Three Mistakes of My life

Exo and You :) [Not taking requests for now,mianhe!]

Namstar20 this is for you~

so sorry for the delay T_T



His POV-

I saw her walking hand in hand with the guy who I specify as my bestfriend.

She, who I had liked since God knows when, was now my best friend's property.

"Nikki ah.." I whispered "Saranghae.."

Obviously it was inaudible to her.

I realised what a big coward I am, I have no rights to get upset as I was the reason why she moved on to my bestfriend.

It was not long time when one of my friends told me that she has a crush on ma and is soon gonna ask me out and it was enough for me to be on the seventh heaven.

However, I had never shown her my feelings for her,so, she was clueless.

That was my FIRST mistake.

To check the fact, that she was going to ask me out, I asked her to accompany me to the fair that was being held at that time.Ofcourse, she gladly accepted it. 

How I wish she didn't.

In the fair, everything was going smoothly until HE came.

"Omo...Kai ah....." he bumped into me.

"Huh? Omo..Luhan hyung!" I was surprised and happy. "What are you doing here?"

"I came as exchange student." he beamed.

"Waah chincha! daebakkk." I grinned.

"Uhm..oppa..." Nikki said.

"Oh yeah! Luhan hyung this is Nikki, my really good friend and Nikki ah he is Luhan, my best friend." I introduced.

That was my SECOND mistake.

I saw her cheeks becoming red when Luhan shook hands with her. It was a warning for me, which I ignored.

I got to know Luhan was coming to our school which made me extremely happy, but, I think there was someone even more happier then me on Luhan's arrival.

"When is Luhan sshi joining?" Nikki asked.

I was surprised at her question but what I was more surprised was at her reaction to my answer. "Today..."

"Wowiie thats daebakk." she exclaimed.

*Why is ir daebak for her?*

"He really is awesome! I mean we talked at the fair when you went to buy ice cream and we actually have alot of common interests." she said. Damn did I really have to go to buy that ice cream.

"Hi Kai ah...hi Nikki sshi." Luhan came.

"Hi hyung." I smiled.

"Omo hiiii Luhan sshi." Nikki beamed.

Okay thats weird.

"Haha Nikki sshi call me Luhan oppa." Luhan corrected.

*Oppa! What so soon!* my mind was exploding.

Her cheeks were red "Luhan..oppa." she shyly said.

Luhan chuckled and pinched her cheeks *what the-*

And then onwards Luhan started hanging out with us...more like Nikki.

Its not like I was non existing or something but still.

I still wasn't able to ask her out, how could I when she spent most of her time with Luhan.

Few days later she came to me...

"Hi oppa." she waved.

"Hi Nikki." I smiled.

"I gotta tell you something." she started.

That was it, now she is gonna ask me out...or so I thought.

" oppa." she admitted.

The moment I heard Luhan's name escape her lips, my heart shattered.

"Oh..." was all I could say.

Okay, the situtation hasn't yet worsened, she likes Luhan maybe he doesn't.

But soon my doubts were cleared and the conclusion wasn't very good.

"Kai ah...I really like Nikki." Luhan beamed.

*That was it! She is my girl I liked her first, I have known her for a longer duration, she has liked me for quite long just like I did. I saw her first! Stay away from MY girl!* I wanted to say all this on his face but all I said was...

"Go ahead ask her out.." 

I knew this was my THIRD mistake. I let her go. My cowardness snatched my love away from me.

And today I see them walking hand in hand, smiling at eachother.

All I could do is stand far away and say

"Nikki ah..saranghae."


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Chapter 3: Lets go make lots of Ace siblings Kris! ^.^
Chapter 2: Awwwww....Joonmyun. :"(
Chapter 44: Heyy sorry ai havent been around for a long time. Thanks!! Aww this story is really cute. Well madpeople is here xD
Chapter 47: I forgot that I requested hahahahaha but thank you :)
Hi there, author-nim ^-^ I'd like to request an one-shot, please~ *-*
1) Jang JiHye
2) Sehun <3
3) Noona relationship / a bit angsty and fluffy ^^ / Sehun and JiHye go to amusement park, she gots hurt and he takes her home to treat her injury
4) Samjaexo4D :)
Chapter 39: omgosh this is super cute!!! heheh xD Loved it! Thank you so much!^^
Hi! Are you still taking requests? If you are, here's mine ;D

1. Hye Na

2. Sehun

3. Sehun finds Hye Na crying on a bench and he comforts her.

4. Um........Whoever wants to! :D
PikaPanda7 #8
hey! ^^
I really love your fanfics and I'd be honored if you'd make one for me >w<

1) Sayuri (I know it's japanese but that's what I go by lol xD)
2) D.O <3
3) just something cute, I love fluff
author doesn't matter, I know you two are great! :3

thanks so much in advance!
Nikkimira04 #10
Chapter 32: Can you lay's fanfic??

Samjaexo4D , can u do it?