I love you ♥

Exo and You :) [Not taking requests for now,mianhe!]

Here you go TokkiBaby ^^

Hope you like it :)


You sighed as you stepped out of the school.

*Gotta be the worst day of my life* You thought as you started walking towards your home.

Suddenly as bicycle passing by accidentally splashed the muddy water on You.

"Yaaaaaaah!!" You screamed and started running after the culprit but realised he was too fast so gave up.

*Yep undoubtably worst day.* You thought fighting your tears.


As you entered your house you were greeted by Chen.

"Jagiya~ you ba...woah what happened to you?" He asked with concern.

"Why can't you see Chen?" You shouted at him and stormed off to your room.

*Aigooo Jagiya is really upset. Something bad must have happened.* Chen thought worries were eating him by now.

Chen was dragged back into reality when he heard you shouting.

"KIM JONGDAE!!!!" You came storming down and glaring at your boyfriend.

Chen flinched back...."Y..ye..yea..jagi-" 

"Dont Jagi me just tell me where did you hide ky pads." You threatened.

He nodded and went to the kitchen opened the fridge and took out pack of pads.

Period cramps were killing You but your anger was controlling you. You snatched the pack from him and went to the bathroom.

Chen sighed. *Something really bad has happened...maybe I should cook something for her!*  Chen grinned at his idea.

He went to the kitchen and started preparing your favourite dish. He knew you wont come down soon , sograbbing the opportunity he decorated the table with candles and flowers. 

After setting up everything he went upstairs. He saw you weren't there in your room....he switched the lights off and waited for you to come from the bathroom.

Once you came out everything was dark.

"What the-" Suddenly Chen passionately kissed You. At first You were shocked but eventually went with the flow.

He went to your back switching the lights on along and hugged you from your back..."Lets go to the bed Raewon-ah." he said sweetly. You were too mesmerized to protest.

All the way till the bed he kept you attached to him.

Once you reached at the edge he said "sit now." 

You obedietnly sat on the edge of the bed. He went on his knees and sat in front of you and cupped your face.

"Now tell your boyfriend whats bothering you?" He said with concern and love in his 

"Nothing." You tried to hide your sorrows.

"I have known you for quite along time, dont take me  as a fool who wont understand when my girlfriend is upset and when she is not."He said.

"Fine...I had a bad day today...very bad day..." You said trying to fight your tears.

"Why? what happened?" Chen asked.

"I lost my *hick* physics project *hick* for which *hick* I woke up *hick* the entire night *hick* and teacher *hick* scolded me *hick* infront of eveyone." by now You bursted into tears.

Chen hugged you tightly and said sweet nothings to calm you down.

"Shh...its okay jagi..." He said softly.

He broked the hug and kissed away your tears.

"Baby dont cry..."

"B..ut..my proj..ject.." You stuttred.

"No worries SuperChen is here to the rescue :D" He grinned.

"Huh?" You asked confused.

"I mean I will help you do your project." Chen offered.

"Oh no no Physics is not your cup of tea....dont fall into unneccesary troubles...I'll do it on my own." You refused his offer.

"No you wont.....I am sure its time consuming and you really need rest....so what if Physics isn't my cup of tea..dont worry about my inconvinience....I will help you in whatever way I can." he said.

Before you could protest further he kissed you.

"Now no more arguments I will help you and thats final." Chen commanded.

You nodded and hugged him..."Thankyou baby I can never get a better guy than you."

Chen chuckled and said..."I know you cant...anyways a little suprise for you..." 

He took your hand and you both stood up. You stared at him cluelessly.

Chen then blind folded you and took you down to the kitchen.

"What you doing Ba-"

"Now open." Chen cut you off.

You were surprised that in auch short time he transformed your ordinary dining area into classy dining room.

The table was perfectly decorated and soft drinks in expensive glass were complimenting it.

"Take a seat babe." He helped you sit down.

*He is a true gentrollmen* You giggled at the thought as you saw him bringing you favourite dish exclusivly prepared by him.

"Now before we start our dinner...this is for my princess,Raewon." He said.

He cleared his throat and started singing 'Angel'

You were touched by his voice but moreover his efforts to make you smile.

After he finished singing you stood , went to him and kissed him.

"I love you..." You said.

"I love you more.....now we should eat...need energy to tolerate physics." 

You both laughed and seated for dinner.


After the dinner ended Chen carried You to your room and seated you on the bed.

He got all the requirments for project and you both started working on the project.

Once everything was over you both cleared the mess and set up everything for tomorrow

He gave you some pain killers and a bear hug for your period cramps and both of you went to bed.

You had your head on Chen's lap as he sang 'Baby' for you.

You smiled as the song ended and got up. Surprised Chen asked...

"What happened?" 

You leaned and kissed him passionately and said..."Thankyou."

"For.." he asked confused.

"For coming into my life...my angel." You smiled.

Chen blushed and pecked you. "Lets sleep..."

You nodded and laid down along with him, you cuddled in his chest.

"I love you Chen-ah." You said.

"I love you more,Raewon-ah." He said.

And you both drifted off to your dreamlands.




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Chapter 3: Lets go make lots of Ace siblings Kris! ^.^
Chapter 2: Awwwww....Joonmyun. :"(
Chapter 44: Heyy sorry ai havent been around for a long time. Thanks!! Aww this story is really cute. Well madpeople is here xD
Chapter 47: I forgot that I requested hahahahaha but thank you :)
Hi there, author-nim ^-^ I'd like to request an one-shot, please~ *-*
1) Jang JiHye
2) Sehun <3
3) Noona relationship / a bit angsty and fluffy ^^ / Sehun and JiHye go to amusement park, she gots hurt and he takes her home to treat her injury
4) Samjaexo4D :)
Chapter 39: omgosh this is super cute!!! heheh xD Loved it! Thank you so much!^^
Hi! Are you still taking requests? If you are, here's mine ;D

1. Hye Na

2. Sehun

3. Sehun finds Hye Na crying on a bench and he comforts her.

4. Um........Whoever wants to! :D
PikaPanda7 #8
hey! ^^
I really love your fanfics and I'd be honored if you'd make one for me >w<

1) Sayuri (I know it's japanese but that's what I go by lol xD)
2) D.O <3
3) just something cute, I love fluff
author doesn't matter, I know you two are great! :3

thanks so much in advance!
Nikkimira04 #10
Chapter 32: Can you lay's fanfic??

Samjaexo4D , can u do it?