding.

Kai's POV-

Today is quite a strange day...a guy named Kyungsoo visited me in my office.

"Yes?" I asked.

"Kai sshi.." he started.

"Thats me."

"Can have a word with you.." 

"Urm..can you wait for sometime? I have some clients visiting me any moment."

"Okay.." with that I saw him leaving my cabin and heading towards the reception.


My clients made an exit from the office and I headed towards this Kyungsoo guy.

Hmm..Kyungsoo...I have heard this name somewhere..if only I remember where...thats right! I heard Nicole murmur this name someimes in strange.

"Yes Mr.Kyungsoo, now we can talk." I smiled.

He looked at me and said "Can we go to the café?" 

I nodded and soon we were seated infront of eachother in an iscolated coffee shop.

"Kai sshi I am here to talk about Nicole sshi." He said.

I froze * does he...know her!?*

"What is it?" I asked him.

He explained me about his various incidents and psycological events errupting his mind and said about the reincarnation thing.

Frankly I found  his story stupid..but seein the seriousness and determination made me think twice.

"So what do you expect me to do?" I asked.

"Cancel the wedding." he said.

I felt a ting in my heart...but somewhere I knew I had to give upon Nicole some day..but...what if he is a fraud?

"I dont trust you enough to break my marriage with her." I said crossing my arms.

He sat there silent....and finally said "Bring me to her."

As per his instructions I took him to Nicole but made sure he kept proper distance from her.

Your POV-

As the days of my marriage are nearing I feel more anxious and feel like quitting.

I dont want to hurt anyones feelings...but what about my own feelings?

I certainly don't love Kai and I have a bad feeling about our marriage.

Suddenly Kai came in my room.

"Nicole ah." Kai called.


"There is someoone who wants to talk to you." Kai said and a guy who was standing behind Kai now stood infront.

The moment I saw my world stopped, this face...its so familiar...

I started walking towards the man...slowly slowly the missing pieces of puzzle started taking proper places.

I got a strong feeling that this guy in front me shares a deep relation with me...the nearer I went the stronger the feeling grew.

Suddenly I felt a wave of memories flowing in my mind and....I saw how we both met and fell in love in our....previous births.

In no time I was standing infront of the guy unknowingly I bluttered "Kyungsoo oppa.."

"Nicole ah.." 

That voice..its no time I remembered the promise we made to eachother in our previous be forever together.

Although it was pure coincidence that we had the same names as our past lives or maybe not.

He hugged me and I gladly hugged him back.

"You have no idea how much I...missed your existence." he said cupping my face.

"Even I felt so empty without you..." I said.

He kissed me pouring all his love at once I had to kiss him back , after all he my other half.

I saw Kai standing at the edge of the room...I went to him.

"Thankyou Kai oppa..." I said.

He chuckled "Anything for my best friend." 

He went to Kyungsoo "Take care of her..she is the most precious person to me." 

I ran to Kai and hugged him.

He laughed and gave me a long bear hug.

"Oh yea..I'll cancel our wedding...dont worry." He winked  before leaving me with Kyungsoo.



Yes I am getting married...and this time I am extremely happy because I'm marrying the guy who I have unknowingly always waited for...

D.O. Kyungsoo~ ♥♥




Sorry for the nonsense above...

I am not really a fantasy writer T.T

Please dont forget to subscribe :3




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Chapter 3: Lets go make lots of Ace siblings Kris! ^.^
Chapter 2: Awwwww....Joonmyun. :"(
Chapter 44: Heyy sorry ai havent been around for a long time. Thanks!! Aww this story is really cute. Well madpeople is here xD
Chapter 47: I forgot that I requested hahahahaha but thank you :)
Hi there, author-nim ^-^ I'd like to request an one-shot, please~ *-*
1) Jang JiHye
2) Sehun <3
3) Noona relationship / a bit angsty and fluffy ^^ / Sehun and JiHye go to amusement park, she gots hurt and he takes her home to treat her injury
4) Samjaexo4D :)
Chapter 39: omgosh this is super cute!!! heheh xD Loved it! Thank you so much!^^
Hi! Are you still taking requests? If you are, here's mine ;D

1. Hye Na

2. Sehun

3. Sehun finds Hye Na crying on a bench and he comforts her.

4. Um........Whoever wants to! :D
PikaPanda7 #8
hey! ^^
I really love your fanfics and I'd be honored if you'd make one for me >w<

1) Sayuri (I know it's japanese but that's what I go by lol xD)
2) D.O <3
3) just something cute, I love fluff
author doesn't matter, I know you two are great! :3

thanks so much in advance!
Nikkimira04 #10
Chapter 32: Can you lay's fanfic??

Samjaexo4D , can u do it?